Overlord Wizard

Chapter 94: Secret Realm Adventure (10)

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Once the door was opened and the breath was exposed, the outside apprentice knew that his young master had been killed by me, it was dangerous... Now, according to the description of this supreme mind, not only can the soul be transformed into a dragon soul, but also some Soul impurities and soul wounds can be smelted flawlessly when the dragon soul is recast, and there are no more regrets...

   Thinking of this, Li Luo no longer hesitated. He sat cross-legged, opened the Dragon Soul Casting Dafa, and read it carefully.

   It took more than an hour before Li Luo started to activate the magic circle, and his body gradually roared like a dragon phantom, humming the entire stone house.

   Feeling the power of blood is getting stronger and stronger, Li Luo's whole soul is as if burnt, and his face is even more distorted with drops of sweat.

   Several apprentices of the Holy Dragon Academy who had been sacrificed in blood began to melt away gradually, turning into spirits, and flew towards Li Luo.

   At the same time, the body of the dean's son gradually dried up, turning into a crimson dragon phantom and flew towards Li Luo's body.


   Li Luo only felt that he was about to be incinerated, and a burst of soreness in his soul like lava pouring almost fainted him to death.

   "You must hold on." Li Luo gritted his teeth, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his eyes were bloodshot, and he squeezed his fists fiercely.


   Because of the force of the grip, the nails pierced the palms of the hands, and a drop of blood dripped down the fist.


   As soon as the blood side touched the ground, it burst into flames, and a black smoke rose from the ground, turning into a scorched black color.

  Vaguely, Li Luo only felt that the soul fragments in the soul that had not been completely absorbed before were all cast by this hot dragon soul, as if being ignited, making the entire soul even more hot.

  This kind of pain Li Luo has been going on for nearly five hours, and at this moment, he felt a throbbing in his heart, an extremely cold malice from the depths of his soul enveloped him like a darkness that swallowed everything.

   His complexion has also become extremely distorted and hideous, and his expression is like a beast that chooses people to eat, and his face is crazy.


   Just when this state was about to expand, a dragon head phantom flashed on Li Luo's head, and Li Luo woke up cleverly with a loud dragon roar.

   His complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly endured the severe pain and sped up the Dragon Soul Forge. Although he was still attacked by a wave of extremely evil thoughts, he was obviously burning with this malice.

   "It turned out to be a broken demon soul!" Li Luo's expression changed, and thunderous anger surged all over his body.

   Soon with the casting, the demon soul began to struggle. A wave of evil energy began to circulate in Li Luo's body, and under a burst of electric light, it turned into a wave of black energy and drifted away.

   After this continued for nearly five hours, the cold malice was completely dissipated, and Li Luo gradually opened his eyes.

   At this time, his wizard level has not improved much, but has dropped to the beginning of the third-class wizard apprenticeship. However, upon closer inspection, he found that his whole person was completely natural, like a spiritual creature bred by the heavens and the earth. In addition, a faint coercion involuntarily spread out in all directions, and the whole person was like a different person.

   is not just a refreshing hot breath, even the mask on his face has fallen off, returning to its original appearance.

"Transformed into a dragon soul, because the soul has changed, the mask is automatically unbound...In this case, I can wear the mask again and transform into another look, such as the previous Sacred Dragon Academy. Lord. Haha...hahahaha, it’s really ironic. If you get your skills, you still have to steal the resources that belong to you...Before that, you have to erase the induction circle on your arm. Falling." Li Luo laughed wildly, then thought of the ghost, converged, and stretched out his arm.

   Three more hours later, Li Luo carefully checked several times before dropping the clothes on his arms.

   "So, there should be no problem. My name is Long Aotian for the time being." Li Luo ticked the corner of his mouth and smiled.

   He thought of Long Aotian's appearance, put on his mask, and under a squirming movement, he was no different from Long Aotian's appearance.

   Li Luo put on Long Aotian's clothes again, and with a flick of his finger, Long Aotian's corpse was turned into a pile of ashes and scattered under a dazzling fire.

   He didn't go out immediately, sitting cross-legged, his eyes full of thoughts.

"It seems that the surge from the initial stage of the apprenticeship of the third-class wizard to the peak of the apprenticeship of the third-class wizard must have been the hands and feet of the ghost. The soul of the devil...interesting!" Li Luo narrowed his eyes, his eyes Shine a dazzling cold light.

   "What a conspiracy calculation." Li Luo said lightly, then stood up and walked outside.

   Pushed open the door and found a few wizard apprentices guarding here. After seeing Li Luo, they all bowed: "Congratulations to Lord Long for his success in casting his soul."

   "Hmm." Li Luo nodded and looked at a thin wizard: "Come here, I have something to tell you."

   Li Luo's voice fell, turned around and returned to the house.

   The thin wizard followed without any hesitation.

   "Dragon Lord, I don't know..." Just as a thin wizard wanted to ask, he felt a flower in front of him, and fell to the ground involuntarily with a bang, his eyes fainted black.

   Li Luo pressed his head and began to read his memory. Because he was a third-class wizard apprentice, and the Spirit Sea was strong and stable, even though Li Luo had spent a lot of effort, he still read out all his memories about this base and Long Aotian.

   This Long Aotian, in the memory of this apprentice, is completely a cruel person. And do whatever it takes to achieve the goal. But it's not bad for these subordinates, the rewards of magic stone resources have never been in arrears, and everything is rewarded excessively. From this point of view, it can barely be regarded as a hero.

   This kind of role, he played it, it was no difficulty.

   glanced at Jerry who fell on the ground, Li Luo put his hand on his head, a blue light flashed, and Jerry woke up after a while.

   Li Luo's eyes flickered again, and this Jerry stood up and returned to normal after a moment of loss of consciousness.

   "Long Aotian, please give the order." After Jerry recovered, he didn't seem to notice the abnormality just now.

   Li Luo nodded, pondered for a moment, and said: "Go to the mission hall to set up a long-term mission. A fresh and complete corpse of the apprentice wizard can be exchanged for 40 merit points!"

   "Yes." Jerry retreated quickly.

   After watching Jerry go, Li Luo pondered for a while and walked out.

   He went all the way, and soon came to a red circular building.

   Looking around, a woman with some freckles, long blond hair and a hot body was sitting at a desk writing something.

   "Olianna, see how I am different from before?" Li Luo slowly walked over and patted the girl's shoulder lightly.

   The girl raised her head, helped her glasses, her complexion changed.

   "Who are you? You are not Long Aotian! That's not right... With this hot feeling, you succeeded in casting your soul?!" Oriana was not sure at first, but then she was full of shock.

"Huh. I caught a hapless ghost who was rich in the blood of the dragon family, absorbed the power of his blood, and initially succeeded in casting the soul. In addition, the Shire team was all killed, you record their achievements. Oh... By the way, now my soul aura has changed drastically, you show me whether the identity token can still be used." Li Luo said these words in bursts, and handed over Long Aotian's identity token.

   "Oh..." Oriana was a little bit suspicious at first, but after Li Luo's order not to think, she subconsciously took it and began to check.

   "How about it, can it still be used?" Li Luo asked pretendingly.

   The girl looked at the red token handed over by Li Luo with a puzzled face. There was clearly no trace of residual information in it, and it was clear that people were dead. But the dragon soul casting method is quite mysterious, she was not sure for a moment whether Long Aotian in front of her was really dead, or whether the dragon soul was recast completely without any trace of the past...

   Li Luo's expression changed, and he became serious, and nodded **** the table.

   "Huh? Oriana, you weren't that **** at the last banquet." Li Luo saw that something was wrong, and immediately revealed a memory he found from Jerry.

   "Ah. Oh, yes. Didn't you find out before? Humph." Oriana blushed slightly when she heard Li Luo's words, and said shyly.

   Obviously, she has more than half eliminated Li Luo's suspicion. According to Jerry's memory, this Oriana has been trying to get Long Aotian's favor, and has never had a chance. Now Li Luo's teasing has smoothly confused her.

   "Well. It seems that you should go to the mission reception for a while." Li Luo nodded, and said pointedly.

   Mission receptionist, every such position in the secret realm can be said to be the existence of everyone's head. The reason is ~www.readwn.com~ is too fat! These task receptionists will leave the simplest and most rewarding tasks to the person who is the best to them, so everyone who accepts the task will bribe the task receptionist some magic stone or something. It can be said that it doesn't matter, I really can't sit in this position.

  Oliana heard that Li Luo arranged her like this, and she was ashamed to let her go. She stammered and said, "Then...what about Liu Xue..."

Li Luo waved his hand and said, "Oh~ don't worry about her, you will be yours when you come. There will not be many more task receptionists, and...the task reception desk has to have a **** girl supporting the scene. No?" Li Luo patted Oriana on the shoulder without a doubt.

   "Yes. Long-senior. Are you free tonight? I want to treat you to a meal..." Oriana's voice became smaller and smaller as she spoke, and finally she blushed and lowered her head.

   "Okay. I am happy to cast the dragon soul today, so I promised you." Li Luo smiled proudly and agreed.

"Really? That.... That's great. I will immediately reactivate the token for the senior." Oriana stammered, swiping the token given by Li Luo on an alchemy instrument. After a while, he took the alchemy instrument and swept Li Luo's body again before handing the token to Li Luo. "Your breath has been entered into the senior." Oriana lowered her body and passed the token with her hands, revealing a deep gully.

   Li Luo saw his throat roll, swallowed and spit, and muttered in his heart: "Are the girls from the Sacred Dragon Academy look like this? I'm blessed to see this..."

   But he quickly returned to normal, took the token and walked outside.

   "See you at the Black Cat Cafe at eight o'clock in the evening."

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