Overlord Wizard

Chapter 93: Secret Realm Adventure (9)

   (Happy National Day, all book friends, please join the bookshelf. In order not to delay everyone from watching the military parade, the magic addiction will get up early to write this chapter.)

   "Yes. I can already control such a trace of heaven and earth elements." Li Luo nodded, and said nonchalantly.

Aiana's eyes lit up, but then she frowned: "If you say this mind-stabilizing potion, this mixture is the best. In addition to several auxiliary magic herbs, you also need two main medicines: Concentration Grass and Ice Heart Flower. Concentration grass and other auxiliary potions can be produced at nearby resource points, but Bingxinhua is difficult to handle. It is more than 500 kilometers away from here in the territory of the Holy Dragon Academy, which is called Bingxin Valley."

   Li Luo frowned upon hearing the words: "It's so far... forget it. No matter how difficult it is, I have to try it. There are stocks in several other medicinal bases."

   "Yes, but it needs merit points to exchange. A hostile apprentice head in exchange for thirty points merit points." Ai Anna said lightly, and her face changed slightly.

   Li Luo frowned when he saw Ai Anna's strange expression: "Why, is there anything wrong with hunting down the apprentice wizard from the hostile force?"

   Ai Anna clasped her hands tightly, as if she was using too much force, blood dripping faintly in her fists. There was also an unwilling expression on his face: "The fifty apprentice wizards were all missing when they teamed up to hunt down the enemy wizards."

   "I see." Li Luo nodded, his face was a little dignified, and he walked outside without saying anything.

   "Falcon, the leader of Louis calls you." A young man in a black wizard robe came over.

   "I see, lead the way." Li Luo replied lightly.

   "Hmm." The black robe youth walked out in one direction.

   Li Luo has a steady pace and looks extremely calm, but his heart is tumbling.

"As soon as I came back, Guiche called me... By the way, the induction witchcraft circle on my arm! Damn, why didn't I erase it, I made such a low-level mistake!" Li Luo thought of this. , Said: "I'm going to the bathroom."

   Then, Li Luo walked towards the bathroom.

   The black robe man waited in place. After Li Luo entered a single toilet room, the dazzling blue light in his hand was about to take pictures of runes on his arm. But then he stopped again.

   "Now Oni Toru doesn't know that I have doubted him. I guess I have confirmed my identity, and deliberately erased the induction witch formation, which is quite detrimental to future actions..."

   The more Li Luo thought about it, the more he felt that his thoughts were correct. He sorted out his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

   Soon, he came to a blue stone house.

   "Senior ghost," Li Luo said lightly, looking at Louis, who was extremely cold.

   "Well, that's good. The strength has improved very quickly. But it is still a little bit worse." Ghost Toru's eyes flashed, disappearing well, and said hoarsely.

   Li Luo saw the change of Ghost Che's expression in his eyes, and there was no difference in color. He just gave a hmm, and now respectfully stood aside.

   "Very good. I happen to have some..." Gui Che grabbed Li Luo's arm, his voice seemed abnormal, and he seemed extremely excited. But before he could finish his words, Li Luo slapped his forehead fiercely and said loudly: "Yes, Senior Ghost, I heard the people in the base say that we have lost some apprentice wizards these days. Have you found out why? By the way, what do you say you have here?"

Gui Che's eyes flashed, and he said faintly: "It's nothing, you go hunt down some apprentices who study dark magic. On the one hand, you can sacrifice and increase your strength, on the other hand, you can get rid of these worms early. Well, I'm a little tired, so you can withdraw." Gui Che said, waved his hand.

   Li Luo pretended to be a little confused, and walked out again with a face as usual.

   After seeing Li Luo go out, he knelt down, his face twisted. "No! I can't do this..." Ghost Toru's voice returned to normal, but then he became hoarse again: "No. Don't you want to resurrect Leia? What are the sacrifices of these people? ...Hahahaha..." A gloomy and terrifying laughter began to sound in the ghost house.

   Li Luo walked out of the ghostly room, the tight expression on his face relaxed.

"This ghost is so excited to see my strength, and so anxious to get me promoted to the first-order wizard, most of it left some means in my body...When I am promoted, I am afraid that it will be a hidden danger in my body. It's time to erupt..."

   Li Luo felt that he was right, and walked out of the academy.

   Three months later.

   In front of a resource point of the Sacred Dragon Academy, a young man in a black robe stood here.

  This person is Li Luo.

   "This is it, right?" Li Luo murmured after looking at the map in his hand.

   He walked over.

   "Who!" Several men with a golden dragon tattooed on the shoulders of wizard robes ran over and asked.

   Li Luo raised his hands above his head and sat down cross-legged.

   Several people from the Sacred Dragon Academy glanced at each other, and walked over on guard.

   "Yeah? From the Tatar Wizarding Academy." One of the rough men said unexpectedly.

   "I am proficient in refining pharmaceutical agents. Because I was cursed by the soul of an official wizard of a Scarlet Raven, I came here to ask for help." Li Luo glanced at several people and said unhurriedly.

   Several apprentices from the Sacred Dragon Wizarding Academy glanced at each other, smiled at each other, their faces full of ill intentions.

The meaning of    is very obvious. If they don't blackmail Li Luo a lot, they will never recognize Li Luo's identity.

Li Luo touched his nose and said, "As long as a few of you give me the materials, I can refine any potion below the second order. Including the transition potion, but there is no formula for the transition potion. So. ....."

   Several people heard the change in their complexion, and interrupted Li Luo to continue talking. "Are you serious about this?"

"There is absolutely no fake. You brought me to your leader. I will work with you in the form of selling my body and refining medicine. I only need to relieve the hidden dangers on my body. At that time, I only need to give me the materials, the formula of the jump medicine, this kind of thing. Grade potions are still very easy to refine." Li Luo stood up, clasped his fists in his hands and smiled.

   "Huh, you can't say anything, you sign a starlight contract with us!" A long-faced man took out a scroll in his hand, and the blue light in his hand was flourishing.


   The scroll light flashed, hula turned into a white light, and turned into a milky white translucent light curtain.

   Li Luo discussed with a few people for a while, corrected some loopholes in the content of the contract, and signed their names.


   The brilliance of the light curtain flashed, turning into a few spots of light and submerged in the bodies of several people.

   "Then as agreed, take me to see your leader." Li Luo felt the kind of restraint from the soul, and his expression relaxed, and said lightly.

   "Come with us."

   A few wizard apprentices glanced at each other, and led Li Luo towards one direction.

   "My name is Charles, what's the name of the little brother? Since I can make jump potions, he must not be an unknown pharmacist." As he walked, a skinny wizard apprentice said.

"My name is Tal, and I am a Tier 1 pharmacist. This time I went out to collect a rare magic weed, and I spoiled that Gul'dan's plot. Tier 1 pharmacists like me are not well-known in the academy. I don't need to question my medicine refining ability." Li Luo thought for a while, still telling a false identity.

   "That's it." The eyes of several people flickered, and they didn't speak any more.

   After a walk of about three days, a few people led Li Luo to a group of red buildings.

   A few people took Li Luo all the way, leading him to a big stone house. "Wait a minute." Several people put down these words and walked in first.

   After about half an hour, a few people opened the door.

"come in."

   Li Luo didn't think much, and walked in.

   As soon as he entered the stone house, he found that besides these people, there was a strange third-class wizard apprentice standing there.

   Although this apprentice was very face-to-face, he gave Li Luo a very familiar feeling.

   In Li Luo's doubts, the stone house door suddenly closed automatically without wind.

Li Luo was shocked, just about to take action, suddenly the green light of several wizard apprentices burst into the hands, and a dozen vines broke out of the soil under the rocky ground cracked and tied Li Luo up. .

   Li Luo's heart was cold, but he didn't show any panic, and he asked: "You guys are so plotting against me, aren't you afraid of contract backlash!"

"Who said that we violated the contract? The one behind us is the dean's son! It is also the leader of this time! The contract did not say that if you are brought to the leader, you can't be counted against you!" Shire looked at Li Luo gave a look of irony.

   "Teached. But I don't understand. It would be more beneficial to you to let me refine the Jumping Potion than to count me." Li Luo still said flatly, and his body tightened.

"If you are an ordinary person, this would be a good business. Unfortunately, you have the blood of the dragon family. The dragon blood of our dean’s son Long Aotian is too thin. The sacrifice of your blood has been absorbed, just fine. Meet the requirements of cultivating dragon soul and casting great law! At that time, our young master can cultivate this kind of supreme meditation, and then we can use powerful dragon grammar skills, and even the entire soul can be transformed into the soul of the holy dragon, and become perfect, sorcerer The talent has greatly increased. Ha... Ha ha ha..." One of the horse-faced wizard apprentices grinned and looked at the young man behind him.

   "Stop talking nonsense, do it." The young man behind him exclaimed with extremely greedy eyes.

   "No wonder there is a sense of familiarity~www.readwn.com~ That's how it is!" Li Luo narrowed his eyes and looked at the greedy youth ahead. Not only was there no fear, but his eyes flickered. "Does the dragon soul cast Dafa? What an unexpected gain!"

   Several people pressed to the ground at the same time, and the light suddenly brightened, and the three circular arrays enveloped several young people from the Sacred Dragon Academy, Li Luo, and the young people not far away.

   Li Luo only felt a wave of strength starting to drain in his body, and his eyes suddenly became cold.


   Li Luo suddenly supported him, several vines that bound him shattered one after another, a blur in his hand, and several cold lights suddenly flew out.


   Several apprentices from the Sacred Dragon Academy tightly covered their necks inserted by the dagger with their hands, and fell down with an incredible expression.

   "What?!" The young master of Shenglong Academy was shocked, thinking about any action, but it was too late.

Li Luo seemed to be teleporting, with the dagger in his hand directly stuck in his heart, and his right hand at the same time tightly pinched his neck like a pliers. When he was so angry, the young master of the Holy Dragon Academy did not even scream issue.

   Li Luo flipped in his arms for a while, and a dragon skin space bag appeared in his hand.

   closed his eyes and felt for a while, he looked happy, and he took out a red book. On it, written in wizard language, "Dragon Soul Casting Dafa Volume One" is written in large characters.

   Turning to the Dragon Soul Casting Dafa, Li Luo watched carefully, his complexion had not changed at the beginning, and when he finished reading the general chapter, the whole person laughed wildly.....

   But then he quickly stopped laughing wildly, glanced at the magic circle hidden and isolated all kinds of breath in the whole room, his eyes brightened. He swapped the young man's position with his original position, modified the formation on the ground, and sat down cross-legged.


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