Overlord Wizard

Chapter 104: Secret Realm Adventure (20)

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   Li Luo took Wu Mei'er all the way, but did not encounter much trouble during the period, and quickly and smoothly approached the base of the Tatar Wizarding Academy. Li Luo gave Wu Mei'er some smoked beast meat, and placed her in a cave near the base.

   Then he put on the wizard robe of Tatar Academy and walked towards the base.


   A few wizard apprentices quickly gathered around and asked.

   Li Luo faintly glanced at a few unfamiliar faces, frowned slightly, and asked: "I am a new apprentice. I heard that some people have disappeared from our base?"

   Hearing the words, several people showed an extremely ugly look, and then stepped aside.

   "Come with me, go and register." One of the pocky apprentices will lead Li Luo to the identity registration office.

"I have a special identity. This time I am here to protect the eldest lady. You take me to see her. She can recognize my identity." Li Luo glanced around the apprentices, said lightly, and controlled his breath at the same time. The level of apprenticeship of a third-class wizard.

   "Miss's guard?" one of the round-faced wizards asked in confusion.

   "Exactly, the previous falcon died, I will replace him." Li Luo nodded and said flatly.

   Although a few people were skeptical, they didn't dare to neglect, and led Li Luo towards Aianna's stone house.

   After entering the stone house, Li Luo found that Ai Anna was sitting aside with a sad face, with a worried look. Li Luo coughed slightly, and after a few sentences with mental energy, Aiana's eyes were bright, and she told the others: "You all go down."

   Several apprentice wizards glanced at each other, and they all stepped back.

   "Miss, is my code correct?" Li Luo sat down and said with a smile.

Aiana squeezed her palms hard, and said with an ugly face: "The secret code is naturally okay. You are called Lone Wolf, right? Tell you about the situation during this period. Except for Liu Wuji and Louis, our base, All other Tier 1 wizard leaders have disappeared! Then more than 70 apprentice wizards have disappeared one after another. Now these new apprentice wizards only dare to collect magic grass and other materials at these resource points near the academy. We are already behind. A lot of other forces."

Li Luo frowned and said, "Even the first-order wizards are missing? How did they disappear? Didn't the academy send other official wizards over?" Although he asked, he already guessed that most of these apprentice wizards and official wizards, I'm afraid it's all bad.

Ai Anna fell silent for a moment, and then said: "I don't know exactly how the missing person was. Even the investigators didn't find any clues. And there are seven apprentice wizards in the base who didn't take the Jumping Potion. Under the circumstances, he was successfully promoted to the official wizard, and the academy did not send other official wizards. But the strange thing is that these official wizards usually stay behind closed doors and don’t know what they are doing. Liu Wuji has repeatedly talked with each other. When they negotiated, the other party only politely rejected him on the grounds of consolidating the realm."

   "Also, Louis decided to personally take seven official wizards and one hundred and seventy new apprentice wizards to go to a decisive battle with the gang of Scarlet Ravens."

   Ai Anna talked to this, with a sad expression on her face. Obviously, she had discovered the strangeness of the ghost, but because of her low strength, there was nothing she could do.

   Li Luo touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and said, "You will join me in this operation in a week."

   After pressing these words, Li Luo walked out of Ai Anna's room. Ai Anna bit her red lips and did not raise any objections. Because she knew that if the one hundred and seventy new apprentices disappeared, she would have no face to come out of the secret realm.

a week later.

   Louis and the seven official wizards led the team towards the Scarlet Raven base.

   Li Luo silently followed the back of the team, guarding Ai Anna's side, and his eyes were constantly swept towards several newly promoted official wizards.

Since he became a dragon soul to cast Dafa, he has been very sensitive to dark souls. There is no doubt that these seven formal wizards gave Li Luo the feeling that they revealed a vicious evil thought and gave him An extremely evil feeling.

"It should be by relying on the soul of the demon to forcibly raise the level. In this way, the evil thoughts in their hearts will be infinitely magnified, and they have decided to start working on these apprentices...or rather, through A melee, sacrificing the dead wizards..." Li Luo thought secretly, feeling that the latter is more likely.

   But then he seemed to have thought of something, and silently said in his heart: "Even in the worst case scenario, I have left behind, there should be no problem..."

   Just like that, two weeks later, everyone came to the Scarlet Raven base not far away.

At this time, the entire Scarlet Raven base was shrouded in a dense blood-colored haze, and there were hundreds of Blood Cursed Ravens circling and dancing in the air. The blood and light were all released, causing the surrounding apprentices to stagger for a while. Fell to the ground.

  The ghost took a faint look at the blood cursed raven in the air, and with a light wave of his hand, a black wind suddenly flew out and rolled away toward the blood cursed raven in mid-air.


   After a disgusting weird cry, all these blood cursed ravens burst open, turning into a little bit of blood and disappearing.

  Ghost Toru's clean and neat means immediately boosted morale.

   Everyone talked a lot, showing a hint of anger.

   "Hmph, the **** of these Scarlet Ravens killed so many of our academy elites. Today, we must bloodbath here."

   "Yes. These guys who practice dark mana will plunge into the darkness sooner or later, so it's better to kill them now!"

   "Pity my brother, who disappeared when he went to the resource point of Scarlet Raven."


   Just as the crowd was discussing, the ghostly voice rang.

   "The seven of you set up a large array of exorcism. After the array is set up, the other apprentices are divided into twenty and stand at the eye of the array to maintain the formation.

   The seven newly promoted official wizards soon began to arrange them around the Scarlet Raven’s base.

   At this moment, a young man came over and stood beside Li Luo.

   "Under the wind, I don't know the name of the brother's surname?" While speaking, the young man glanced at Ai Anna next to Li Luo, his eyes full of admiration.

   "Feng Ling? That's the one in the top ten in the academy? Long admiring the name, the lone wolf, who is the dean's personal guard, is here to protect Ai Anna." Li Luo's eyes flickered and said lightly.

   Feng Ling was still proud of himself at first, but after hearing the four characters of the dean's guard, Ma Shanshan immediately smiled.

"So, quickly regain your physical strength. There will be a fierce battle in a while. By the way, I don't know if Brother Lone Wolf is going to go into hunting or want to maintain the formation?" Feng Ling changed his proud look, and then seemed to think of it. What happened, asked Li Luo.

   "I and Aiana will go to maintain the formation." Li Luo turned his head and glanced at Aiana, and said gesturely.

   Fengling was a little surprised by Li Luo's words. It stands to reason that his kind of powerful personal guard should go inside to hunt and earn some merit points. After all, Ai Anna can be safe from the outside protection by others. And if you go in to hunt and maintain the formation, there must be a big difference between the merits you get, and even the merits you get from hunting will be several times that of maintaining the formation. But I don't know how Feng Ling thought about it. After a change of expression, he actually said with a smile, "Then I will maintain the formation with Brother Lone Wolf."

   This time, Li Luo was quite surprised. The handsome young man in front of him was really superb in his ability to observe words and colors. Li Luo guessed that he didn't think that strong people like Li Luo wouldn't get in easily, because there must be a lot of risk inside. In other words, Feng Ling even thinks of the recent series of disappearance of apprentices, and has some doubts about this action.

   All the apprentice wizards took advantage of this free time, sitting cross-legged, and resumed meditation.

A quarter of an hour later, the ghost in front of him turned around and said lightly: "The apprentices who maintain the formation can only get 50 merit points. The apprentices who go in to hunt and kill, no matter how many enemy apprentices are hunted, the second is guaranteed. Hundreds of merits are worth points. For every additional person killed, fifty points will be added. Now that the formation has been engraved, the apprentices who maintain the formation will automatically stand up!"

   Li Luo and Ai Anna looked at each other, and stood over without hesitation, Feng Ling also followed closely. Then there were scattered apprentices who walked towards the eyes, but at the end, there were still three eyes emptied~www.readwn.com~ Finally, the names of the three people were named, and these three talents looked like Unwillingly walked towards the three front eyes.

In this way, the driving element array started to be activated, the ground began to glow with a dazzling red light, and the elements in the surrounding space began to quickly scrambled, rushing in all directions, and the space of a few hundred meters, the elements were gradually lost. It dissipated, and the blood-colored light curtain covering the Scarlet Raven's base began to flicker, as if it was about to turn into dots of light and dissipate in the next moment.

   Those apprentices from the Tatar Wizarding Academy were grazing their hands and preparing for revenge.

   In a hall of the Scarlet Raven base, more than 200 apprentices of the blood-robed wizard stood here, holding a bowl of black and red fishy liquid in their hands.

"Everyone, Lord Gul'dan has fallen. The tatters of the Tatar Academy outside came again at this time. If we don't make these sacrifices today, they will all be ruined here! I, Wu Tianwan, will plunge into the darkness to resolve this crisis! "A pale, but handsome young man said in a deep voice.

After   , he drank the black blood in the bowl in his hand in one gulp.

"Huh! Tatar College, these gangsters, my brother died in their hands. Today, Mokol also followed in the footsteps of Brother Wu Tian!" A tall young man, with a look of resentment, also blacked the bowl. The blood drank away.

   "I drink too!"


   The apprentices of Scarlet Raven all drank the black blood in the bowl, half kneeling on the ground, their eyes turned to scarlet, and two fangs grew in their mouths in less than a quarter of an hour, and they stood up.

   "Fresh blood!"

   After they stood up, they licked the corners of their mouths, completely disappearing from the resentment, and they all rushed out with excitement.

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