Overlord Wizard

Chapter 89: Secret Realm Adventure (5)

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   Li Luo quickly ran out of Taniguchi and ran towards the star iron mine.

   Two hundred meters away, nearly 30 apprentice wizards ran over here with blood cursed crows.


   The dozen or so Scarlet Ravens that Li Luo had produced before suddenly flashed red, and they rushed towards the fifty or so blood cursed ravens that had flown over.

   "What? Damn it. How could it be!" One of the wizard apprentice leaders changed his expression, with an expression that he couldn't believe.

   The other apprentice wizards also stopped.

   Blood cursed crow, one of them flew into the bodies of these wizard apprentices, and they would all turn into a pool of pus and blood and die on the spot. Therefore, these apprentices all controlled the blood cursed crows they had made and besieged Li Luo's dozen blood cursed crows.

   But there were still a few blood cursed crows chasing in the direction where Li Luo and Anda were escaping.

   While running, Li Luo glanced at the blood cursed crow behind him, his expression slightly changed. After running for nearly one kilometer, he stopped admiringly.

   "No matter how strong the curse is, it can't be stronger than the curse of the second-order demon wizard in that dungeon..."

   Li Luo secretly thought that it was no way to be chased by a few blood cursed crows, so he stopped and prepared to take on the curse of a few blood cursed crows.


   A few blood cursed crows were too far away from the other Scarlet Raven apprentices. Seeing Li Luo stopped, they all rushed over with a single brain.

   in an instant.

   Li Luo only felt an extremely cold, evil energy flooding his body, and there was also an illusion in front of him, as if there were countless evil spirits and ghosts in his ears. He only felt a sensation of vomiting in his abdomen, and the blood all over his body was boiling instantly.

   Zi La!

   Li Luo didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly urged the thunderous anger to surge all over his body, and the black qi began to radiate from his body.

   Soon, the extremely cold curse power in his body dissipated, but there was still a trace of **** mana in his body, like a tarsal maggot, coiled in his meridian, and could not be quickly dispelled for a while.

   "Well, they must be able to perceive me through this trace of **** mana..." Li Luo muttered with a slight change of face, took out the map and looked at it.

   Li Luo quickly checked the map and headed towards the depths of the ancient forest.

   In this situation, only in places where there is a lot of monsters can there be a glimmer of life. In order to quickly expel the blood-colored mana in his body, Li Luo even catalyzed the thunder and lightning power of the thunder vindictiveness, enduring the severe pain of body spasms and flew towards the giant anaconda canyon on the map.

   "Asshole. Killed a dozen of our elite apprentices at once! Quickly use the compass to inform the people at other resource points to go to the must pass by the Giant Anaconda Canyon to encircle him!"

   An apprentice Scarlet Raven closed his eyes and felt for a while, then he sensed the general movement of Li Luo, and shouted to the other apprentice.

"Yes! Boss Yorick." After the apprentice took out a compass, the blood flashed in his hand, and dense words began to appear on the compass. Under the flash of light, a faint blood shot into the void, spreading in all directions. go with.

   Three days later.

   Li Luo came to a rocky hill out of breath, looking a little tired.

   For the past three days, he has been on the road day and night, and finally reached the rocky hills in front of him, frowning.

   "It's too quiet...I can't even hear the cry of the small animals...no!" Li Luo thought for a while, suddenly his complexion changed, and he watched carefully from left to right.

   After a while, he suddenly turned around and ran out in the direction he came.

   "Go now. Don't you feel too late!" A scared man in a scarlet wizard robe walked out from behind a boulder and said gloomily.

   At the same time, thirty or so wizard apprentices came from all directions, and they rushed towards Li Luo's various spells involuntarily.

   "Warblade Clash!"

   "Warblade Clash!"

   "War Blade Clash!"

These are all the elite apprentice wizards of Scarlet Ravens. Li Luo absolutely did not dare to resist this round of spells, enduring the fiery pain of the meridians, he directly moved out nearly one hundred and fifty meters away, and fled in the other direction. Get out.

   "Humph. Hold him tight!"

   The scarred man said with a distorted expression, and looked at a wizard apprentice next to him.

   The wizard apprentice closed his eyes directly, and then a few blood cursed crows flew towards Li Luo's escape.

   Several blood cursed crows were controlled this time, and they did not turn into a curse and fell into Li Luo's body. Instead, they followed him closely, like a few drones, making Li Luo more desperate.

"damn it."

   Li Luo glanced at the scarlet crow in the air, cursed, turned around, and ran towards the chaotic hills.

   Soon, dozens of Scarlet Raven wizard apprentices found him.


   Li Luo flicked his hand forward, and a half-meter-sized fireball flew over and exploded in the crowd.

   In an instant, the earth and rocks collapsed and smoke was everywhere.

   The smoke dissipated, and a dozen apprentice wizards looked at Li Luo in shock. At this time, a trace of blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, and they were obviously hurt.

   "Damn it. Is it an official wizard? None of our protective magic weapons can completely prevent this blow?"

   "Don't be fussing, this **** has run away. Quickly chase. Otherwise it would be bad for him to escape into the Giant Anaconda Canyon."


   Li Luo released this fireball, once again used the second war blade collision, and continued to recoil back in the direction of the rocky hills.

   "Quaguagua!" Soon a dozen blood cursed crows flew towards him and plunged into his body one after another.

   Li Luo only felt a buzzing in his ears, and his consciousness was a little loose. Enduring the curse of the blood curse crow on him, he poured all the thunderous vindictiveness into his body, turned into a golden light, and continued to rush forward.

   "Boom him to death!" The Scar Man walked over with a dozen other wizard apprentices at this time, condensing **** energy **** in his hands, and threw them toward Li Luo.

The blood-colored energy ball is very similar to the spells released by the vampire wizards I have seen in the past. After flying out, it instantly turned into a half-meter-sized blood-colored fire ball and rolled toward Li Luo, like countless blood-colored suns, and drove Li Luo all the way forward. Sealed.

   "War Blade Clash!"

   With the skill just cooling off, instead of moving sideways, Li Luo rushed forward instead.

  Because these wizard apprentices were surrounded in a circle, the direction of the fireball flying was also fan-shaped, Li Luo's charge instead avoided most of the blood-colored fireballs, and only six or seven hit his anti-energy shield.


   But these elite students at the pinnacle of third-class wizard apprenticeships all have magic weapons. With the blessing of magic weapons, the fireball is no longer much weaker than the fireball released by the bloodline of the fire Phoenix bird he has evolved.

   Li Luo only felt that his chest seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer six or seven times. A smell of fishy and sweetness could not help but rush to his throat, and he was forcibly swallowed again.

   The fireworks were blooming, and Li Luo, like a cheetah, rushed out of the **** flames, turned into a black wind and continued to rush forward.

   "What?!" Scar's youth changed his complexion and exclaimed. At the same time, blood began to appear in his hands, and spells were brewing again.

   "Dead!" Li Luo's face was cold, and he almost teleported to the Scared Man. He smashed Huashan with an epee in his hand, and smashed it down against the **** energy ball in his hand.

   The scarred man squinted his eyes and showed a very cruel color, directly hitting the **** energy on Li Luo's epee.

   Boom! The sky blasted loudly.

   Li Luo stepped back five steps, and the scarred man flew out directly.

   As soon as Li Luo paused, there were more than a dozen fireballs flying towards him.

   "War Blade Clash!"

   And at this moment, Li Luo's few war-blade collisions were in a cooling state again, and instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed forward.


   Li Luo's speed was like a phantom, he jumped directly over a dozen wizard apprentices, and rushed towards the chaotic stone hill a few hundred meters away.

   "Damn it. Can't let him run!"

One of the Scarlet Raven’s wizard apprentice eyes flashed blood, and the original round face quickly dried up, and **** energy surged out in the air, transformed into a huge scarlet energy crow and came to the scared man. before.

   The latter looked grim, jumped on the crow, and drank a bottle of blood-red potion at the same time.


   There was a harsh crow cry, the huge scarlet energy crow fluttered, and the man carrying the scar flew towards the direction of Li Luo's escape. The speed was so fast that it faintly surpassed Li Luo.

   Li Luo felt the breath that was approaching from behind, his face tightened, and he looked back.

   It was the scarred man who was sitting on a huge scarlet crow, and for unknown reasons, this man had recovered from his injuries, even his entire body was surging by 50% of his mana!

   "The secret technique has been inspired!" Li Luo's pupils shrank, enduring the tingling sensation of constant electricity in his body, and turning his thunderous vindictiveness to the limit~www.readwn.com~ continued to flee towards the front.

   Now, he was afraid that if he was dragged by the scared man, he would fall into a siege by many people. The second is that now he has also suffered a lot of injuries, and he will never be the opponent of Scar Man.

   Li Luo only hopes that in the rocky hills, he won't encounter any other apprentice wizards with scarlet ravens, so that he will be really poor.

   While drinking six or seven bottles of healing potions, he desperately ran toward the rocky hills.

   five hundred meters. Four hundred meters. Three hundred meters. Two hundred meters. One hundred meters.

no one!

   Someone came here early to prepare the spell in advance. When Li Luoda breathed a sigh of relief, he directly drank a bottle of green potion, and his speed increased by more than three minutes.

   This is a swift potion. Although it is quite easy to refine, the materials are extremely expensive. In the past few days, apart from using a bottle to speed up his escape, this was the second time Li Luo used it.


As soon as Li Luo's speed increased, he felt a heat wave coming from behind. After another war-blade collision was triggered, he only felt a spell explosion shock wave no less than the level of a first-order wizard rushing towards his back, the whole person They were all overturned.


   spit out a mouthful of blood, and he rolled in the air, staggering to the ground. Without daring to relieve his breath, enduring the severe pain, he continued to rush towards the front.

   "The shoulder blade is cracked!" Li Luo felt the sensation of his right arm gradually losing, and his expression was startled.

   After drinking another bottle of Swiftness Potion, Li Luo's speed increased by three points, and his **** eyes rushed towards the chaotic stone hills.


   The moment Li Luo rushed over, he put the hidden robe on his body, and the last mana was poured into it.

  啵! ~

   Under the bubbles, Li Luo disappeared into the air.

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