Overlord Wizard

Chapter 110: Secret Realm Adventure (26)

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   After Lorenga's bee was used for death, everyone never encountered a large fire bee attack. Although I don't know how Lorenga attracted so many Fire Bees, one thing is for sure, they have already crossed the Fire Bee Mountain and headed for the Flame Demon Realm.

a week later.

   Li Luo and others slowly came to a crimson world.

   The Flame Demon Realm, just as its name suggests, is a place where the flame demon gathers, and it is also an extremely hot world.

The surrounding crimson rocks, the dark red land, and the grasses and trees where you can see are also red in the steam. Lifting your head, even the sky above your head is shrouded in dense red clouds, giving out bursts of dazzling eyes. Red light.

  As the heat waves in the air rushed toward their faces, everyone felt a scorching sensation on their faces.

Yumeng was somewhat restrained by the surrounding environment because of his mana attributes. After his face changed, Ma uploaded a azure blue robe and a water-blue shield was put on him, and his face looked better. .

   Li Luo and others did not seem to be restrained, they simply mobilized the fire element in the air, formed a shield on the body surface, and walked comfortably on this red land.

   "Alan, your ability is really great, I feel that I'm about to get promoted." Zhao Hu said to Li Luo with a smile while walking.

Li Luo shook his head and said with a smile: "Isn't this also a magic stone? A sacrifice a few days ago, the middle-level magic stone of Lorenga was consumed. You said, who would suffer from this consumption? "

   "Hey~ Brother Ailan don't need to be self-conceited, I think our trip to the Balrog Region is not just a harvest of some Balrog crystal cores!" Anda leaned over at this time and said loudly.

   "What do you say?" Li Luo asked with a flash of eyes.

   Anda said in such a tone that it is generally impossible to aimlessly, and Li Luo couldn't help but think about it for a while.

as predicted.

Anda took a sip of the water in the water bag, and said loudly: "According to legend, there was a Balrog king in the Flame Demon Territory, and he was not oppressed by the rules of this world at all. This Balrog king swallowed the origin of fire, and only then had the second-tier peak Strength. And this is not the point. This Balrog is splitting out a group of little Balrogs every once in a while. All these little Balrogs have a trace of the origin of fire. If we hunt enough, there will be Ailan’s. Ability, it should be able to gather several sources of fire. I happened to refine a magic weapon that stores energy. I didn’t expect it to be used today, look!"

   While talking, Anda took out a football-sized circular magic weapon, flashing with patterns on it, and looking carefully, it was the pattern of the magic circle formed by the seal runes flashing on it.

   "You actually refined the sphere of energy?!" At this moment, Zhao Hu finally couldn't help feeling excited, and grabbed Anda's round witchcraft.

   Li Luo looked at Zhao Hu as if he saw his daughter-in-law, and laughed in his heart.

   "I said, Lao Zhao, how long have you been poor?" At this time, Anda finally couldn't help but complain.

Yuqing and Yumeng next to    covered their mouths with a chuckle, and the flowers bloomed in an instant, and Li Luo was dull there for a while.

   shook his head, Li Luo strode forward and laughed: "Guys, what are you waiting for!"

   Everyone quickly ran towards a nearby giant cow covered in flames. This cow is called the fire-breathing cow. It is a Tier 1 pinnacle monster. It simply controls the fire element. Although it costs a lot of hunting, the meat is extremely delicious. Simply add salt and stew to make it taste very good. This is also the experience of the apprentices who have experienced in the secret realm. This Demon Realm can also eat the fire-breathing bull. Other creatures such as the fire monkey and the fire rat, the meat is quite acidic, and one bite will give you a bite. This kind of nausea impulse, so most experienced wizards also use this fire-breathing cow as a source of food.


   A series of sky-shaking blasts, the fire-breathing bull was overturned to the ground, his limbs twitched, and there was no sound.

   Li Luo stayed to cook, and the others continued to explore the surroundings, searching for the movement of small groups of Balrogs.

   Soon, Li Luo stewed the whole fire-breathing cow into a few pots of meat, cast it and stored it in the space bag, and the others returned.

"Brother Ailan, as the predecessors said, the chance of encountering the little flame demon near here seems to be small. After this journey, as expected, none of them came across." Zhao Hu wiped his forehead. Sweat, breathlessly said.

Anda just walked over at this time, patted Zhao Hu on the shoulder, and said, "Brother Zhao can't find anything normal. If this Flame Demon Realm wants to meet the Little Flame Demon, he has to walk there for an hour. The foot of the volcano is the place where the little flame demon frequently appears." While Anda spoke, he pointed to a volcano in the distance.

   Everyone looked at the direction of his fingers, and the flames flickered at the foot of the volcano. Although it was dimly covered by a piece of smoke, it was not difficult to guess that there must be some fire elemental creature swaying there.

   "The temperature is getting higher and higher, do you have any water element witchcraft robe for me to use?" Li Luo probed there with mental power, his face changed slightly, and asked the others.

"Prepared for a long time." At this time, Anda had a flower in his hand, and a few aqua-blue wizard robes were presented in his hand and passed to a few people. Then he did not forget to add: "Let's say it first, a wizard robes lease One hundred magic stones a day!"

   The other people's expressions changed, and Zhao Hu shouted, "You kid is too dark too! I don't have a thousand magic stones all over my body, can I change the terms?"

Anda showed a sly color when he heard the words, and said leisurely: "This is the best robe I refined. Not only can it block the scorching sensation, but it also has a good resistance to the fire element. The price is naturally not to be said. But if Brother Zhao gives us a few more days of work, it is not unreasonable that he needs less of the origin of fire."

   "Huh! A profiteer! Renting for ten days." Zhao Hu took the robe in angrily and directly handed Anda a space bag.

   Li Luo couldn't help but look sideways when he saw Zhao Hu's so "expensive". This magic stone can be described as the wizard’s second life. It’s not an exaggeration. If you give it all to Anda, once the mana is exhausted, you can’t rely on the magic stone to replenish mana. As a result, Zhao Hu is always in danger. . But this kind of crisis and gains are naturally far behind. A copy of the origin of fire is worth at least 10,000 low-level magic stones, and they are even valuable and non-marketable existences! This Zhao Hu really can afford it, and it can be seen that this seemingly rough man also has a shrewd side.

   After everyone put on the robes given by Anda, they went down to the foot of the volcano.

   Within fifteen minutes, Li Luo frowned, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

   After hearing only a few strange creaking sounds, dozens of fire-bearing mice came out of the ground in vain, looking at the posture as if they had been ambushed in advance. At the same time, an extremely hot breath hits his face from the front, burning the surrounding air somewhat.

   "Fire Rat"

   Li Luo's expression remained unchanged, but he murmured in his mouth.

Naturally, he had heard of the appearance of this fire rat from Gerlan in advance. These beasts formed in groups to attack the small number of explorers, and were extremely timid. When they found that they were slightly invincible, they quickly retreated. Open, don't give the adventurer a little hunting gain.

   And this fire rat is generally likely to mutate and spawn in places where the fire element is very strong.

This fire rat is not strong, the highest level is the peak of the beast, but if it encounters dozens of groups of fire rats, intensive apprentice-level spells will be swept, even if it is a team of formal wizards, It is not an easy task to pass between them safely.

   Therefore, from the very beginning, we must use all our strength to scare away these beasts.

Li Luo's hands condensed with two blue and red rays of light, and in an instant, two first-order fire and wind witchcraft condensed, and when they merged with each other, they reached the power of the first-order peak fireball and smashed toward the fire rat group. .

The others are also roughly the same. Either one person uses a combination spell, or two witches use a combination spell together, directly blasting the road tens of meters away into a 200-meter deep pit, billowing black smoke. , And ruined all the fire rats in it!

At this time, Li Luo was quite surprised. He thought that everyone would save mana in the next hunt, but all of them tried their best and drank a bottle of mana potion without hesitation. It surprised him.

   It seems that the value of this source of fire is still above my own estimate!

   Li Luo thought so, and secretly drank a bottle of mana potion, and followed the team to continue to accelerate.

   Everyone soon came to the foot of the volcano, a thick flaming mist blocked everyone's sight.

   At the same time, suddenly there was a roar from nowhere!

   Then, a roar resounded in the ears of everyone one after another.

   With the strength of Li Luo's soul, he felt his head sink slightly, and a flower in front of his eyes made his vision blurry.

   Li Luo's heart palpitated, his body surface shone with dazzling electric glow, and there was a thin layer of colorful flames rising up, protecting the whole body. Afterwards, Li Luo's mental power spread out, and after repeated searches in the nearby area, he found several fiery red human figures.

   Li Luo saw this, his complexion changed drastically, and ten figures no less than the first-order wizard aura appeared in his mind, no need to think that it was the little flame demon.

Li Luo once again perceives carefully, and finds that these humanoid figures are similar in appearance to humans, they are also the size of adults, without legs, instead of a spiral lower body, the upper body is roughly the same as a human, and there are also on the face. With the traces of human facial features, his head is huge, which is quite funny.

Although    looked a little cute, the next behavior made everyone feel chilling.

   I saw a flash of fire in their hands, and successive waves of fiery red energy converged continuously, emitting waves that were not weaker than the spells of the first-order wizards, and unexpectedly cast spells on Li Luo and others at the same time.

   Li Luo's heart jumped and was set on fire by ten first-order wizards? Just kidding!

   He retreated suddenly, and at the same time he took out a cross sword in his hand, prepared to rely on physical strength and the anti-energy shield on his body to escape the fire-focusing range while blocking the sporadic first-order spells.

   But he obviously underestimated the abilities of his teammates, and saw a flash of blue light in Yumeng's hands, and a one-meter-thick wind wall rose up in front of everyone, firmly blocking them.

   Boom! ......

   After the intensive explosion, the wind wall dissipated, and only two spells struck Li Luo and Anda.


   The cross sword in Li Luo's hand seemed to make an ear-splitting buzzing sound, and when it shook in front of the fireball, it turned into a stream of light and split the fireball apart.

   Anda didn't know what kind of power he had used, and when he shot forward, he absorbed the fireball.

   Then, Zhao Hu pressed the ground fiercely, and countless soil thorns rose from the ground, piercing through the bodies of the three little Balrogs, flowing out bursts of magma-like liquid. Yuqing even flew by two fireballs, splitting the two little flame demon bombarded and killed.

   But there are still five little flame demons freed up, and continue to condense five intense and incomparable fire lights, a wave of witchcraft in the middle of the next stage, suddenly spread from them.

   At this critical moment, Anda took out a disc-shaped witchcraft and pressed it upwards. Then the disc witchcraft shone a dazzling yellow light, shining on the ground. Afterwards, a three-meter-thick earth wall rose from the ground and stood firmly in front of everyone.

   Then, there were a few thunderous...

   The earth wall fell apart, and Yu Qingyu screamed out with a loud voice, and shot out a fireball and a wind blade one after another. Zhao Hu shot out a cone of ice, and firmly inserted a little flame demon on the ground.

   But there are still two little flame demon standing in front of everyone. At this time, everyone's protective witchcraft is already in the cooling time. Seeing that they can only forcefully resist two witchcraft that are no less than the middle stage of the first-order wizard.

   At this time, Li Luo's eyes condensed, and his figure bloomed, turning into an afterimage and appearing in front of the two little flame demon.

Li Luo's amazing melee action made the two little Balrogs suddenly startled. One immediately opened his mouth and sprayed out a fireball a few feet in size. The little Balrog behind quickly retreated back and was about to fight Li Luola. Open distance.

The fireball swelled in the wind, and instantly turned into a size of two meters. Li Luo blasted into the air with a sharp piercing sound. ~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo's non-verbal arm was a blur, and a line Cyan rays shot out.

   The next moment, a cyan glow suddenly appeared in the void ahead, and it turned into a cyan wind blade and flew towards the fireball.


   Half Moon Wind Blade slashed fiercely on the fireball, and after a flash of crimson light, it exploded and broke apart, turning into a little residual flame, and dissipating in the air.

   Li Luo held the cross sword tightly in both hands, a flower on his arm, and a silver streamer burst down. It instantly turned into a half-moon sword light and slashed down towards the little flame demon closest to him.

   The little flame demon also seemed to feel the danger, and his body flashed red, turning into a body-protecting energy cover, covering the whole body up and down.

   With a loud "bang", the sword light collided with the fiery red energy shield.

   The little flame demon was in a trance, and the energy shroud all over his body collapsed.

   The cross sword in Li Luo's hand kept slashing, and another Yuehua slashed it, and then the big head of the little flame demon fell from his body.

  The other little Balrog who fled to the distance saw his companions die one after another, and unexpectedly screamed, fleeing to the distance quickly, the speed is not much slower than Li Luo running with all his strength.

   At this time, everyone also ran over, looking at the corpse of a small flame demon, and their expressions showed a little joy.

   But Li Luo frowned. He just met ten little Balrogs, which made the team so dwarfed. If he met fifteen or twenty, it would be extremely bad.

But at this moment, there was a burst of energy in the distance, and several figures quickly ran over here. Behind them were the figures of eight little flame demon. Li Luo's eyes brightened and he stared at the others. At a glance, he ran towards them.

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