Overlord Wizard

Chapter 98: Secret Realm Adventure (14)

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   At this time, Li Luo carefully observed the third sister in front of him. Although she was sixteen or seventeen years old, she was wearing a tight-fitting wizard robe, and her figure was contoured with unevenness. The jade hand was slightly horizontal in her lower abdomen, revealing an extraordinary temperament.

   "Sanmei, Dragon Mountain Range...Are you trying to take me to hunt dragons?" Li Luo touched his nose, looked away from the proud place of this girl, and asked slowly.

"Brother Aotian, now you are an advanced official wizard, and you are able to deal with some Yalong. If you only hunt Yalong, Ruxue and I will naturally not invite you. After all, every Tier 1 wizard can hunt and kill independently. Yalong. This time it’s because we found a dragon scale fruit tree and want to invite you to join it.” Long Aotian’s third sister named Long Yueer, she said calmly.

"If you remember correctly below, the dragon scale fruit tree will be guarded by the second-stage sub-dragons, and these sub-dragons are not suppressed by this mysterious realm. I have just advanced to the first-order wizard, why is Yue'er so confident that I can Help you?" Li Luo frowned and asked.

"Three brothers don't want to be humble anymore. Your physical body is so strong, and now you have become the supreme mind. As long as you give you a short period of time to settle, your strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds. Those Yalongs are not a bunch of bugs in front of the third brother~. And the benefits of this dragon scale fruit to the flesh are extraordinary, after eating a refining one, the strength of the flesh can be increased by a factor of two, and the increase in the strength of the flesh of Aotian is also quite considerable. The most important thing is. Yes, this dragon scale fruit can enhance the bloodline strength of those of us who have the blood of the dragon family, eat enough, and even when Brother Aotian is smelting the second-layer mental method, there will be no sense of blood shortage. No matter from that perspective, The little girl thinks you should cooperate with us." Although Long Yue'er put it in an orderly manner and full of compliments, Li Luo still found some loopholes in it.

   First of all, there are countless Asian dragons in the Giant Dragon Mountain Range. Even when they reach the dragon scale fruit tree, they are already in extremely bad condition.

  Secondly, how can these Yalong be compared with those of the outside world with this kind of secret realm rich in heaven and earth elements? I'm afraid the body is about to catch up with the dragon, right?

   Finally, can this kind of secret pterodactyl be lost?

Li Luo thought of this and groaned quietly for a moment, and said: "If you say that you are strong, how can you match the two witches who have entered the middle stage of the first-order wizard? Since it is a dragon scale fruit tree, it is probably not easy to come here. Steal it." Li Luo asked with a tentative smile.

   "Brother Aotian don't worry, apart from us, there are other people involved. Some of these people are quite proficient in setting up magic circles. Those Yalongs are not to be feared." Long Yueer said slowly.

   "That's it..." Li Luo frowned slightly with an unspeakable expression.

   "What's the problem with Lord Dragon, but it's okay." Ji Ruxuelian walked over, and Li Luo couldn't help but feel his voice in a crisp voice.

Li Luo turned his eyes to see the beautiful woman in front of him, with a graceful figure, crescent-like eyes rippling like autumn water, and her skin like snow like bright moonlight, and a black hair curled up behind her head, and she looked like dust. Fairy-like.

   "Hey, handsome and handsome Young Master Long, why are you dazed by our sister Ji~" Long Yueer covered her mouth and gave Ji Ruxue a little softly.

   The latter covered his mouth and smiled, instantly like a hundred flowers blooming.

   Li Luo's face blushed and he returned to normal.

"Cough cough cough, this...because I just advanced into the dragon vein wizard, I don't have a good dragon grammar learning. So..." Li Luo coughed gently, alleviating the embarrassing atmosphere. Said slowly.

"It's okay, we feel the dragon scale fruit, and it will take three months to mature. During this time, you can concentrate on improving your strength. As for the dragon grammar skills, our family will carry some with you, and you will save it." Long Yueer saw that Li Luo only had such a request, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she took out a few crystal **** and handed them over.

   Li Luo raised his brows, took it, and smiled: "Thank you Sanmei in advance. Oh, yes, I want to do some experiments on whether ordinary people can be brought in in the secret realm. About a hundred people."

   "Yes, I will deliver it to you in a week." Long Yueer's eyes curled, and she happily agreed.

   "Well, in that case, I am confident that I will come back alive. I joined this expedition." Li Luo raised his brows, took a deep breath, and said loudly.

"With the participation of Young Master Long, two or three of the foreign forces can be removed for this mission, so that the dragon scale fruit will not be a waste of the trip." Until then, Ji Ruxue's face appeared a little bit. He smiled and said with his eyes bent. In an instant, like a peony in full bloom, Li Luo's heart was rippling.

   Li Luo quickly stabilized his mind, a trace of jealousy for Ji Ruxue appeared in his heart.

   The woman smiled and she had an indescribable sense of charm. Even if Li Luo was such a determined person, she felt a little impetuous.

   "Since I have decided to go with you, now can I talk about what I should do?" Li Luo calmed down and asked.

"This matter is not in a hurry. At present, the personnel who stole the dragon scale fruit have not been gathered. Brother Aotian can be prepared. Three months later, we will gather in the Dragon Mountain Range. Then, according to the strength of the third brother, we will come. Decide what you should do. But the third brother can rest assured and will never give you too dangerous tasks to do." Long Yueer waved her hand.

   Li Luo frowned slightly, and he groaned for a moment and said, "Where is the dragon scale fruit tree in the Dragon Mountain? Which sub-dragons are distributed, so that I can prepare in advance. You tell me."

   The two women glanced at each other, but Ji Ruxuelian walked over, took out a map, and made gestures on it.

   "Thorn Ironback Dragon, Earth Traveling Dragon, Mang Dragon, and Pterodactyl."

   Ji Ruxue placed a little bit on the map, drew a circle there, and said slowly word by word.

   Li Luo touched his chin, nodded, and said faintly: "I see, that month, please send someone here as soon as possible. See you in three months."

   Then, the two women also said goodbye, surrounded by cyan light, and gradually flew away.

   After Li Luo returned to a stone house, he kept the door behind closed doors and began to study the new dragon language magic carefully.

   A week later, Li Luo opened his eyes.

   A giant dragon phantom condensed from him in an instant, and after a loud roar, it turned into an energy dragon and enveloped him.

"The dragon body... this kind of defense and magic resistance... it is indeed a spell from the dragon." Li Luo muttered to himself, turned and ran outside. Get out.

   He quickly came to a jungle clearing.

I saw a crimson energy condensed in his hand, as if the roar of the dragon's roar continued to be heard in it, and the void around the hand began to oscillate, and the rolling elemental energy was like a river of water, converging toward his hand. In the coming days, electric lights flickered and crackled in the air, and the momentum was so shocking.

   "Yanlongbo!" Li Luo roared and pushed forward.


   There was a surge in the energy ball, and a dragon head protruded from it, bringing out a python-like dragon body and shooting forward.


   Li Luo saw with his half-closed eyes that the fire dragon's passing was turned into nothingness. Under a huge gully, billowing black smoke rose up, which made people feel palpable.

   Looking forward again, the small hills in the distance turned into countless pieces of rubble and soil with a bang and blast, and the whole sky was covered with smoke and mist, obscuring things.

  With this kind of power, Li Luo couldn't help taking a step back, and his heart was full of surprises.

   Although I don't know if it is because of the increase in wizard aptitude by the potion, or because the dragon soul casting method has greatly improved him, this power is even close to the magic strength of the first-order late wizard!

   was surprised secretly in his heart, and he started experimenting with other spells.

   "Huh! Huh!"

   Li Luo took a shot, the elements in the air began to surge, and then he sprayed forward.

   A cone-shaped fire wave spouted from a few meters in front of his mouth. The trees on both sides of the gully were originally turned into nothingness when they were only touched. The entire woodland was also completely unrecognizable and turned into a scorched land.

   Li Luo nodded in satisfaction, and with the dragon roar sonic spell that Ming thought came with, he now has four first-order spells around him.

  As his strength greatly increased, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

   Just as Li Luo was immersed in the joy of doubling his strength, a Li Bin ran over at this time.

"Young Master Long, the ordinary people you asked for brought it here. In addition, Ji Ruxue asked me to tell you that there are a total of ten first-order wizards participating in this expedition. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Li Bin finished this. If that is the case, we must respectfully withdraw.

   Li Luo saw that he was going to leave, waved his hand and said, "Don't be busy in the future. Let me be a task manager."

   "Young Master Long, you are so kind to me..." Li Bin said with a slight cry while squeezing the corner of his eyes vigorously.

   Li Luo looked at him speechlessly, not to mention the fact that this guy really squeezed out a few tears, it was like a drama spirit possessed.

   "Lead the way." Li Luo gave him a white look and said lightly.

   "Yes. Please come with me, Young Master Long." Li Bin's tears dried up immediately, and Li Luo walked towards the base with a serious expression on his face.


  In front of the spacious laboratory, more than two hundred young adults are standing here honestly.

   Li Luo started the experiment...

   half a month later.

   In the laboratory, hundreds of ordinary people were sent back and forth. In the end, only the last ten people are left here.

   Li Luo stepped forward, slashed their arms one by one with the dagger, and carefully observed them.

   After a while, the wounds of these people healed quickly, and even the scars did not fall.

   At this time, Li Luo showed a hint of joy.

   After all, the experiment was successful. Li Luo sent a few people away, picked up the two prepared injections, and pierced the blood vessels in his arm...

   half a month later.

   Li Luo walked out of the dense forest, although his whole body was stained with blood, his exposed skin was as smooth as jade, and even a glimmer of light flashed from above.

  After he returned to the base of the Holy Dragon Academy and made some preparations, he did not wait for Ji Ruxue and the others, but walked directly to the location of the dragon scale fruit tree on the map...


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