Overlord Wizard

: Shelf testimonials

   Dear brothers, it's finally time for me to be on the shelves again.

Then I’ll be cheeky and ask all the book friends to subscribe~, as long as you subscribe to my chapters, it is a great relief and help for me. I don’t expect monthly tickets and rewards, as long as I have a subscription, I’m very happy. Now, okay, next is the testimonial:

   is finally on the shelves today, October 18th, it is a really good day, Cai Cai Fa (Thirty-Eight), the implication is really not so good.

   The author decided to take advantage of this good day to stay up late today to update! To express the support of all book friends for a long time.

   Here, the magic addiction thanks: that sword is too gentle, book friend 20170215235555767, fallen wings H, poor manners and polite, bull head demon lord, blood-stained phantom for life, running uncle ¤ has been recommended votes for support. I would also like to thank the gentle book friends who are too gentle for their support. The magic addiction will open a QQ group and welcome you to be an administrator.

After    is on the shelves, I will continue to cheer. The next is my confident and good-looking plot. The male protagonist will slowly end the wretched development to meet more powerful challenges. In addition, the next plot will be thrilling! So please support me, subscribe and collect. Thanks, brothers!

   Now, the addiction will be coded right away~

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