Overlord Wizard

: The 97th Secret Realm Adventure (13)

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   In front of the huge stone house, Li Bin and a few apprentice wizards who had returned from their missions stood there quietly.

   Inside the stone house, Li Luo sat cross-legged, his complexion constantly distorted, dripping with drops of sweat, and evaporating on the ground. The whole room was covered with this kind of water vapor.


   Li Luo drank a few more pots of water before his complexion improved.

"Five days have passed, the apprentice-level corpses have all been exhausted, and my strength has returned to the pinnacle of the third-class wizard apprentice. The dragon soul forged is perfect... it's time to hit this last barrier. ."

   Li Luoping regained his mood, took out the corpses of two first-tier mid-level wizards, and placed them on the sacrifice circle in front of him.

   Then, he sat cross-legged around his eyes and closed his eyes. The whole room was filled with water and mist, and crimson lights lit up, flashing indefinitely...

a week later.

   Li Luo opened his eyes in vain, took out a pink book and looked at it carefully, then stood up and sat on a pre-arranged Ju Yuan formation.

   At the same time, the dragon phantom on his body became more and more condensed, and the aura on his body began to rise and fall suddenly, and his hand moved to a certain part of the Ju Yuan magic circle, and the whole magic circle began to shine suddenly.

   Then, the whole house buzzed, and the elemental energy of the entire base suddenly surged here, turning into a funnel-like vortex at the top of the room and pouring straight into the house.

   In the room, Li Luo flashed a series of electric sparks on his body, sizzling, his aura began to rise steadily, and a torrent of various elements poured into him above his head.

At the same time, the phantom of the dragon on the body surface became more and more solid, and the roar of the ear-shaking dragon continued to be heard, shaking the ground constantly, and the broken stones continued to crack from the stone surface, and in an instant It turns into powder and floats out between the electric and optical touch.


   The ground seemed to be unable to withstand this kind of energy particle fluctuations anymore, and it cracked completely. The walls even shattered and collapsed, and huge stones slammed onto Li Luo's head.

Although the stones looked huge and the strength of the smashing was extraordinary, they all stopped and cracked and turned into countless rubbles under a burst of electric light. The powder drifted away.

   A few apprentices who were guarding outside looked at the collapsed stone house and glanced inside, suddenly startled.

   "This...the talent of Lord Dragon is really nothing to say!" One of them said in shock.

   The others also nodded and said yes, and stepped back. Only Li Bin's eyes flickered. He faintly thought of something, but he shook his head and moved back.

   After a few more hours, the elements of heaven and earth were poured into Li Luo's body, and Li Luo's entire body was completely covered by the condensed dragon phantom.

  And at this moment, Li Luo's eyes suddenly opened, and there seemed to be vertical pupils that flashed away. The dragon phantom on the entire body surface also sank into the body, and the whole person's aura suddenly changed.

   There was a roar to the sky.

   The entire base, whether it was a new apprentice who entered the experiment or an apprentice who was handing over a task, heard Li Luo's long howling at the same time, and they all looked in the direction where the howling was coming from in surprise.

   In the next moment, a torrent of elements surging away towards the long howl, turning into bursts of elemental winds and spinning, and there are continuous electric lights emerging, crackling, like a tornado.

   "Control the elements of heaven and earth!"

   "How can it be possible to control so many at once?"

   "This dragon soul casting Dafa is really amazing!"

   "No. I have to do more tasks and exchange for a dragon!"

   "Dong Gongzi has advanced successfully!"

   "Just stepping into the first-order wizard, so strong, our Sacred Dragon Academy is set to win this time!"


   Many new apprentice wizards who had entered the secret realm were shocked when they saw this scene.

   At the same time, a figure with six auras not lower than Li Luo also flew from a distance. After a short while, not far from Li Luo, as soon as the blue air flow dissipated, a beautiful woman fell there. She raised her head and glanced at Li Luo, her eyes brightened.

   This woman, Li Luo, had no impression in Jerry's memory, she shook her heart, pretending to close her eyes and continue to stabilize her realm.

   Before the woman could speak, two red and blue air currents flashed in the sky, and two more people fell down and appeared beside Li Luo in a flash.

   "Hey, big nephew. This time you can give your dad a face up!" A rough big man laughed and shouted. There was no concern that Li Luo was still meditating.

   Li Luo raised his eyes and looked stiff. He didn't have any impression of this guy. But he bit his scalp and said, "Huh! I, Long Aotian, must be a man standing at the top of this world. A mere first-order wizard is nothing." While speaking, Li Luo looked proud, giving people an extreme expression. Domineering appearance.

   "That's good. The second uncle supports you! Here, this is a little gift from me~." The rough man patted Li Luo's shoulder vigorously, and took a bottle of potion over. Then he said: "This is a bottle of Tier 1 Potential Potion that I asked Gellan to personally refine a few years ago. You have just been promoted. Drinking it will be of great benefit to you in the future!"

   Li Luo's pupils shrank and he was shocked. Potential potions of this tier are not the inferior products he refines in Baishi Town and Meilin. In the academy, he also checked some information for this purpose. Potential potions of this tier need at least be refined. Only with the skills of a second-tier pharmacist can there be so many opportunities for successful refining, and the materials are quite difficult to find, which can be described as rare treasures.

   Shocked and shocked, but the play still has to go on. "Second uncle. Is this the control potion refined by the Tatar Wizarding Academy? Okay. I accept it." Li Luo looked surprised and took the potion, pretending to be unbelievable.

  At this time, another man next to him frowned, looked at Li Luo, and asked: "Aotian, your birthday is..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Li Luo raised his head and drank the potion potion.

   Then, he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

   At this time, the other three people also fell down. They were a middle-aged man, a man with erect pupils, and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

   After a few people fell, they came to Li Luo, with a hint of doubt in their eyes. But then, he waited quietly.

   After a quarter of an hour, Li Luo opened his eyes, and a dragon phantom appeared in his body, and Yang Tian was roaring out with a dragon roar.


   "Hurry up, who will fight me!" Li Luo looked around, and finally stopped at the person who wanted to ask his birthday.

"Worse, Aotian just drank the potency potion to stimulate the body's potential, Morenga, you should change the place with him and have a fun battle, otherwise the effect of the potency potion will be wasted!" Morenga frowned. , Still nodded in agreement, and flew out towards the distance.

   Li Luo's eyes flashed, and he followed closely.

   Looking at Li Luo's fast disappearing figure, the other formal wizards were surprised and puzzled.

   "When did Mr. Dragon's body become so powerful?"

   "And the breath has changed so much that we can't even recognize it."

   "If it weren't for the magic weapon or magic that changed his appearance, I really thought he was a fake."

   "It's okay. After he fights Morenga, I'll know it."

   The few people looked at each other and flew towards the direction where Li Luo and Morenga disappeared.

   After Morenga stopped in a clearing, Li Luo's eyes were cold, and his figure shook, he rushed out forty meters and came to Morenga.

   The latter was startled, and when he was about to make a move, he heard a roar of a trembling dragon, and the whole person was in a trance.

   Then, Li Luo's eyes were full of pink, and the pink spots in the air were constantly being drawn by him, and fell into Morenga's eyes.

   At the same time, two thin lines of spirit submerged in Morenga's eyes, and his whole body was also sluggish in place.

   After a few breaths, the thread of spirit broke, and the pink mist around it also dispersed. Li Luo shook his fist at Morenga with a tired face, and at the same time Morenga was in a daze, and then returned to normal. With a flash of light on his body, a protective shield was activated.


   Li Luoli controlled well, and after a golden and iron sound, Morenga only took a step back and stopped.

   But then, a dense shadow of fists came and enveloped Morenga.

  Dangdang! ......

Just as the sky-shaking Hong bell kept rippling out, humming the surrounding void, Morenga was still a little wondering why her consciousness was blank for a moment, but then she didn't want to think much, and fought hard against Li Luo's. An iron fist.

   "My birthday is May 3rd, 8477. Why, Morenga, are you still thinking about giving me a birthday present, don't you concentrate on playing with me?" Li Luo said lightly while punching.

   Just before he was promoted, the pink book was the official wizard-level ‘psychedelic magic’ spell model, which could quickly enter the memory of a wizard who was weaker than his own soul and quickly read his memory. However, the consumption of mental power is also quite large, but the effect is obvious. After Li Luo quickly thought of the magic model of the spirit sea, he quickly read the memory of Morenga.

   Now, he is confident that he has passed the blunder.

"Huh, kid. The first-level wizard is so mad just now. Let you taste the power of apprentice-level spells in the hands of formal wizards!" Morenga seems to have put down his doubts on Li Luo, with a red man in his hand. Flash, a flash of fire lased towards Li Luo.


Although it was only a spell of a second-class wizard apprentice, the protective shield hit Li Luo's body was agitated, and the energy shield shattered to pieces~www.readwn.com~ scared Li Luo involuntarily. Take a step back.

"Morenga, you guy, as a late-stage first-order wizard, this firelight is placed on another ordinary formal wizard who has just advanced, and it is enough to cause serious injuries!" Long Aotian's second uncle walked over. Shen Sheng scolded.

   "Huh! Seriously injured? I think this kid hasn't even fallen the dust!" The voice fell, and Morenga flew out without looking back.

   The others looked at each other and walked over to Li Luo.

"Second Uncle, Ji Ruxue, Third Sister, Chen Feng... Elder Wu? How did you come in!" Li Luo said hello one by one, and finally froze on the middle-aged man, his eyes bursting. Said.

The latter gave Li Luo a cold look and said, "Hmph, two formal wizards were killed in battle, how could I not come in and see. As for how to get in, don't think too much about it. Now you are in the first level. Sorcerer, get down to the realm. When the time comes, I can go out without worry. But Long Shao, remember that although the two first-order wizards took the lead this time, you sacrificed so many elite apprentices. Get rid of them, even the dean will be furious, so please do it yourself!"

   Then this elder Wu flicked his sleeves and drifted away.

Second Uncle Long Aotian patted Li Luo on the shoulder, and comforted: "It's okay, this time you train into Dragon Soul Casting, your strength must be far superior to the powerhouses of the same level. As long as you plunder more resources, I believe your father will forgive you. . I’m leaving first, and then you can stabilize the realm.” This second uncle said, surrounded by the cyan air current, and flew out towards the distance. After seeing the two flying away one after another, the other people also dispersed. Only Ji Ruxue and Long Aotian's third sister remained.

   "Brother, guess what we found in the Dragon Mountain Range?"

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