Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 63 New Willow Library

Looking at this huge "lump" of five meters long coiled in the mud pit, Ron could hardly imagine what kind of mentality the other party had when he said that he was still young.

No matter how many movies and documentaries he had seen in his previous life, or even the skeletons of prehistoric beasts in museums, these were far less shocking than a real, living dragon coiled in front of him.

And this was just an underage individual. When he grows up, what kind of visual impact will a behemoth with a body length and wingspan of 20 to 30 meters and weighing 70 to 80 tons have?

That is not a man-made steel beast, but a real flesh and blood machine!

Add to that their innate ability to cast spells and spit out breath - who wouldn't want to be a dragon knight? !

"Are you thinking about how to ride me?" The black dragon stood up and snorted at Ron's face with a bad look, "Don't rush to deny it, my 'teacher' said that you humans all have this tendency."

"But I can't let you ride me. Almost no creature likes other races, especially weak races, to ride on them. Do you understand?"

"Of course, of course!" Ron raised his hands innocently, "I will never have that thought. We are neighbors, remember?"

"That's more like it," Axuri nodded with satisfaction, "Now the crisis at my doorstep has been resolved. You came all the way here, and it's not good to just go back like this."

"Can I invite you to my house to sit for a while, so that I can do my best to be a good host?"

The young dragon's tone was a little reluctant and stiff. Ron estimated that this was the credit of his "teacher", but he was still in the running-in and adaptation stage, and his group should be his first guests rather than prey.

Several people naturally accepted the invitation, but before entering the black dragon's lair, Ron had another question to ask:

"Mr. Axuri, what are the ruins around you? Do you have any clues?"

"I don't know, I'm only eight years old," Axuri pondered for a moment, "I was hatched from a swamp nearby. From the first time I saw this world, it was already like this."

"It has been abandoned for about a hundred years, maybe longer. During this period, an elf came here, but I was too weak at that time. , so no one dared to approach him. "

"An elf?" Ron and the others looked at each other, "Can you tell me more about it?"

"Details? I don't know what to say," the eight-year-old Black Dragon thought for a while, "Nothing special, just like the elves in my inherited memories, tall, thin, white, pointed ears, blonde hair and blue eyes, that's it."

"Oh, by the way, he was wearing a rapier."

Although the characteristics described by the Black Dragon were not dozens or hundreds of thousands among elves or even half-elves, Ron still determined that this person should be the lingering Mindatis.

"When did he come? Do you still remember?"

"I first saw him five years, ten months and three days ago," Black Dragon gave a very precise date, "He flipped through the books here with great interest for three months, and then left the ruins with a pile of tattered books."

"It seems that he knew about this place first, and then the caves, stone slabs and other things," Ivy pondered for a moment, "Can you take us to see it? You should still remember it."

Black Dragon's tone was three parts of embarrassment and three parts of grievance: "Yes, I remember it, but are you sure you don't want to visit my house first? It's much more interesting than those waste dumps, I promise!"

"Our matter is very serious - um um um -" Ivy was halfway through her words when Ron covered her mouth.

"That's it. Our custom is to suffer first and then enjoy. Go see the decline of the humanoid race first, and then see the prosperity of the dragon race - in contrast, your nest will appear more magnificent, right?"

What a joke, black dragons are not known for their good tempers, and the dragon race is basically just a general believer of their gods. Doing good or evil mainly depends on their own will.

If he really angered the other party because of this, although he would not be defeated, if the "teacher" behind him and the mother he had never met were protective of her, it might lead to some unacceptable consequences.

Dragon race, it is better not to provoke this kind of creature unless it is absolutely necessary.

"So, then you are right! I will take you to see it!" The young dragon was still easy to fool. Ron just found a reason casually, and immediately made the aggrieved and angry Axuri happy again, and happily took Ron and others to a ruin not far away.

This ruin is nothing special compared to other places. The only clue is that it has been searched "recently". A fragmented house number is placed on the rubble.

"No. XX, Green X Street, Xinliu Pavilion X"

"After I built the nest, I searched all the nearby buildings. If I can find the name of this one, I will put it in a conspicuous place."

"For subsequent repairs?" Ivy asked curiously.

"Repair? Why repair?" Axuri said strangely, "I don't have the time, it's just for my own convenience."

"I am still young and have a lot to learn. These ruins are my best textbooks. I learn architecture, art, and the culture and history of creatures like you from them. My 'teacher' also likes this learning mode very much."

"This town has been abandoned for so long and no one has come to rebuild it, proving that it has no value to continue to exist. I put up the house number just to bookmark my book."

"Look, do you see these? These are the only remnants left here." Axuri raised his claws and peeled off some stone slabs and dead branches and leaves that simply covered it, revealing a piece of weathered stone slab in front of Ron and the others.

The handwriting on these stone slabs is already blurred and difficult to recognize, and even those fonts with visible strokes, Ron can't recognize what they are.

"Wait a minute," Ivy leaned over and reached out to touch the writing on it, "This should be Elvish, give me some time, I'll translate it for you."

"Let me see... This slab should be engraved with the chronology of this town, no wonder it was engraved on stone."

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