Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 87 Goodbye Mindatis

Maybe it's because the ghouls go out to look for food at night, and that's all Ron and the others encountered. As the team carefully passed through the third and fourth floors, they encountered few monsters. Instead, there are more and more gold and other metal deposits.

It was only at this time that even Drivedo had lost interest in treasure hunting. His nerves were highly tense and he was vigilantly observing every corner and corner.

"I don't like this atmosphere," Sera muttered. "I would rather rush out with a large group of ghouls now than be wary of possible ambush in the dark."

"As if I'm the prey."

"There's nothing we can do about it," Ivy walked at the front, "Speaking of which, have you smelled it? It seems that the further we go, the stronger the strange smell becomes."

"Ghost?" Ron's heart skipped a beat. This was not a narrow terrain like a corridor. With the agility of that thing, Ivy would probably not be able to protect them.

"No, it smells like rotting food," Drayford said solemnly, "There are so many corpses piled up in front, and they all stink."

Rotting corpses in most cases indicate a long time, but this was a mine hundreds of years ago, how could there be a large number of rotting corpses?

Ron and others immediately quickened their pace and soon found the source of the smell - it was a hall-like space where countless corpses and debris of all kinds were piled up, emitting an unpleasant pungent smell. smell.

"It seems like this is a ghoul's lair," Sylvia took out a handkerchief and covered her nose. "There are many corpses of beasts here. They should have been dragged in from the swamp outside."

"Maybe there are clues here when they were still conscious?" Ron walked over, resisting the discomfort of the pungent smell, and prepared to look through it. But before he had even taken two steps, the goblin knocked him to the ground with an iron rock support from behind.

"Boss, watch your head!"

Ron rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding the huge shadow that fell from above his head.

Drayford reacted the fastest and earliest. The short bow in his hand dumped all the ammunition on the creature that launched the sneak attack. While other companions reacted one after another, the weapons and carapace collided with sparks, and finally they were powerful in Thra. With Shen's axe, the ferocious giant insect about the same size as a human was chopped into two pieces.

"Scavengers, this thing likes to lie on the ceiling for sneak attacks."

Driver kicked the dead bug and said, "This thing can occasionally be seen in our previous nest."

"Thanks to Drivedo," Sylvia wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, "This thing is also poisonous. It would be terrible if Ron gets entangled in it."

"Thank you." Ron was also frightened. This thing has its own spider-walking ability, and it is completely black and non-reflective. It is not easy to notice even on the ground, let alone launch a sneak attack from the ceiling.

"Why are you so polite -" Drivedeau was about to interrupt with a smile, but he became serious again. An arrow dipped in the mucus of carrion eaters was placed on the bow string, pointing towards the way they came.

"What the hell, get out!"

"Pah, pah, pah"

In the darkness, a slender and tall figure walked out while applauding. He wears clothing with complicated patterns, which is gorgeous but does not affect his movement. He has a silver-decorated thin sword at his waist and a pair of deerskin short boots. Her long golden hair draped over her shoulders, revealing her pointed and long ears, and her green eyes shining like gems in the dark.

Behind him, a man with horns on his head, a long tail trailing behind, and skin as red as a devil followed closely behind, holding a long stick with iron hoops on both ends.

"I have to thank you too, Ron. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to get here so easily."

"Mindartis, Quest!"

Ron's expression darkened, and Ivy immediately blocked him behind him.

Almost everyone present knew what was going on with Quest, but Sylvia didn't know him at all, so she treated Mindatis and him equally.

"Are you Mindatis?" Sylvia curled her lips, "The handsome elf guy is pretty good, but it's a pity that he's not my type."

"You were the one who asked the Carolina slave traders to capture Ron? Thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't have been free."

"I didn't expect the people in Carolina to be such useless people," Mindatis snorted, his eyes cold, "If you don't want to be captured again, you'd better get away. I'm not interested in dead people either."

"Are you following us?" Ivy raised her eyebrows. "Although I don't know who resurrected you with such great effort, it seems that you haven't learned much from the lesson."

"Ron, take care of your bitch!" Mindatis gritted his teeth, "If it were before, I would have said that you are a weakling who only hides behind women, but now I know that you are qualified to be on an equal footing with me, so Let me teach you as a senior: Don’t let your subordinates talk too much!”

"I'm not interested in being 'equal' with the losers who died in my hands," Ron stretched out his hands to make quotation marks, "How did you find yourself here?"

"Me?" Mindatis stretched out his fingers casually to look at his neatly manicured nails. "Of course I followed in the footsteps of my predecessors. What about you?"

"What a coincidence," Sera showed two rows of fangs, "Mindatis, you sissy had better get out of here as soon as possible, we have cleared everything here, you can't even think of taking advantage!"

"Really? But my employer probably wouldn't think so." It seemed that from the beginning, Mindatis seemed to be confident, and it was hard not to suspect that he had a back-up plan.

"Employer? The one behind you?"

"No, no, no, I have my followers behind me," Mindatis took a step to the right and took three steps back, "My employer is the one above you."

"You mean Victor, forget it, Mindatis, don't be so slick," Victoria looked at the elf with contempt, "Victor only cares about his town and can't be involved in the affairs of the Hailan Empire."

"Alas, Ron. That's why I said, take care of your men," Mindatis sighed, "You see, their intelligence is obviously insufficient, but they still like to show off."

"Are my puns so boring?"

"Pun, you mean--" Ron looked up, but only heard a loud bang, and rubble of different sizes fell from above with a huge figure, falling on his head!

"Oh, sorry," Mindatis said, with his hands behind his back, "Should I introduce my employer?"

"Giant, these are thieves who stole your food - kill them!"

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