After listening to the two old men's stories, Ron thought that the barbarians were the Vikings and Huns in ancient times. They may be relatively barbaric and uncivilized in the eyes of agricultural civilization due to geographical and cultural differences. , but at least there is normal reason to negotiate.

But looking at the demons dancing in front of him, Ron deeply doubted that these were not the remnants of early humans.


"It's like a goblin." Dreyfudou curled his lips. A pair of burnt-yellow eyeballs under his cloak stared at the opposite side, and his hands were ready to take off his short bow and arrows at any time.

This group of people may have more in common with him.

"I advise you to stay away," Ron said bravely, and you must not show timidity when dealing with such people, otherwise, they will put you on the "predable" list like a wild beast, " My tribe is not far away. If you offend me, I will throw you back to that bitter cold land!"

"Drivedo, tell them, how many of us are here?"

"There are more than two hundred of us!" Driver understood and immediately screamed, "Ron is here to negotiate with the lord here. If you dare to attack him, you will not be able to stay here any longer! "

Driver is different from humans like Ron. Ron pretends to be a tiger but has a guilty conscience. After all, he knows that the so-called "tribe" is actually just a group of goblins, and their combat power is completely incomparable with these guys who are like little giants. . Therefore, his tone of voice must be softer.

But Driver is different. He is a goblin himself. In his opinion, these four or five people are nothing to be afraid of! Under the leadership of his boss, they can really defeat these "big goblins that look like humans." So every word he said when he said it was from the bottom of his heart!

But when he said this, the other person listened seriously. The dire wolf tribe of theirs had only arrived here not long ago, and they were basically domineering in this refugee camp. How could they ever know what kind of forces and which side was sacred around them? The way Drivero was whirring really frightened Hareck and the others.

"Two, more than two hundred people?!" Hallek was shocked and uneasy. "The land here is so fertile, and there are so many beasts here? Just one tribe can support two hundred people?!"

"Chief, when our tribe was at its peak, we were only a hundred or so..." The expressions of the tribesmen under him changed even more, "Not to mention that we are now——"

Although almost all the core and elite people who escaped and came here are actually only about ten people left in the so-called dire wolf tribe, and Harlek already has half of the total number of people.

"Well, you're lucky!" Hareck said bitterly. Although he had already flinched a little, he had to say harsh words, "It's not that we let you go today, but that we can't hold anything in our hands! Get out of here, don't Let me see you here again!”

As they spoke, several people quickly fled the scene with their belongings and disappeared after passing several tents.

"Insatiable," Ivy stood behind Ron and muttered in a low voice, "If I were still in my heyday, I would never let them be like this..."

"Okay, okay, we all know you were very strong in your 'heyday'," Ron interrupted her with a smile, "Let's go see if we can enter the town, maybe we can find a store selling healing potions - It should be able to cure you, right?”

"It's okay," Ivy glanced at Ron and said hesitantly, "But the healing potions are very expensive, I'm afraid..."

"This is not something you have to consider," Ron waved his hand, "Let's see how we get into the city first."

After leaving the refugee camp, several people walked straight to the gate of the town, which was already crowded with refugees fleeing from all over. And six or seven people who looked like guards were struggling to maintain order.

"Didn't you just come here the day before yesterday?" A guard sitting behind the table banged his knuckles on the table, "If you say you won't pass, you won't pass. If you come here two or three times to cause trouble, we will expel you if you do this again. !”

When Ron squeezed through the crowd, he happened to see a man with red skin standing in front of the guard acting as the prosecutor. Behind him, a slender tail with a tip at the end swayed back and forth uneasily, causing a ripple on the ground. Dust.

"Sir, please, please let me in!" The man's voice was slightly crying, "I walked a long way to find this place. I'm not a refugee. I really have official business to attend to! "

"Haha, I've seen you like this a lot these days," the prosecutor sneered, "You said you have official duties, where is your ID?"

"This... is lost."

"Okay, where are your official documents? Where are your letters?"

"There's no written form, I'm here to deliver a message!"

The prosecutor's mouth twitched: "Okay, then who sent you here?"

"This, this, this..." The man looked like he was really about to cry, "I can't say it, I really can't say it!"

"Look," the examiner said with an "I knew it" expression, "If you fail the review, get out of the way!"

When the man turned around, Ron could clearly see a pair of raised bulges on his forehead.

"That's not something that can be bumped." Ivy saw Ron's curiosity. "That's his horn, it's just a little small."

"He is a demonborn, or tiefling."

"Tiefling?" Ron showed a look of realization. The content in the book of the previous life finally corresponded to reality. "It seems that Fromm Town doesn't welcome tieflings very much."

"To be precise, almost no town welcomes tieflings," Ivy corrected. "They have the blood of the devil in their bodies and are born criminals. Just like rats, no one wants them to appear in their rice jar."

"Aren't you also a half-blood?" Driver interrupted with disdain, making Ivy so angry that she reached out to hit him.

"That's different!" Ivy's voice rose a little, but she still made sure not to let the tiefling hear it. "We are just rarely entrusted with important tasks, but there is no problem with normal life - whether on the human side or the elf side!"

"But they are not liked wherever they go."

"Ha, just like us!" Driver laughed and didn't take it seriously at all.

After all, goblins are also considered to be born criminals by other races, but these discussions can't hurt them at all.

Ron stopped the argument between the two for the umpteenth time and led them to the Inquisitor.

"Hello, we are a team of adventurers who want to go into the city for supplies."

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