Overlord Wizard

Chapter 138: Fierce battle (1)

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Looking at the pierced spear, Li Luo's pupils shrank to the extreme.


no way!

Li Luo roared inwardly, pouring his whole body strength towards his arms. Can be split! Although his hands were trembling constantly, a different kind of sensation surged into Li Luo's heart, and his arms suddenly swelled more than a circle.

At the same time, Li Luo's soul seemed to be sublimated at this moment, and mysterious waves poured into the sword body of the cross sword.

The cross sword suddenly lit up, the dazzling purple brilliance spread across the entire sword body, and an extremely powerful will swept away in all directions.

At this moment, the cells of the whole body seemed to be running crazily under this soul will, and a wave of fighting energy and mana surged along the arms towards the sword body.


An uncontrollable confidence surged into Li Luo's heart. He shouted angrily, his arms blurred, and the cross sword swept past the trajectory of the black spear.


A strange wave spread out in all directions, and Li Luo and Kilteras crossed by.

There was no harsh metal and iron rubbing sound, as if the two had simply exchanged positions.

But the next moment.

There was a flash of light on the black spear, and it broke apart from the middle with a bang. Kiltras' right arm made a muffled noise, and his shoulders broke apart, and there was an extra line on his chest that was more than a meter long and visible. The blood gully of bone!


Kiltras looked at the broken witchcraft, his complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly retreated to the back.

After taking the blow, Li Luo froze in midair, closed his eyes tightly, raised his head slightly, and opened his arms open with a sword in one hand and the other free.

This kind of appearance is like feeling something.

In the distance, where Kiltrath's arm broke, the granulation began to spin as if it was about to grow out, but then under a flurry of electric glow and red-brown light, bang! It exploded at once.

"It can prevent my wound from healing! Damn, is it possible that you, a wizard, understand the sword intent of the martial arts world!?" Kiltras said in disbelief as he looked at the bursting wound.

"Sword Intent?" Li Luo turned around slowly when he heard the words, and looked at Kiltras: "Tell me about the world of martial arts, so that I can make your death easier."

Kiltras' complexion changed, and a brutal anger rose up.

"It makes me die happy? Don't be ashamed! The swordsman killed by this commander is enough to cover this entire rotten forest. It depends on you?!" Kiltras said coldly, and began to chant unknown spells in his mouth. , The whole body rolled down with evil energy, the electric glow and reddish-brown light at the wound disappeared, and the arm grew out again.

However, at this moment Kilteras's breath was obviously weaker, and he no longer had that invincible self-confidence.

"If you release this sword intent, your soul power has been exhausted. Today, I will let you know the difference between the second and the first order!" Kiltras's eyes flashed and disappeared again. Ground.

As the demon said, his soul power is almost exhausted right now, and indeed he can no longer release that kind of sword attack.

But Li Luo didn't have any fear. Under a sudden turn around, Kiltras with a violent expression appeared in front of him again, and he grabbed his head like lightning, and an extra one appeared in the void. Road black marks.

Although Li Luo's strength was slightly inferior to this demon, at this moment, as the devil's strength declined, confidence filled his heart. His eyes flashed, and with a move of his arm, which he almost didn't want, the cross sword in one hand turned into a purple afterimage, and then it hit his chest fiercely with the other hand. Grip, the muscles bulged high like a cast of copper and iron, and fiercely dig out the claws of the demon above.

"Boom" with a burst of sound!

The dark green figure flashed in front of Li Luo's eyes, and Kiltras' body trembled, and he flew out with one blow.

As Kilteras flew out, a dazzling purple brilliance suddenly appeared in the wound on his chest that had recovered, and it cracked again.

This scene not only shocked the other Tier 2 demons who were still at war with many wizards in the distance, but one of the demons changed his face!

Kiltras is the existence of the overlord among the demons. His physical body is so strong that he can tear the Yalong casually. How could he be knocked out by a human being so easily?

But these demons don't know how much damage Li Luo's sword intent is to him, and even the demon leader has consumed 30% of his original source to repair his injuries!

At this moment, these demons all had a hint of retreat.

Before they could make any retreat, the next scene shocked them even more.

But as soon as Kilteras stabilized his figure, Li Luo appeared in front of Kilteras again after a blur. Without a word, he raised his hand and it was a two-meter red-brown fireball. Rolling in.

Casting spells at such close range, let alone Kilteras, even Li Luo couldn't escape the explosion range!



The whole body shook the sky and exploded.

In the void where Kiltrath and Li Luo were, a group of blazing reddish-brown light burst open suddenly, turning into a cloud of fire.

A violent air wave surging in all directions, half of Demon Base No. 1 broke apart in this shock wave, and the stones of the portal "crashed" scattered on the ground, one after another, they were wiped out. The apprentices and wizards who were affected all spewed out blood and sat on the ground wilfully.

The entire base was constantly being blown by gusts and waves, and the ground began to vibrate violently. There seemed to be countless wind blades and earth blades constantly raging in the void, and the void that exploded was marked with blue or yellow traces. There were bursts of extremely harsh howling.

The cyan or khaki energy blade quickly rolled towards the ground below. After a burst of clanging and screaming, the dark green base ground seemed to have been slashed by thousands of knives, and cracked one meter long. Cracks, and the two colors of green and yellow energy continue to rise.

The smoke dissipated.

In midair, Li Luo and Kilteras each withdrew a full three hundred meters away.

Kiltrath's whole body seemed to have been alive, a stream of dark green blood sprayed out from the blood gully where bones were visible on his body, and the whole demon fell from the air swayingly.

On the other hand, Li Luo, the reddish-brown energy on his body was shrouded in a burst of flashes, and it was also smashed out, and his body was even more scoffing! There was a few muffled noises, and a burst of bright red blood flowed out.

After drinking a few bottles of therapeutic agents in one gulp, Li Luo also slowly descended.

Kiltras half-kneeled on the ground, looking at Li Luo with a grim face, not only did not look ugly, but was full of greed. The corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a strange smile.

Seeing this, Li Luo's expression changed, as if he had thought of something.

next moment. Kiltras stretched his hand behind him, swish a few dark green energy locks emerged out of thin air, and shook abruptly, and pierced several second-order demons. The speed is so fast that it is stuck on the bodies of several second-order demons like a teleportation.

The bodies of several Tier 2 demons quickly dried up, and Kiltras’ injuries began to recover quickly, and the wilting aura continued to rise. In a blink of an eye, they returned to their heyday, and their height was even more severe. It climbed continuously, reaching a height of 3.7 meters before stopping.

While the bodies of several Tier 2 demons shrivelled, they uttered miserable screams.

"Damn it. Kiltras, you rubbish, you want to devour us!"

"This human being is no more than a first-order wizard, so he forced you to be like this. You are simply a shame to our demons! Ah..."

"Asshole. Stop it. Kiltrath!"

Several demons screamed, but Kilteras turned a deaf ear.

Soon, several Tier 2 demons fell down, and dark green phantoms flew towards Kilteras.

Kiltras opened his mouth, and these dark green phantoms were swallowed into his mouth and sucked in.

But at this moment, the other Tier 1 wizards who had reacted were all shining brightly in their hands, and two-meter-sized fireball wind blades and ice cones rushed toward Kilteras. There are more than two hundred living first-order wizards, and under the dense spell coverage, they are vaguely more powerful than Li Luo just now.

But the next moment.

Hula, a dark green tornado of evil energy storm suddenly spread out, turning into a dark green wave of evil energy rushing in all directions.

As soon as all the magic squares touched, they smashed into pieces like paper.

These first-order wizards were even more contaminated by the fel energy waves, and the elements in his body were in a mess, and the body shield shattered and opened, directly slumping to the ground.

"So much blood is enough for the leader to be promoted to Tier 3!" Kiltras glanced around the fallen wizards and said in a low voice.

In the distance, Li Luo suddenly changed color when he heard the words. Although he suffered some injuries, his figure immediately flew out, and the target was where Kilteras was.

It must not be allowed to swallow the flesh and blood of any wizard, otherwise there will be no chance of winning today!

Although Li Luo was injured at the moment, he was not injured too severely, and the speed was still astonishingly fast, and a flashing flicker arrived in front of Kilteras. The cross sword in his hand burst out with a faint purple sword light, and a round of purple half-moon moonlight bloomed in front of Kiltras at a distance of one foot.

Kiltrath's body suddenly turned, and there was a scarlet axe out of thin air in his hand, and his arm was blurred. The scarlet pattern on the scarlet axe flashed, bursting with dazzling blood, a buzzing sound, a **** axe shadow He swept away towards the purple sword light.

A loud noise of "Keng"!

The purple sword light flashed and rolled back.

The Scarlet Axe Shadow was also bounced, and he leaned back slightly, then stopped.

Li Luo's other hand did not stop in the slightest, and when he waved his hand, ten red-brown fireballs shot out, and with a burst of bang, they bloomed on Kilteras.

After the latter was hit by so many apprentice-level spells, even the body protection fel energy was not reduced in any way. With a sullen expression on his face, he smashed at Li Luo again with an axe.

At the same time, the black energy in his hand was tumbling, and a two-meter-sized black skull with a howl of evil spirits and ghosts rolled towards Li Luo.

Li Luo's complexion changed, and his figure abruptly retreated. The cross sword in his backhand was blurred, and it turned into a purple sword light to greet the Scarlet Axe Shadow.

At this moment, Li Luo's arm suddenly rose more than three times out of thin air, and the purple sword light soared, and the three-meter-large sword light shot out, slashing on the scarlet axe shadow.

As soon as the two witchcrafts touched, the purple cross sword suddenly lit up with dazzling electric lights, and more colorful flames spewed out, suddenly bursting on the scarlet giant axe.

The **** giant axe flashed a dark green light ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly lit up with dazzling blood, blooming.

The colorful and scarlet rays of light collided together, and then burst open.

A colorful wave of air mixed with crackling electric lights rolled madly in all directions, and the void trembled again and again wherever it passed, and the ground was scraped off a layer.

Li Luo was directly lifted off by this huge force, and at the same time he immediately felt a scorching heat in his hand, his arms trembled violently, and he couldn't help taking the cross sword out of his hand.

In this state, it is also difficult for him to release any powerful spells.

Soon, the pitch-black skull carrying the faint ghost crying and howling, rolled out of the air wave, and swallowed Li Luo in the blink of an eye.

A wicked, withering energy burst out all over Li Luo, and even his tyrannical vitality would wither at this moment.

But at this moment, the guardian heart hung on his neck suddenly shined brightly, and an incomparable silver light swept out, dispelling all the black energy away. Li Luo was also bathed in dazzling silver light.

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