Overlord Wizard

Chapter 148: Living sacrifice

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


   One day later, inside the Kyoto Police Station.


   Li Luo dressed in a black robe and a white mask, carrying a black box, came to the office of Detective Rosen, put the box on the table, and opened it.


  Lawson looked at Li Luo's dress, only frowned, but then saw that it was the missing potion, so he stood up and began to look carefully at the potion in front of him.


   "Yes, it is the lost batch of potions, even the color and the potion bottle are exactly the same!" Rosen carefully stroked the potion, and said with joy.


As soon as Rosen grasped Li Luo's hand, he smiled and said, "Brother, you have helped me a lot. We sent more than a dozen police detectives and mercenaries in a row, and they were all buried in the sewer. Oh, By the way, your gold coin rewards will not be less at all." After that, Rosen slapped his head and quickly walked out of the room and walked towards another office.


   A moment later, Rosen walked in with a box of gold coins.


   Li Luo glanced at it and found that a total of 30,000 gold coins were exactly in line with the amount of the reward.


   After putting away the box, Li Luo had to walk out of this police station with his feet raised.


   "Wait, my lord. I wonder if you are interested in taking some other cases?"


   Li Luo stopped after hearing this. Now the towns around Kyoto are very unstable, and I don’t know how many monsters are entrenched in the wild mountains and forests. Taking some investigations or encircling monsters by yourself might open up some prospects for the next investigation.


   Thinking of this, he stopped and sat opposite Rosen.


"How about the reward, I am a bounty hunter. After all, I also need spiritual resources. If these Qi-gathering potions are really useless to me, they won't all be given to your police station!" Li Luo wanted to let Rosen provide himself with some Valuable task, said pretendingly indifferently.


   Lawson was not only not angry when he heard this, but was overjoyed. Said: "Your Excellency is indeed a master, I have a rewarding mission here, I wonder if you dare to take it?"


   Li Luo raised his brows when he heard this, and without asking the details of the task immediately, he asked directly: "How about the reward? The gold coins are forgiven."


   Rosen smiled, took out a piece of kraft paper, and handed it to Li Luo.


"The cattle-grazing village is a village that is about to form a town. The population is about 20,000. Last week, a group of monsters entrenched in the mountains and forests around the village. A brigade of the Guards was sent to wipe out, and only ten people returned alive. Eliminate the dark forces there, a reward of 100,000, plus two fruits of Origin Qi."


Li Luo's eyes lit up when he heard the words. After carefully checking the task introduction, he put the kraft paper away and replied faintly: "Take it. Let me talk about it first. I have the ability to complete this task. If the reward for the task is low, Don’t blame me for turning my face ruthlessly!"


   Rosen showed a trace of cold sweat when he heard the words, and asked in a low voice: "Your Excellency is the Earth Knight?"


   "Almost." Li Luo left this sentence indifferently, and his whole person disappeared into Lawson's office out of thin air.


   Seeing Li Luo disappear at such a strange speed, Rosen was shocked at first, but then he walked upstairs with joy.




   The office door on the top floor opened, and a bald middle-aged man slowly turned from the swivel chair and looked at Rosen.


   "Sheriff, someone has picked up the mission in the cattle-grazing village. And this person seems to have a lot of confidence." Rosen said respectfully.


   "Well, that's great. Remember to prepare the reward, don't irritate the bounty hunter." The sheriff nodded his head and said calmly, then turned around.


   "Yes, Cannes Sheriff." Rosen looked happy and walked out.


   As soon as Rosen exited the Cannes Sheriff's office, Cannes smiled weirdly, muttered something to the crystal ball, and shot blood inward.




   Li Luo soon came to the Flame Rose and found Yu Lian. After the two entered the toilet, Li Luo directly handed him 10,000 gold coins, and then whispered in his ear for a full five minutes before Yu Lian left the toilet.


   After a while, Tai Lan walked into the toilet drunk, Li Luo secretly handed her a note, and walked out of the toilet.


   After leaving the bar, Li Luo went to the post to hire a fast horse, and galloped towards the cattle-grazing village.


In the evening of a week, Li Luo gradually came to a mountain forest. He walked all the way to a stone house with a big hole in the roof. Looking at the lonely ruined stone house and the faint gray mist around him, Li Luo thought. The mental power swept away in all directions.


   "Huh? The surrounding necromantic elements are so rich, there are even living people!" After scanning, Li Luo raised his eyebrows and walked into the ruined stone house.


   stepping.....Li Luo's footsteps are very light, but in this weird stone house, they appear extremely loud.


   "Woo, brother, I don't want to be eaten."


   The house was tens of meters in size, and a little girl's cry came from the corner. But the next moment, it stopped.


   Although there was no light and the room looked very dark, Li Luo still scanned the source of the sound under the strong mental power.


   In the corner of the house, a wooden cage stands there, and a dozen young children lie in it. A boy of the age of fourteen and five was holding his sister tightly in his arms, stroking her hair, and comforted: "Qin'er, don't be afraid. With your brother, you will definitely not be harmed by those **** monsters. "Although the boy said so, he looked at Li Luo with a nervous expression on his face.


"The mental power is good... Are these boys sent by the villagers to sacrifice the monsters? It's really stupid..." Li Luo muttered secretly, with a move in his heart, he took out a dagger. With a slight reminder in his hand, the dagger fell gently not far from the little boy, and then he withdrew from the stone house.


   "Let me see how important your sister is in your heart." Li Luo withdrew his gaze from the boy, looked at the dark shadow slowly approaching, smiled slightly, and the figure disappeared.


   "Ho **** ho..." A deep cry came from far to near.


   Soon, a cloud of wind swept across the ground, and a wave of necromantic energy approached the house.


   When these monsters came in, Li Luo finally saw the appearance of these monsters.


These monsters are all human heads floating in the air, but the difference is that their mouths are full of fangs, and their heads are spreading. They look very vicious. The large ones are two meters in size, and the small ones are just ordinary human heads. It was generally big, with a strong necromantic atmosphere suspended under his neck, and it was quickly drifting over here.


   Soon, the characteristics of these monsters overlapped with a certain pictorial book in Li Luo's memory. These monsters are the undead flying skulls! Legend has it that only a dark wizard, under a specific necromantic circle, can gather thirty fresh heads full of resentment to refine it. Moreover, as long as these monsters have plenty of blood and food, they can even grow to the size of ten meters and advance into Tier 3 necromantic creatures!


   Li Luo moved his heart, flipped his hand, and there were more than a dozen daggers. With a forceful flick, except for the flying skulls of ordinary people, all of them were deeply inserted into the eye sockets by the daggers and fell from the air.


   The other flying skulls seemed to be not very sane. The companions fell down and did not cause them to think too much. Instead, their eyes were blurred and drifted into the stone house.


   Li Luo also slowly came to the front of the stone house, flicking the dagger in his hand, and the wooden cage cracked open.


   Then, Li Luo hid in the corner and watched quietly.


   Although the fourteen-fifteen-year-old boy looked thin and weak, he looked resolute when he saw the two daggers not far away, grabbed the dagger, and rushed towards the nearest flying head.


   The young man had scarlet eyes, ignoring that other flying skulls would bite him, and a dagger pierced the flying skull in front of him through his eye sockets. Then he grabbed the flying head on his leg, and another dagger pierced in the eye socket with great precision.


   But at this moment, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the two flying skulls behind him, and he bit his waist.




   Two large pieces of flesh and blood were bitten off by the two flying skulls in one bite, and blood ran down from the boy's waist, but the boy just bared his teeth and showed a trace of cold sweat, so he pounced on the two flying skulls.




It seems that he was driven into a desperate situation by death. The two daggers in the young man's hand only missed a single blow, and two sharp cold lights flashed, and a puff of black blood appeared from the eyes of the two flying skulls and fell from the air Come down.


   At this time, the boy was out of breath, and rushed forward alone.


   "Sister Qin'er, run!"


   yelled, the boy rushed towards the flying head at the door.


The two daggers were in the hands of the young man, glowing with a little faint light, as if they were full of life, they stabbed at the eye sockets of the flying skulls, but there were too many flying skulls, and soon bit the boy's whole body. He screamed in pain and fell down.


But at this moment, dozens of cold rays swept across the teenager. The flying skulls that bit the boy were scattered on the ground in half, and puffs of black blood flowed down the ground towards the dozens of others. Spreading away at the feet of the frightened child.


   "Brother Gaia!" At this moment, the little girl cried and ran towards the boy.


   Li Luo picked up Gaia, touched the little girl's head, and placed Gaia in a place where the black blood was not spreading.


   Looking at the boy in front of him, Li Luo nodded, then showed a trace of determination.


   After pouring a bottle of therapeutic medicine into the boy, he took out an injection needle, drew out a tube of his own blood, and injected it into the boy's body. Then Li Luo muttered a word, and the runes fell into the boy's body, and the boy also showed a dazzling purple glow.


   Then, a faint purple-red pattern appeared on the boy's body, which began to spread all over his body, and his injuries healed within a few breaths. The breath also began to climb gradually, and soon reached the level of a second-class knight apprentice.


   At this time, the changes that took place on the boy were almost the same as Li Luo's divine grace by the purple-haired **** in the secret world that day!


   It's just that, with thin blood, he can only transform the boy to this point.


   Nodded in satisfaction, Li Luo withdrew his gaze.


   After carrying the boy on his back, Li Luo said lightly: "You take me to the village, I was sent by Kyoto."


   A dozen children finally recovered from the shock after hearing the words. Some of them looked at Li Luo with longing expressions on their faces.


   Li Luo is naturally very clear about these children's thoughts about apprenticeship as a teacher, but now he has no mental understanding of these little furry children, and all his mind is on the little boy behind him.


   This son's firm will and kindness of mind immediately aroused his desire to accept disciples.


   Under the color of desire in their hearts, more than a dozen children quickly led Li Luo towards the cattle-grazing village.




  In front of a clearing more than ten kilometers away in the mountains and forests~www.readwn.com~Two figures in blood-red wizard robes are standing here.


   One of the thin and tall figures suddenly opened his eyes, revealing an extremely pale face, and said with bloodshot eyes: "Those ghosts have all been killed. It seems that these villagers don't plan to cooperate with us!"


"Hmph, this group of things that do not know good or bad, when I kill them all, they will turn all the people here into zombies!" The other stout figure snorted coldly and walked in the direction of the cattle-grazing village. Get out.


   "No need!" At this moment, a figure in a black robe emerged out of thin air.


   "Sir, ghost!" The two blood-robed figures stopped after seeing the black-robed figure, and said respectfully.


"This time there is a master, and the plan has changed. You are lurking around the cattle-grazing village. When I wake up the ancient warrior's corpse in the tomb of the gods, I will definitely transform him into the most powerful warrior in the Lord! Hahahahahaha. ......." The low and hoarse laughter of the black-robed man began to spread through the dense forest.

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