Overlord Wizard

Chapter 147: Poor exile

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


  Hullah, a few strong men surrounded Li Luo.


   "What! Is the Master Supervisor playing with Dai Lin?" Li Luo's expression changed as he watched as so many people gathered around him, exclaimed.


   "Huh! Bastard thing. Do you dare to touch the woman of Master Wizard?!" One of the brawny men picked up Li Luo and snorted coldly.


Li Luo heard a cold sweat on his forehead. He took out a purse from his back and handed it over. He smiled and said: "A few bosses, boys have eyes but don't know heroes. Please also a few accommodating people. Don't scan the supervisor. Xing."


   "Count you acquaintance!" The leading man took Li Luo's purse over, opened it and looked at it, revealing a hint of joy, and put Li Luo down. "Seeing you make a mistake for the first time, just bypass you. What? Your kid came here to find a girl to play with?"


   "That's it. Of course I'm looking for a girl to come to this place. And I only like Dai Lin here....Hey." Li Luo glanced at the brawny man, and said nonchalantly.


Several brawny men twitched at the corners of their mouths, revealing a look of contempt: "Yeah, it's still an infatuated kind. But I advise you, the woman of the inspector is not something mortal like you can touch, even if If you are a formal wizard, you have to weigh yourself!"


   "What?!" Li Luo stepped back in shock when he heard the words, and shouted.


"Huh, I look like a nouveau riche. Ming tells you, Dai Lin, you don't want to touch it again. But there are other women here, you can pick it yourself!" The strong men glanced at Li as if they were looking fools. Luo glanced, then ignored him and walked upstairs.


   Li Luo hesitated for a while pretending to be struggling, and walked towards a single room in the bar.


   At this moment, a male host came over.


   "Hello, sir, what wine do you need to taste, do you need a girl to accompany you?"


   Li Luo glanced at the hostess, took out his wallet and counted, and asked, "Now I only have 300 gold coins left. What can I do here?"


The bartender looked expectant at first, then his face pulled down with a sigh: "Three hundred gold coins? Don't be kidding me. This is the most famous bar in Kyoto, and the girls are also the best ladies in the country. Three hundred gold coins? Are you going to taste your own wine?"


Li Luo heard the words, and didn't reply again, but after walking into the private room sullenly, he shouted: "The wine for three hundred gold coins is enough to drink for two hours. Oh, no. It's two hundred gold coins. Wine, there are a hundred gold coins left, you can find out for me, where can I get a job that makes money..."


   The male host gave a chuckle, and walked to the bar with the gold coin bag Li Luo handed over.


"Here are two barrels of ale. This guy was blackmailed by Carrus just now, and he didn't even have the money to find a woman! It's really bad luck, I wanted to rely on this master to get some commission!" The male hostess arrived at the bar. , Took out two hundred gold coins, handed them to the girl in front of the bar, and said with some complaints.


   After the girl collected the money, she turned around and gave a few words to a thin male hostess beside her, and then turned back.


   "Yu Lian, you are really unlucky. When it comes to receiving guests, it's either that you don't have enough money, or that's the situation. ~ My sister will hold on to the injustice for you~"


When Yu Lian heard this, his face was extremely ugly, and he said with a sigh, "Carmina, let’s tell you. Brother Carus hasn’t paid the offerings of 500 gold coins a month. I’ll pay in two days. No, I can't stay in this bar anymore. Hey..."


   Kamina shook her head, ignoring Yu Lian and began to wipe the wine glass on the table.


   "Oh. That's right. Is our bar still short of bodyguards or thugs? Or introduce my brother to a business that can make money quickly." Yu Lian asked when Camina stopped talking.


   "Old rules." Kamina glanced at Yu Lian and said lightly.


   Yu Lian struggled for a while and took out all the 100 gold coins.


   Kamina's eyes brightened, and she glanced sideways at Yu Lian, who is usually extremely stingy. After thinking about it, she asked, "Is it looking for a profitable business for the customer just now?"


   Yu Lian nodded heavily and replied: "Yes. He gave me a hundred gold coins, and I will give you all!" While talking, Yu Lian's spitting stars collapsed on the bar, and his expression was also very excited.


   If you change to the usual, Kamina would have turned his face and drove him away, but this time, instead of disgusting, Kamina showed an expression of appreciation.


"Very well, I have a good money-making mission here. Detective Rosen has paid a heavy bounty for a batch of lost illegal drugs. You know... those are all Qi-gathering potions, noble Strictly prohibit the sale of drugs. According to the clues, these drugs were taken into the sewers. So... if the person is strong enough, let him try it! The location is in the slum area. At the entrance of the sewer No. 37, this is a detailed record, so take a look.” Kamina turned over a booklet, turned a few pages, and finally stopped by one page, and said slowly.


   "Okay, I'm going to tell him now." After Yu Lian wrote down the task content on a piece of paper, he walked towards Li Luo's private room.


   When Yu Lian came in, he found that Li Luozheng was drinking boring wine by himself, still yelling Dai Lin's name.


   Li Luo opened his eyes, glanced at Yu Lian, and continued to call Dai Lin's name. To be honest, let alone two small barrels of ale, just two small barrels of white wine, with Li Luo's current physique, he wouldn't be drunk at all.


At this time, Yu Lian also sat down, sighed, and said: "You miss your Dai Lin, why don't I miss my Anna. Come, let's touch one." During the conversation, Yu Lian picked up a wine glass. , I poured a glass of ale and dried it in one bite.


   Li Luo looked at Yu Lian's sad expression, it didn't seem to be fake, and even the mental fluctuation was extremely low and stable, and it seemed that he should be extremely sad.


   "Just have a story, I'm afraid your kid doesn't have a story. Hehe." Li Luo raised his eyebrows and muttered in his heart.


   "Come on! Drink!" Li Luo raised his glass and drank all the ale.


   The two of them drank all the ale before they poured themselves on the sofa.


"Brother, this is the information I got for a hundred gold coins. It's all on this piece of paper. Don't let me down. Once you succeed, remember to reward me with 500 gold coins so that I can continue here. Worked. There is also a chance to redeem Anna from here..."


   Yu Lian muttered to himself, and gradually closed his eyes.


   At this time, Li Luo suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, glanced at the paper Yu Lian had put on the table, put it away, and walked outside.


After    went out, he still wandered out of the bar pretendingly. After walking back and forth several times in several alleys, he put on a black robe in a dark corner and walked towards the potion shop.


   After taking out some magic stones, purchasing a large amount of gas-gathering potion refining materials and exchanging some gold coins, he walked towards the slum.


   Soon, he came to the slum No. 37 sewer and jumped in.


   According to the description on the paper, he walked all the way to the north along the sewer channel, and soon came to the second fork in the road.


   Even in Kyoto, some monsters are indispensable. As soon as Li Luofang entered the fork in the road, a few wolf slaves and poisonous spiders rushed over.


   After solving these small troubles in twos or twos, he walked west along the fork and gradually came to a cave.


   Li Luo didn't hesitate too much, and immediately stepped in.


   A flame lit up in his hand. He walked along the cave tunnel and came to a spacious gate with the words Paradise of Exiles written on it.


   There is a torch on the left and right of the gate, and when you look into the door along the gate, you can see that the torches are lit up. It seems that there are people maintaining it at all times.


Li Luo walked forward along the passage, and gradually met some civilians in poor clothes. However, these people's muscles are very powerful, and they seem to be regular exercises. The level is also between the knight apprentice and the formal knight. , A bit more powerful, just like the middle stage knight of the first order, that is, the middle knight that people often call.


  Looking at Li Luo coming in, these people didn't stop him, they just continued to train on the equipment one by one, as if they were not surprised by the arrival of strangers.


   Li Luo went all the way, and gradually came to a stone house.




   After Li Luo knocked on the door, the door opened automatically, and the figure of a middle-aged man appeared not far from Li Luo. This person was dressed in a green wizard robe, and he seemed to be doing some experiment in front of an experiment table.


   Li Luo didn't bother him immediately, but watched quietly.


After a full quarter of an hour, Li Luo said, "The cold oxygen treatment is too much, it is about more than ~www.readwn.com~ The method of drug filtration is too low-end. When the drugs are mixed, the stabilizer is added. It’s too early..."


   As Li Luo began to correct the movement in the middle-aged man's hand, the middle-aged man's face became more and more surprised, and even reached a point of shock in the end.


   After the potion was made, he immediately turned around and walked quickly to Li Luo.


"Hello, I am the pharmacist Mogan, who is the senior. Did you come to me to ask for the potion that the inspector lost?" The man who claimed to be Mogan said so, but he looked at him with a look of longing. Li Luo, as if wishing Li Luo would come here to make good friends.


"Yes. But after a glance at the people you took in, I changed my mind. I will help you make potions and give you materials for free. But the premise is that you help me settle the matter on the inspector's side first!" Li Luo glanced at the middle-aged man, immediately understood what he was thinking, and said lightly.


   The middle-aged man was taken aback, and after a while, he asked, "Why help me?"


   "Because I need your help!" Li Luo took out a bag full of magic grass and handed it over.

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