Overlord Wizard

Chapter 157: Enhance God's Blood

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)

There were four people in Wu Meier's group. In addition to Wu Meier, there was also a young man with a square face. The whole person looked quite normal and honest, but more like a wizard practicing orderly magic. Another thin young man looked like malnourished at first glance, but his flesh and blood were tight and full of strength. Li Luo could see at a glance that the physical cultivation of this thin young man was not weak. The last one is a young man with a beard. Don't look at him as a middle-aged uncle, but through the age of his bones, it is not difficult for Li Luo to see that this person is only twenty-four or five years old, and he is even one or two younger than the others. Years old.

All of them were a little embarrassed. After seeing Li Luo and Rulda in the distance, they finally showed a hint of relaxation on their faces and ran over quickly.

Li Luo's heart moved, jumped to Rudal's side, and whispered a few words in his ear. The latter's face changed when he heard the words, and calmly handed over the two sacrificial witches. Li Luo turned his back to the crowd, blocking their sight, and at the same time the powerful mental power swept away, temporarily shielding this place.

After collecting the two sacrificial artifacts, Li Luo two jumped out of the dead wood tree.

After Wu Meier and the others approached, she gasped violently for a while before the thin young man among them asked, "Does your compass show the location of other people?"

Rurda heard the words and looked at his compass, shook his head, and said, "No."

At this time, the bearded youth hit the ground with a punch: "Damn, there is no sacrificial witchcraft of blood jade, let alone finding the crystal coffin for the corpse of the ancient warrior, it is a problem to leave here alive!"

"Osail, don't panic. I believe that the blood jade is just too far away from us. If we walk again, maybe the compass will respond." At this time, the Fang Lian youth walked over and said comfortingly.

"Huh, Guo Peng. You don't want to think about it. There are all unearthed copper corpses in this area. We were lucky to teleport to a close point. We were able to take care of each other and defeated the corpse group. But no matter whether it was mana. It's still mental strength, there's not much left!" Osser snorted when he heard the words, and said in a slightly reprimanding tone.

At this time, Rudal smiled and pointed to Li Luo: "Look, what is in his hand!"

Li Luo flipped his hand, and two sacrificial witches that looked like blood jade appeared out of thin air.

"This!" Guo Peng's expression changed slightly when he saw this, and then he showed a very surprised look.

"This... how is it possible!" Osser's expression was single, completely unbelievable, and he stuttered a little.

"Great! Hahaha, I really don't want to die, Kyle!" At this time, the thin young man didn't show any shock, but exclaimed with joy and greed.

The look of the thin young man Li Luo couldn't be more familiar with, that was the desire for strength! From this point of view, among these people, this shameless Kyle is the most ambitious and the strongest. But for this kind of person, Li Luo didn't worry about it. He was worried about someone else.

Li Luo turned his gaze to the square-faced youth. This guy was born in a place like the Scarlet Raven, and he looked like an honest friend. It's really strange. This guy's honest and calm appearance is mostly pretend. As for why, it is an honest person like him. It is very likely that within three months of Scarlet Raven, the whole person will disappear without a trace, and even the bones will not be left. So Li Luo pondered for a moment, and said to him: "Brother Guo Peng is the most stable, so he should be responsible for pioneering the path. If I change to someone else, I am not at ease. If we attract too many corpses, it will put us in danger. place."

Li Luo said so, but he was not worried that this guy would attract too many corpse puppets. What he worried was that if this guy is Xueyu's subordinate, let him be in charge of the flanks or the back, the situation of this group of people can be dangerous. Up.

Guo Peng just nodded honestly when he heard this, without showing any strange expression, turned to look at Wu Mei'er: "Sister Mei'er, now that Brother Xueyu is not there, we can't find him. Do you think we should move in that direction first?"

Wu Meier kept looking at Li Luo, and only after Guo Peng asked in time did she come back to her senses, she lowered her jade lips and stretched her waist. In an instant, Gu Pan was brilliant, bright and moving. Even in such a gloomy environment, it is difficult for everyone to look away.

"According to the map records I got, this is the place where the ancient warriors were buried, but this environment was opened up by the great wizard at that time in the ancient times, and a corpse puppet was left on the first two floors of the entrance to block it. Invaders, it is difficult for outsiders to get close to the entrance of the secret realm. I also found this place after collecting the map fragments, but the little girl is very surprised how the man behind the scenes said by the brother of Tatar College found this place. After all. According to the map, this map is just one copy. The black hand behind the scenes should have a different purpose than mine. I faintly felt that he wanted to wake up the ancient warrior. By this time, this little brother is not going to be with us. To tell the truth?" Wu Mei'er said slowly, and walked to Li Luo's side, and the delicate fragrance from her slender jade hands was passed by with a light touch of her wrist.

Wu Mei'er was born with a hot body, bright and beautiful. Li Luo was so provoked by her that she suddenly felt annoyed, as if an evil fire was about to come up from her lower abdomen.

"Damn vixen!" Li Luo cursed secretly in his heart, but he took a deep breath and quickly returned to normal. Immediately, he said, "Miss Meier, don’t doubt it. My name is Gu Yuan, a wizard from Tatar College. This time I’m responsible for investigating the behind-the-scenes man, and I have been tracking it here. As for intelligence, I’m just a few second-order wizards from the palace. From his mouth, I learned that this man behind the scenes is extremely powerful, and he is also extremely powerful in dark witchcraft. I didn't dare to go deep here at first, and I was ready to send a message to the college immediately. But when I met you, I naturally decided to explore here. After all. I am here this time, but I ask Brother Zhao Hu to refine a witchcraft that can sacrifice and transform the spirits of the dead. But the other party really wants to wake up the ancient warrior, we have to hurry up. If we let him wake up. , Let alone our Principality, it is a disaster for the entire continent!"

After speaking, Li Luo's expression became more and more solemn, and he put away the two sacrificial witch artifacts.

Wu Mei'er nodded, then stopped asking more, just took a deep look at Li Luo, took out the map and spread her hands.

"If you want to easily resurrect that ancient warlord, you must have at least the strength of the third-order wizard peak. And the dark wizard in the entire continent, the strongest, is the mid-tier third-tier. This guy wants to resurrect that ancient warlord, he must We can take advantage of this gap to improve our own strength. According to the map, the crystal coffin of the ancient warrior is in a palace, but this palace is suspended in this secret realm, and the position is also erratic. Uncertain, and there are a large number of evil corpses guarding. We can kill all the way to the direction of many evil corpses. When we get to the palace, the strength should be strong enough. And where there are many evil corpses, there are even some left by dead wizards. Ancient witchcraft, you must know that they are all handed down from the ancient times, even after so many years, there is no lack of epic-level powerful existence among these witchcraft!"

Hearing this, Li Luo was shocked. He also has an epic magic weapon, which is the guardian heart worn on his neck. It can be said that this witchcraft has saved him many times in distress, and it can be said that it is his second life. He is bound to win this epic magic weapon!

He glanced at the expressions of the people around him, and his eyes flashed constantly, with the idea of ​​an epic magic weapon.

But Li Luo calmed down soon. The treasures left by the ancient wizards were attracted by the powerful energy, and there must be many evil corpses hovering around. I am afraid that where there are epic magic weapons, there will be hundreds of evil corpses guarding. .

Thinking of this, Li Luo immediately said: "Girl Mei'er is right, but where there are epic magic weapons, the evil corpse will never be less. Let's improve our strength first."

The others woke up suddenly upon hearing the words, showing solemn expressions.

Charming smiled when she heard the words, Lianbu walked to Li Luo, her charming and charming face pressed against him, and even the jade-like Qiong nose was close to Li Luo's nose for a long time.

"Hehe, Brother Gu Yuan, he is not too old, how he does things like an old monster who has lived for so many years~. Speaking of this, he is like a friend of mine. Is it possible that you changed deliberately? What look like?" Wu Mei'er left Li Luo in front of her, chuckling, and instantly attracted other people to stare at Li Luo.

Li Luo was speechless for a while, so he could only laugh, and said, "The girl may have admitted the wrong person. Next is Gu Yuan, not someone else. Okay, has the girl figured out an offensive line? Gu is a little tired. "While speaking, Li Luo stretched out and yawned.

Wu Mei'er did not continue to entangle this question, but glanced at the map again, took the evil corpse beside her, and walked in one direction.

Everyone followed Wu Mei'er, and after several waves of corpse puppets were sacrificed, most of their strengths were raised to the level of the later stage of the first-order wizard. And Li Luo relied on these spirit groups to raise the power of wizards to the level of the first-order peak.

But after they reach this level, it will be difficult for them to improve in a short time. One is that the Scarlet Raven’s spirit is not pure enough, so it takes some time to refine. The second is that Li Luo has reached the level of the first-order wizard peak, and has no knowledge of advanced second-order wizards, so he can only stop.

Afterwards, the souls obtained were all stored in the seal ball.

A few days later. Everyone also had to stop temporarily in a clearing.

"Brother Gu Yuan, there seem to be many evil corpses in front. What should we do?" At this moment, Rudal came over and asked Li Luo.

Li Luo pondered for a moment and asked, "Rudal, do you have a lot of supplies?"

"Hey~www.readwn.com~ You are afraid that you can't find the main hall, can't send it out, starve to death here. Look at my appearance, can the supply be reduced? To be honest, don't laugh at me. ......Every time I go far, I bring a year's worth of food in the space bag." Rudal smiled when he heard the words, and pushed a pile of his fallen belly.

"That's good. Give me two months of supplies. Bao Zhun will kill all the evil corpses here in one day!" Li Luo's eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand.

Rudal was taken aback when he heard the words, hesitated, and still cruelly handed Li Luo a space bag.

Soon, Li Luo disappeared in front of everyone, sitting cross-legged on an old tree. When he flipped his hand, a seal ball emerged out of thin air, and at the same time, a silver light flashed, and a spirit group nearly fifty meters in size appeared in his hand.

A quarter of an hour later, the Jingpoutuan shrank to nearly forty size, and was swallowed by Li Luo. At the same time, his body began to light up with purple-red lines flashing continuously, and a formidable breath suddenly spread in all directions.

Li Luo unexpectedly increased the richness of his Protoss bloodline in this environment.

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