Overlord Wizard

Chapter 101: Secret Realm Adventure (17)

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   The blood-colored flame exploded fireball rolled away and hit Gul'dan's blood-colored energy shield firmly.

   Boom! A mushroom cloud rose up, and the surrounding ground was under a burst of cracks. Numerous rubbles were splashing away. Under the smoke and dust, a ring of incomparable fire waves impacted in all directions.

After being hit so hard, Gul'dan only felt a sweetness in his mouth, and spouted a mouthful of black blood. The whole person was blown off, but the energy shield was only slightly cracked. With a flash of blood in the air, it was restored to its original state.

   And at this moment, a figure in black leather armor rushed out of the fire wave, like an arrow contained in a cannon, and went straight to Gul'dan.

   "War Blade Clash!"

   Li Luo's afterimage flashed, and he came to Gul'dan's footing. The sword in his hand was even under his dance steps, waving like a feast of blood, the sword with an imposing aura.

   "Soul Slash!" "Evil Slash!"

   Above a pair of war blades, one is beating with colorful flames, burning the surrounding space sizzling, and the other is full of thunder plasma, crackling, flashing non-stop.


   After four knives, the energy shield on Gul'dan finally cracked, but at this time, he also slowed down. As soon as he raised his hand, a ring of **** flames sent Li Luo upside down.

   The **** flames don't know what kind of weird fire elemental energy. After being contaminated with Li Luo's anti-energy mask, the energy mask burned out in a few breaths, and the trend continued to rush towards Li Luo's body.

   was so scared that Li Luo urged only a small amount of mana remaining in his body, hula, burst out a circle of red flames, and forced the blood flames back away. But Li Luo's mana was also consumed as a result, and he couldn't bring up any more mana.

   Quickly drank a bottle of mana potion, Li Luo looked at Gul'dan.

   At this time, the hero was also standing there panting, taking out a corpse, opening his teeth and biting it on.

   Li Luo saw this, where he dared to **** blood, another war-blade collision, rushed over.

   And just as Li Luo rushed over, this Gul'dan smiled strangely, opened his mouth, swished with a **** light, and shot towards Li Luo at such a fast speed as if he were teleporting.

   Li Luo didn't have time to defend at all, and the blood fell into his body.

  At the same time, Li Luo only felt his heart beating wildly involuntarily, and his blood was surging, and he was about to burst out. At the same time, there were many fantasies in front of him, and he knelt on the spot.


   Li Luo didn't have any panic about this, he directly aroused all the fighting energy in his body, spreading the power of thunder all over his body, and he recovered after only a few breaths.

   Looking at Gul'dan again, she pinched Wu Mei'er's neck with her forehand, and took a bite out of her white spot.

   Li Luo's pupils shrank, an anger rose up, and he involuntarily faced the front with a loud roar.


   A ring-shaped sound wave suddenly spouted from Li Luo's mouth. Then, the entire space vibrated, and the air continued to explode, like a muffled thunder. On the ground, countless rubbles rose up and broke into powder one after another. Even the nearby trees were bent into an exaggerated arc under Li Luo's voice, and even some young trees simply broke apart.

   Gul'dan staggered, Wu Mei'er in his hand was even weaker on the ground.

   "War Blade Clash!"

   Li Luo's eyes flashed coldly, and his figure turned into an afterimage and came to Gul'dan again.

At this time, because of Li Luo's roar, the blood-colored energy cover on Gul'dan was completely shattered. Under the confusion of his consciousness, he barely dodged, and he scoffed twice and was cut out by the war blade in two deeply visible bones. Knife marks.

"you wanna die!"

  Gul'dan regained consciousness, his eyes flashed with blood, a cross sword appeared in his hand, and he rushed towards Li Luo without retreating.

   Li Luo saw that Gul'dan was so bold, thinking that naturally the other party was dependent on it, and he didn't dare to be careless. Facing this guy, he confronted him with a defensive attitude.

   "Clang clang!"

   There was a series of metal crashes, and a few deep blood gutters appeared on each of them.

   This Gul'dan is a high-level vampire, and the black blood on his body squirmed and quickly recovered.

"Hahaha... idiot, I want to fight melee with our vampires, I don't know that vampires have the most resilience..." Gul'dan hadn't finished speaking, and the whole person froze. There.

   Because in his eyes, this human who also shed a stream of blood, also recovered from the wound under a squirm. At this moment, Gul'dan's complexion became wonderful, and at the same time the greed in his eyes became more intense.

"Well, well, the resilience is so strong. After sucking your blood, I will definitely be able to break through the current limit of potential and die." Gul'dan's eyes were bloody, and after saying three good words, his face was stunned. , The body began to glow with dazzling blood.

   "It's not good, it's blood sacrifice Dafa!" Wu Mei'er rushed over from the side, raised her head and drank a bottle of **** potion, and hurried Li Luo to the side.

  At the same time, Wu Meier's mana began to burst, and a burst of **** energy continued to rise from her body, rushing Li Luodu back several steps.

   Li Luo saw that Wu Meier was buying time for herself, did not hesitate, drank a few bottles of mana potion, and ran behind a rock.

   Gul'dan's blood became more intense, and the mana on his body began to recover, even faintly stronger by three points than before. And Wu Mei'er didn't know what kind of medicine she had taken. The fluctuation of her mana was more than three times faster, and she was not much weaker than the fluctuation when Gul'dan began to enter the cave.

   As soon as the two of them finished their breath improvement, they each condensed blood-colored energy **** and blasted towards each other.

  In an instant, a radius of several hundred meters was covered with **** flames, all the trees were turned into ashes, and the ground was anxious, as if entering the world of purgatory.

   Boom boom boom boom...

   In less than a dozen breaths, the battle between the two broke out. Wu Mei'er lay not far from the boulder where Li Luo was hiding.

  At this time, although Gul'dan was a little panting, his mana was obviously still sufficient, his eyes were scarlet, like a beast that had been hungry for a long time, and his face greedily walked step by step.

"five four three two one!"

   Li Luo secretly calculated that he came out from behind the boulder and took another big mouth towards Gul'dan. Under the trembling of the air, a burst of sonic waves rushed towards Gul'dan.

   The effect is surprisingly good. This dragon roar spell is simply the nemesis of dark creatures. After Gul'dan was hit by the dragon roar sound wave, his body staggered. In this gap, Li Luo's hand flashed with a red light, and a fire dragon arrived and bombarded Gul'dan's energy shield again.

   I don’t know if it’s because of being affected by the dragon roar, or stimulating some burden on the body of the secret technique. As soon as the Gul'dan energy mask was touched by the fire dragon, it sizzled and burned like confetti.

   Li Luo kept moving, and took another deep breath. He opened his mouth and sprayed. The scorching fire waves swarmed towards Gul'dan.

   Gul'dan was not slow in his hands, yet another blood-colored energy ball was released in an instant, turning into a blood-colored fireball over two meters in size and rolling towards Li Luo.

   But the next moment, an earth wall surrounded by all sides protected Li Luo and Wu Mei'er, and the earth wall shattered with a blast, but Gul'dan was missing.

   Li Luo frowned, this Gul'dan apparently inspired spells similar to the invisibility technique and the astringent technique, and quickly moved away from here. But Wu Mei'er didn't know where to get out a black crow. Under her utterance, a burst of blood rose from the crow's body, and it turned into a blood cursed raven and flew up into the sky.

   "Over there!" Wu Meier pointed her arm, and her voice sounded quite moving.

   Even in this state of fierce fighting, Li Luo couldn't help but feel a sway, but he recovered in a flash, carrying Wu Mei'er on his back and rushing away in that direction.

   "Eighty meters ahead left!"

   Wu Mei'er's voice became more and more sensual, making Li Luo feel a little uncomfortable, but still the shadow of his arm swayed, that is, three flying knives flew out toward the left front.


   There was a crisp sound, like a bubble being punctured, Gul'dan's figure appeared, his back firmly pierced with a dagger thrown by Li Luo.

   Li Luo saw this, his gaze brightened, and he couldn't help but say that a few more daggers were thrown away, turned into a few dazzling streams, and they pierced Gul'dan's heart fiercely.

   And at this moment, Gul'dan turned around and smiled weirdly, letting a few flying knives pierce his body.

   But then, the whole body turned into a pool of black blood, and under another squirming, it turned into countless bats flying up and gathering in the air.

   After a while, an intact Gul'dan appeared in front of them again. At the same time, Gul'dan made two muffled sniffs on his back, extended a pair of wings more than three meters long, and gave birth to a pair of horns on top of his head, and his figure rose up.

   "Damn it!"

   Li Luo's pupils shrank, this Gul'dan didn't know what secret technique broke out, and turned into a real vampire demon! At this moment, he was frightened.

  No, this guy should have been a pure blood vampire demon! The vampires Li Luo encountered in the past were all monsters that had absorbed the blood of the vampire devil ~www.readwn.com~ and turned into monsters. To put it bluntly, they were just demonic humans. but now.......

   Li Luo took a closer look, and found that after Gul'dan transformed his body, his mana fluctuated up and down. Obviously, he was in a state of being downgraded, and he didn't seem to have no chance at all.

   Seeing this, he was slightly calm in his heart, and when he flung his hand, a few daggers were thrown out, turning into streams of light and shooting towards Gul'dan in mid-air.

   At this time, Gul'dan stood there quietly, letting his dagger pierce him.


   A few muffled noises, the dagger just stopped after an inch, and Li Luo was startled.

   His own weird power is very clear to him. At the moment, this blood-sucking demon, more than three meters high, can resist it with only his body?

"It's really good strength. Human beings are so strong. It's worthy of praise. Happiness..." Gul'dan patted his hands gracefully as he spoke, but with that ugly face full of teeth, A sense of violation.

   Li Luo drank a few bottles of mana potion without saying anything. He kept drinking the potion of brute force, anti-magic potion, and any potion that increased the state.

   "Huh? Interesting, I am not afraid of being poisoned by so many medicines..." Gul'dan watched Li Luo drank so many medicines at once, and he became interested.

  Although Wu Mei'er behind Li Luo looked desperate at this time, looking at Li Luo's expression, there was more expectation. The wizard in front of him didn't seem to be that weak.

   Thinking of this, Wu Mei'er also drank a bottle of potion and walked back slowly.

   "Very good, next, let you feel the power that I gained after incarnation of a pure-blood demon!" Gul'dan's face was stunned, and he disappeared in place.

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