Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 532 Gray Ruins Dragon Society

The leader of the cult - the past leader stepped forward to ask. Even the cultists dared to swear to heaven at this point that their leader had never shown any unfriendly behavior, even though these two uninvited guests were stinky. Suddenly appeared in his living room with a serious face.

With at least twenty people lying on the ground.

Not to mention that in the circle of cultists, whose values โ€‹โ€‹are "not the same" as those of the public, even among decent people, the leader can be considered tolerant. However, after he asked... the female cultist still She remembers clearly that as a faint dragon roar sounded in the manor, her eyes suddenly went dark. When she opened her eyes again, the leader...

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐•ฅ๐•จ๐•œ๐•’๐•Ÿ.๐•”๐• ๐•ž]

He can only lead his own life.

And even this situation did not last for a few seconds. In the blink of an eye, their leader's entire body turned into a pool of blood, and all the hard substances that made up his body disappeared. Before anyone could react, By that time, they had already launched a bloody massacre against everyone in the entire manor.

Their cult dissipated before the night of carnival was over, and in the end there were only fourteen people left - only a few of them were survivors of the massacre, like her; while most were Fortunately, he did not attend the banquet due to various reasons, such as Suholu.

When they were gathered by the messenger, they were all frightened. Only one of them, who was blind, was ready to resist, but was immediately dissolved into a puddle. The rest had no choice but to surrender. Then, they wrote a letter to Gulen. letter, and then secretly walked this trail.

According to what the two messengers said when they occasionally "preached", they were a larger organization than the duo, and everyone within them was a good player. As long as two people teamed up, they could easily destroy an entire cult group. Such a combination recently appeared in From all over the city-state alliance, all the groups that the official could not find any clues on weekdays gathered together and headed towards the dreamland.

The Grazite Order is just the most ungrateful group of these unlucky guys. Because they have had the experience of sneaking into the fantasy land before, they were used as pawns.

"Compared with this group of heretics, those mortals who believe in the hypocritical 'righteous god' all look so cute," the female believer spat quietly, "It's really unimaginable. Everyone obviously believes in the abyss, so why can they? โ€”โ€”โ€

"Hush - be silent," Suholu quickly stopped her from venting her emotions, "There are also gaps between beliefs. We also believe in the 'gods' in the endless abyss. According to the order of the Orthodox Church, the Fungus Queen The church members under our command will be punished slightly less than us, and we are a little weaker than the priests of Baphomet... and all of us put together, the sin will probably not be greater than theirs. "

"After all, they are members of 'that' organization!"

"What 'this' and 'that'," the female cultist snorted, seeming to have given up resisting, but still muttered in a low voice with a gloomy expression unwillingly, "The Gray Ruins Dragon Guild has such a name, right?" Right? What kind of taboo has this become?โ€

"I really don't understand why a group of guys who worship evil spirits and twisted flesh and blood give themselves such a bluffing name as 'The Dragon Society' - are there dragons in the abyss? Shouldn't we go to Avna to find the dragon? Itโ€™s better to look for Tiamat!โ€

"That's the Dragon Witch Cult, madam..." Suholu just opened his mouth, but he felt as if he was hit head-on by an eight-level strong wind. He lost consciousness on half of his body and flew backwards, falling into a In the muddy beach. There seemed to be something hard hidden underneath, causing a sharp pain in his back.

However, this was nothing compared to what he saw. Suholu struggled to get up and rushed towards the side where he was standing: "No! Lord Messenger! No! She didn't mean it -"

"Stop, or she will die."

The bald head covered with a black dragon tattoo appeared beside the female cultist at this moment, as if he had been standing here all along. He raised an arm, and at the end of the muscles that were not as knotted as a normal person, his big vise-like hand penetrated the black mist outside the robe, and tightly strangled the female cultist's throat. As long as he used a little force, the other party would be She will immediately have the same right to choose one of the two as her former leader:

Either keep the head, or keep the parts other than the head.

"Sir, please don't, my lord." Suholu fell again, but fortunately he stopped. He got up in embarrassment, his hands covered with blood and mud open, not knowing what to do or what to do. What should I say, "Mr. Messenger, Larissa... Larissa is most familiar with Gรผlen's marking habits. Without her, it will be difficult for us to continue on the road ahead!"

"Really?" Another female member of the Gray Ruins Dragon Society cast a sinister look at Suholu, "But I remember you just said that you and that Grenn are 'lifelong friends'?"

They all just listened! Exactly!

Suholu's face turned a bit pale. He smiled awkwardly, but the expression on his face was uglier than crying: "Yes, that's it... But you think about it, he and I are also friends on the surface. We We can meet normally without markings, so, Iโ€™m not so clear about his habits..."

"So, you're useless."

The other party's conclusion made Suholu's brain buzz, but the severe pain from behind brought him back to this ruthless reality. Seeing the woman walking towards him step by step, Suholu's mind flashed back to the revolving door of his life. However, as if fate was teasing him, when he had already started to flash back a second time, That woman! It hasnโ€™t even come to him yet!

For a moment, some evil thoughts flashed through Suholu's mind. The next moment, when the woman appeared in front of him, Suholu moved!

"Sir! Ah!" The cultist screamed, but the desperate fight he imagined did not appear. He only saw that he pulled out the unknown sharp weapon from behind with his backhand, and did not bother to observe what it was. What, he just pounced forward and sent the thing in front of the woman.

"Sir, we have found clues, and we ask the two envoys to show mercy and spare our lives..."

Before Suholu finished speaking, he fainted, and the bald woman easily took out the sharp weapon from his hand, put it in her hand and looked at it twice, and then revealed a frightening look. smile.

"Very well, put her down."

Another messenger dropped the female cultist in his hand to the ground.

"Because of your meritorious service, the death penalty can be exempted. But the living crime is unforgivable - since you love to gossip so much, just pull out your tongue and take a small punishment." (End of this chapter)

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