Overlord Wizard

Chapter 115: Secret Realm Adventure (31)

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   Three months later, in front of the gate of the Yangcun tribe.

   Li Luo looked at the ferocious sheepmen in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, that's how it feels!"

Yuqing and Yumeng glanced at each other, poked Li Luo, and asked with some caution, "Is this all right? You are pumping blood from that werewolf during this period of time, and you are also cultivating a liquid called'devil blood cells'. Injecting these sheep people, how do you feel that these sheep people are more ruthless than the werewolves?"

   Li Luo glanced back at the two timid witches and smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, I didn't become a demon, but there have been some changes in personality and physiology, I am afraid it is even worse than the demon!"

   With his smile, the two witches were so surprised that they couldn't speak. The look in Li Luo's eyes became even more strange. How to put it, it is like the kind who wants to leave but reluctantly, staying still scared.

   In that mood, it was like two dancing girls saw the underworld brother.

   Li Luo smash it, smash it, and think that he is so terrible? The ghost knows...

   patted Anda on the shoulder, and Li Luo waved his hand forward.

   The sheep man behind him drew out the sword in his hand, carrying a giant military crossbow on his back, as if he had received some order, and rushed out.

   "Hey! Kill the werewolves!"

   "Bah! Kill, kill, kill!"


  Although the sheep people look fierce and vicious, but when they listen carefully, they are still a little immature, and it is quite strange to set off the entire sheep crowd.

   After the sheepman rushed out, Li Luo whispered a few words to the werewolf leader beside him, who nodded and rushed out.

   "So, guys, we will be much safer with the Goatman." Li Luo smiled and stepped forward and walked out.

   The others glanced at each other and followed silently.

   Along the way, Anda and the others were walking with a look of confusion.

   "Alan, why have these sheep people improved their physical fitness so much recently?"

   Anda's face was tangled for a while, and finally, as if she couldn't help it, she asked.

   Li Luo smiled without saying a word, did not intend to answer him, his face was slightly mysterious, and smiled: "Secret!"

   Yuqing and Yumeng curled their lips, but they didn't say anything to satirize Li Luo, they just whispered a few words.

   Li Luo looked at the nervousness of the two girls, frowned, and said, "Why are you so afraid of me recently? Didn't you give you some knowledge about the little flame demon? Are you still so afraid of me?"

After Li Luo said this, Yumeng took the courage and snorted and said: "Someone is mysterious and secretive every day, doing some blood experiments, and only three months, he improves the physical fitness of the sheep. When we reach the position of the great knight, we little wizards are not afraid to be frightened every day, for fear of being dragged away by you and injecting some liquid!"

   Just after Yumeng had said this, Yuqing who was next to her slammed her, her face sank.

Li Luo was taken aback, touched his nose, his heart moved, childlike innocence, his face changed with admiration, and he looked over coldly, and said, "Let me smell, do you have the smell of fire, phoenix, or beast? , So that my son can study it carefully."

   "Hey, what are you...what are you doing!" Yumeng's expression also panicked at this time, and she hid behind Yuqing, stumbled and said.

   Li Luo shook his head, feeling bored, and continued to walk forward. On the contrary, Anda patted Yumeng on the shoulder and smiled: "I said Miss Yumeng, with Ailan's IQ, I want to research your bloodline. Can you escape? He said that, most of the time. Have no interest in you or disdain the power of your blood."

When Yumeng heard the words, his face flushed to the extreme, and he said unconvincedly: "Huh! I don't think he has that ability. I have the blood of Fenglong. How many people want to catch me and draw a blood." !" At this point, Yu Meng covered her mouth and immediately found out what was wrong with her words.

   Uharu gave his sister a look of helplessness.

Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at the two witches somewhat unexpectedly, as if they had been teased. He smiled and said, "I said, it's really a miracle for you two to live till now." Li Luo I glanced at the two women and added: "Well, I admit, you are not over twenty-five years old, when I didn't say it."

   At this time, even Zhao Hu couldn't help it anymore: "Hahahaha...it's naive. Okay, two ladies, I can only say...you have met good teammates."

   Anda shrugged, showing a look of helplessness.

   And after Yuqing heard what Li Luo and Zhao Hu said, she looked like she couldn't find a place to sew in. With her face flushed, she dragged Yumeng to the back and fell to the back of the team.

   At this point, Li Luo could only silently agree in order not to make the atmosphere too embarrassing.

   With the help of the werewolves, everyone did not encounter too much trouble along the way. The sporadic werewolf wizards were also killed by the crowd, and everything seemed to be going according to plan.

   One month later, they stepped into the wolf jungle, and the sheepmen seemed to have achieved a very good victory. There were few werewolves in the wolf jungle.

   After walking in this way for more than 20 days, everyone has stepped into the depths of the wolf jungle, and did not encounter too many werewolves to resist, and their hearts relaxed.

   "Hey. Big bad guy, don't see, the sheep army you trained is quite powerful." Yuqing said sourly as she walked.

   After getting along with Li Luo these days, she found that the other party did not make any intimidation or threats to herself, and she became bolder.

   Li Luo gave a hum, then stopped talking, just walked forward silently, and his heart became more tense.

   At this time, although it didn't seem dangerous, the more it was, the less he felt in Li Luo.

   Yumeng, because of Li Luo's indifference, although a little annoyed, she didn't dare to show any annoyance. She just pouted, and walked forward, constantly spreading her anger on the branches.

   Soon, everyone passed by a bush and passed by a few huge frogs.

  Everything, it seems that there is nothing particularly worthy of caution.

   But when passing by a few frogs, Yumeng kicked the frog next to him fiercely and cursed: "A few frogs are still playing checkers pretendingly. I really think they are human!"

   Hearing this, everyone seemed to have thought of something, their complexions changed suddenly, and they grabbed Yuqing and Yumeng, and ran out with their heads headless.

"Quah! Guah... Surround them!" Soon, more than 20 frogs standing on two feet jumped out from all directions, with their heads rounded, Li Luo couldn't help but think of what he had seen in his previous life. An anime.

   "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Nothing... there is no shell on the back, this is... a frogman?" Li Luo muttered to himself as usual.

   The expressions of the other people did not change much. The mana fluctuations on the frogmen in front of them were very small, and they looked like the mana fluctuations of a second-class wizard apprentice.

   The frogman who was kicked out by Yumeng limped and walked over, with a distorted expression: "Big Brother, this human woman kicked me!"

   While talking, the frogman turned his head to look at a one-eyed frogman who was nearby not far away.

   "It turned out to be a few human wizards. No wonder the sheep people are so crazy!" After the one-eyed frogman came over, he scanned the crowd and said hoarsely.

   One of the frogmen's expression changed, and he asked, "Brother, do you want to inform the wolf clan chief?"

The frogman leader patted the frogman’s head hard, and shouted: "Notice? Have your brain been knocked by a bug? Werewolves are weakened. Can we do no good? Besides, give these wizards to those wizards. Werewolf, what a pity. It's not as good as our brothers to share food, maybe we can improve the strength of a rank!"

   Li Luo looked at the frogman leader, as if he had eaten Li Luo and others.

At this time, Yumeng, not knowing whether it was the eldest lady who had a temper or what was the reason, directly cursed: "You group of monsters covered in slime, this girl does not trouble you, and now I dare to come over and want to eat. We? Are we impatient?! Want this girl to interrupt your frog legs?"

   Numerous frogmen looked at each other: "Gah...hahahaha"

In an instant, these green-skinned guys bent down with a belly and laughed. One of them even laughed too hard, and a tear was shed from the corner of his eyes: "Do you still want us to kneel and beg for mercy, and beg your forgiveness and Leniency?! Hahahaha. It's really silly and sweet!"

   "Huh?" Li Luo's expression changed~www.readwn.com~ It is not difficult for this frogman to perceive the breath of a few people, so he should have something to rely on.

   As expected, after a while, everyone straightened up.

   The complexion of many frogmen suddenly changed, and I did not know where they found a military crossbow with a faint black light on it. Li Luo's pupils shrank: "Devil-Breaking Crossbow!"

   Li Luo saw this magic weapon that could easily shoot through the shield of the wizard apprentice, his face suddenly changed, and his heart moved.

   swish swish swish!

   These frogmen are indeed the veteran hands of Yin people. Seeing that their legs were bent, they jumped into the sky at an incredible speed. Only three dodged in time, and were flooded by Li Luo's fire waves.

   Li Luo felt cold, and with a flick of his sleeve in one hand, seven fireballs roared into the air. With the other hand, he turned out a three-handled dagger and shot out, and then shot at several frogmen in the air.

   Other people didn't react slowly, all kinds of windblade fireballs, like arrows of various colors, whizzed towards the frogman in the air.

   At the moment when everyone thought they would win, these frogmen flipped in the air, their bodies twisted at an exaggerated angle, and they avoided most of the various spells and attacks.

   Several people looked surprised, Li Luo secretly said to his heart, forgetting that frogmen, like frogs, are a group of creatures with abnormal dynamic vision. However, Zhao Hu was prepared in advance, and shot a series of shots with his hands. Li Luo and others directly formed a piece of armor that looked like gold and iron. Under the cover of a cold light in the air, the place was completely ding-dang-dang. Blocked all the arrows of the frogman.

   Now, Li Luoda breathed a sigh of relief. With a cold face, he took out a pair of war blades, stepped on his feet suddenly, and disappeared in place.

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