Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 534: Cowardly Demon

From a location point of view, the Split Tooth Tribe is closer to the village at the moment. From the perspective of its members, except for the priests, they are all strong young people who are familiar with and good at navigating jungle swamps. activities here.

Most of those cultists are nobles in the city-state or wealthy civilians with lower status. Now they have two more injuries, and they will definitely not move faster than the cracked teeth. But fortunately, the two members of the Gray Ruins Dragon Society didn't seem to be in a hurry, and just allowed the team to move in the direction they were targeting at a slow speed.

There's a reason they're so "comfortable." They are quite confident in their own power and do not think that they will be discovered for holding a ceremony - even if they are exposed, correspondingly, the nosy people should be within their sight. Their strength is the source of their confidence.

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After all, unlike most warlocks or contract magicians, their sect master is not a single object. Those creatures that are confused by their false worship will never realize that there is another existence controlling them above them. With all of this, that is their real master.

Now that they have returned to His "Kingdom of God", is there anyone who can find them despite the protection of their Lord?

They didn't expect that their current master would be in an embarrassing situation because of his sudden activity, so he couldn't protect them in every possible way; they didn't expect that the person who discovered them would actually be a thousand meters away. an old orc.

And the way to find out is... to catch some rumors.

The intercepted breath of traditional magic will inevitably be discovered by them, but grabbing a handful of air with your hands will not trigger their alarm. Although the information obtained by the latter is very vague, the former can accurately locate the caster and can even perform curses or other intervention actions from a distance.

But the information obtained by "hearing the wind" was enough for the old priest of the Split Tooth Tribe.

While the cultists were still trudging through the woods, the orcs had already approached their destination one step ahead of them.

Just like when Ron came for the first time, the small and exquisite pseudo-dragons in the forest watched the arrival of this group of uninvited guests with curiosity. The orc priests strictly restricted the tribesmen not to disturb these small sparrow-like creatures, lest they Get into unnecessary trouble.

When attacked or harassed, pseudodragons may fight back with the venomous sting on their tails, and just one sting can knock most people unconscious for several hours.

"Mother-in-law, we are almost there," the young orc who was previously ordered to gather the tribesmen supported the priest who looked a little tired, "but there is still a problem ahead: the map mentioned that there is a village full of undead creatures over there. If If we want to go up from the main road, I'm afraid we have to cross them..."

"There should be a road around," the priest shook her head. She knew what the other party was talking about, and she also didn't want to be surrounded by the undead. "Look for it - isn't it on the map? I heard them talking about it. Pass."

"Probably because I don't want people to break in, so the more ambiguous the sign here, the better," a middle-aged orc muttered, "Actually, I want to go see some people. I had a drink with Miss Sera once. I heard her mention it before that there are many powerful demon species inside, maybe..."

"Put away your little thoughts," the priest glared at this guy, "When will you be able to blow open the head of an owlbear with three punches, let's discuss this issue again - things climbing up from the abyss, too You can challenge it if you want?"

"What's wrong with this...It is said that their leaders have all joined the order camp..."

"From the abyss to purgatory, you call this 'surrender'?!"

"Don't think about the things that are there or not. When we see their leader later, we will tell the news and see if there is anything we can do to help. Don't worry about anything else, you know?"

The orc priest is already too old. Otherwise, she should hold her nephew's ear while saying this, which would be considered "educational". However, in the end, this can only be the old man's recollection of the past. And while they were discussing, a spherical living creature was cautiously approaching them at an extremely fast speed. When the sentry orcs raised their bows and arrows to warn it, the creature tremblingly revealed its figure.

Even by the lowest aesthetic standards, it is ugly enough. This creature looks like a grey-brown goblin that is obese and has a lot of tumors. Every step it takes, its bloated body is shaking. The only thing that is commendable is that it is completely different from its appearance. The movement - this thing moves surprisingly quickly.

This is a timid demon. If you observe its compatriots in the abyss, you should be able to find another possible and final advantage: rapid reproduction and large numbers.

Compared with other demons, they are weak and easy to bully. They only need to vaguely give the cowardly demons some opportunities to vent their grievances on the weak to force them into long-term labor. And when choosing to conquer them by force, these cowards will be eager to use the information they know in exchange for pitiful forgiveness to save their lives.

However, this one was obviously different from its relatives in the abyss. When it was discovered, this creature was not afraid of the orcs who were like towering iron towers around it, but walked straight towards the orc priest who was surrounded in the middle. The middle-aged orc next to it frowned and wanted to stop it, but the priest raised his hand to stop it.

"Hello, visitor from afar," the coward said, and he spoke in the common language. "Although you have stayed in this land for a while, you have never been close to here, so--"

"May I ask why you are here this time?"

The orc priest looked at the coward. If you put aside its appearance and nature, its words and actions are just like a "normal person": "Did you think of this yourself? Or did your boss teach you?"

"That's what the wise man said," the coward admitted it directly. "I can't even spell my own name, how can I think of such a refined word..."

"I understand, wise man, right? Can't spell the name..." The orc priest nodded, "We have something important to see it, which may be related to your life and death-someone sneaked into the delusion land and came to you."

"The wise man said, if this is the case... please follow me, there is a path here that can bypass the undead in the village at the foot of the mountain." (End of this chapter)

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