Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 547: Collapse of Mind

In the current delusion land, the safest people are the businessmen who come and go. Although there were inexhaustible monsters here in the past and it has not been completely cleaned up until today, at least they do not need to face other dangers.

Others may not be so lucky anymore - including the orcs of the Split Tooth Tribe and the four half-dead cultists.

With the help of the orc hunters, Larissa and Suholu were safely sent to the vampire's castle, and then transported to Green Swamp Town from the teleportation array there. Since Graz'zt's Order still had a bad reputation even apart from the two followers of the Gray Ruins Dragon Society, Ron specifically chose to come back at midnight, so that even if there were patrolling militiamen and guys wandering around in the middle of the night, they would not be able to come back. As for causing too much noise.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮]

The four wounded were immediately sent to the church, to be precise, in front of Gulen.

"Lord..." The former cultist, who was awakened by a knock on the door in the middle of the night, sleepily opened the door. However, the next moment, a strange and tangy bloody smell immediately rushed into his nostrils, mixed with the smell of alchemical potions and Other indescribable smells made the man wake up completely.

And when the poor woman being carried by Sera raised her head, opened her tongueless mouth, and looked at him in surprise, Grant jumped back!

"Bless Tymora! Larissa! Why, how did you become like this?! Your tongue-"

Grant subconsciously looked at Ron in fear, but he soon realized how outrageous his idea was - the lord here had never used such torture to torture prisoners, and the religious order he had "converted" to There is no special achievement in verbal persuasion, so there is no need to use such an extreme method.

There are many ways to shut up a spellcaster while he is alive, and cutting off the tongue is really the most troublesome one.

"Glen, I'm so glad you're still alive," Suholu, who was being carried by two strong orcs behind him, looked at his old friend and whispered with a wry smile, "It's just, it's just you..."

He didn't know what to say. The other party looked much simpler than before, but at the same time he was also... much more "decent". Although he didn't want to admit it, Suholu had to describe his old friend's current mental state in this way.

"I have said goodbye to the dark past, Suholu." After the initial surprise, Grant apparently also saw his old friend behind him who had lost a leg for some reason. "I told you in the letter, but If you don’t believe it, you think I’m pretending.”

"Are you willing to believe it now?"

"Your Excellency Ron told us something on the way. Alas," Suholu was silent for a moment and sighed faintly, "It would be great if we could be like you, so we wouldn't..."

"You don't want to experience the same thing as me." Thinking of those demons and the days when he lived in confusion and ignorance there, Grant still shuddered, "Forget it, it doesn't look like your life either. The letter said it was so easy - please come in, I will stabilize your injuries first, Bishop Bunnie has rested, we will see her again tomorrow morning. "

In a church with a good environment, sufficient materials, and experienced spellcasters, the recent mutilation of limbs is not an incurable injury. On the contrary, various infections and other complications caused by balance disorders are more dangerous. It is better to prepare for temporary travel. Alchemy potions are not omnipotent in terms of dosage and type. Victoria, who belongs to the Twilight Realm, has relatively limited healing power. Although Grant is not as powerful as the priests of Heim, his action is still very necessary.

Ron did not interrupt the conversation between the reunited people. After handing the four cultists to Grant, he waved and led the others out. The church in Delusion Land is not a place outside the law. Even if they really want to carry out some conspiracy with their broken bodies, Ron will know it immediately, so there is no need to worry.

There were only two guards on duty in the church at midnight. They bowed to say goodbye to Ron and others who left, completely unaware that a breeze blew in "normally" along the opening and closing of the church door and disappeared without a trace.

Among the few people in Delusion Land who are good at sneaking, Seymour is responsible for daily training and does not have the skills to do so. His disciple Carlos is still shallow, and Yelena has never been willing to approach the church...

But a monk who grew up in a monastery didn't have these problems. This place felt like home to Quest - he even actually had a room here.

If Quest hadn't been really unaccustomed to this clean place after many years of being a secret agent, he would really consider staying here for a few more days each week.

In the darkness, the monk's eyes glowed with a faint and soft light, watching the five people talking in the room. Grant was busy treating and bandaging a group of acquaintances, while the cultists faced the friendly people. And the power of light is both longed for and feared.

They were unwilling to accept this magical skill, but the priest in front of them was their old friend; they wanted to help, but the energy of the abyss only caused trouble. Quest looked away after looking for a while. In his opinion, these cultists were not comparable to those he had dealt with before. Whether they are the followers of Demogorgon, the priests of Baphomet or the immortal servants of Orcus, they are all much more deadly than these people.

How to describe it? Quest took out a note, thought for a moment, and then wrote on the note that would appear in front of Ron's case: They looked like a group of "stray dogs".

Or hyenas with broken spines. Quest shook his head and did not add this slightly harsh remark.

The shapeshifter used his innate ability to read their completely defenseless surface thoughts. They were panic-stricken, exhausted, and it seemed that there was a monster chasing them all the time. When they tried to fall asleep, the painful memories of the past would tear their sweetness apart and turn into a nightmare that claimed their lives.

Even if Grant tried to cast some calming spells on them after noticing this, he could not save their collapsing minds and emotions.

Quest remembered that when they were brought by Ron just now, their minds were still stable. It seemed that they were just holding on. After confirming that they were safe, they became even more vulnerable.

What ability did such "cultists" have to stir up trouble? Quest quietly stood up in the hiding place. A voice lingered in his ears, which made the monk alert and looked up at the window.

Yelena's signal, someone sneaked in - could it be a coincidence? (End of this chapter)

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