Overlord Wizard

Chapter 165: Gift of the Great Wizard

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


   After the two giant energy hands put down Li Luo and Wu Mei'er, one of the five elder ghosts gave a startled suspicion and looked at Xiaojin who was around Li Luo.


   eng)? Under this kind of heaven and earth element, a mature sky-eater has been cultivated!"


   Although the old men are just a few soul bodies that are about to dissipate, Xiao Jin still trembled when he heard the words, and got into Li Luo's arms.


   "You little guy, don't rush to drill, go and get the corpse out of that girl's body first!"


   Durdai Lin exuded a powerful soul power all over his body, and said loudly.


   Xiaojin heard the words as if he had been given a stimulant, swished into Wu Mei'er's neck, then turned into a golden light and appeared in front of several old men, throwing the black nematode in his mouth onto the ground.


Several old men looked at each other. One of the old man’s shadowy hands pressed the void, and a circular mask covered the black nematode. Then the other old man’s shadow waved his hand and the black nematode spontaneously burned into one in an instant. A pile of ashes scattered all over the ground.


   "So, this corpse king is completely dead." The thin old man phantom among them said with a sigh of relief.


   "Ron, you worry too much, the nematode of a corpse king, even if the corpse king is resurrected, how much strength and memory is there!" Durdailin smiled and said with some disdain.


   "What if this guy put half of his consciousness and energy into this corpse bug from the beginning?" Ron glanced at Duldai Lin lightly, and said blankly.


   The other elders also showed a trace of horror when they heard the words, and glanced at each other. One of the older elders, who was slightly taller, said: "Ron is right, this corpse king is indeed very dangerous, and I have to guard against it."


"Well, although Ron is the weakest among us, he is the most cautious person. Before he died, he would not forget to seal the souls of our old guys here. If it weren't for him, it would really be possible today. There might be another disaster.” The fat old man among the five nodded and sighed.


   At this moment, several old men looked at each other, shook their heads, and turned their eyes to Li Luo and Wu Mei'er who didn't dare to say a word.


   "This little friend, with the blood of the gods, didn't even find a corpse worm. It really buried the name of the magical wizard." Durdai Lin looked at Li Luo angrily, and said slowly.


   Li Luo took a deep breath, and his expression was a little bit utterly unnatural. He gave Durdai Lin a mage and said modestly: "I just awakened the blood of the Protoss, but I really couldn't find the corpse worm lurking in my body."


   Several elders glanced at each other, or Ron's finger, a brilliance shot into Li Luo's brain.


   "Although we are just remnants of souls, we still have some knowledge of wizards. This knowledge of bloodline transformation about the control of blood acid in the human body is to be passed on for the last time before I die."


Li Luo only felt a massive amount of wizarding words flooding into his brain, and then a wave of insights and experimental data about bloodline knowledge seemed to be stuffed into his head abruptly, making him only feel that his entire head was swollen to the point. An extreme.


   But before he could relax, another wave of knowledge flooded into his mind. Fortunately, this knowledge is only a few spell models and some transformation methods for Warcraft. Compared to Ron, this knowledge didn't make his head hurt too much.


The fat old man phantom slowly retracted his hand and said with a smile: "My spells are all imprinted by wizards on my own demon. As far as your situation is concerned, you can choose to imprint the dark magic pupil spell on this mature In this way, it can detect abnormalities in your body in time. And this passive spell can only be imprinted by a domineering physique like the sky worm, because this spell itself is a dark side The magic of witchcraft. Therefore, you have to imprint a light passive witchcraft in your body in this sky-eater spirit sea to balance the invasion of dark energy on it."


   Li Luo covered his head and gasped violently for a while, before his head gradually lost the painful feeling.


   "Yes, Du Tiannan's beast witchcraft is indeed very useful, but it is the necessary magic knowledge for adventures in the alien world." Ron nodded, looking at the fat old man and said nonchalantly.


Duerdailin shook her head and said, "You are all sidelines. Since you have the blood of the Protoss, you must make good use of it. I have a spell here called Divine Blood Forging Body. As long as there are enough high-level monsters and flesh and blood. For you to eat, the concentration of your Protoss bloodline will rise quickly. Not to mention this kind of corpse insects, even the Nine Nether insects, it can't help you!"


   Li Luo was very excited when he heard the words, and quickly thanked Durdy Lin and sat cross-legged.


"Huh, it's smart. In addition to the spell model, this spell itself also has a huge amount of knowledge about the transformation of the body by the blood of the gods. You have adjusted your body to a meditation state, but you are ready to work." Durdailin snorted coldly, as if I hate Li Luo's cleverness.


   Ron laughed at this moment, and said: "When the boss is on the battlefield, you have never seen you be so generous to that junior, plus this kid is so smart, I'm afraid the boss will accept a disciple."


"I look like it. You see that the remaining soul power of the old Dalian body is ignored. This is to pass on all the knowledge of the whole body to this kid!" At this time, the slightly taller old man looked at Durdailin and clicked Nodded and said.


  At this time, the thinner old man turned around and looked at Wu Meier.


   At this time, Wu Meier was looking at Li Luo unblinkingly. Now, how can she not confirm Li Luo's identity? Even if there are a few senior wizards here, this woman can no longer move her eyes.


   "Hahaha, I can't think of the descendants of this corpse king, but they are much better than him, knowing the most precious things in the world." Ron laughed and said to the other elders.


Several old men also looked at each other and nodded. Du Tiannan sighed: "That day Wu Qi asked us to resurrect him as a corpse for thousands of years, but he did not expect to have such ambitions. Even Daniel is proficient in spiritual spells. , I haven't found any flaws in Wu Qi."


   While talking, Du Tiannan glanced at the thinner old man, shook his head and said. The latter seemed to have thought of something, and said to Wu Meier: "Whether your grandfather was really dedicated to benefiting mankind and willing to become a corpse puppet during his lifetime, you should not easily make a corpse puppet of this level from now on. There are some psychic spells here that can help you control the corpse puppet well. If you accept it, it will all be regarded as compensation for our sacrifice for your ancestors.


   Wu Meier only reacted after hearing the words, subconsciously hummed, and then a brilliance slipped into her forehead, and she hurriedly sat down cross-legged.


At this time, the old man of medium stature also said: "Since Daniel has passed on your knowledge, I have nothing to teach you. I am only proficient in refining tools and refined many puppets. This time I am transforming the corpse king. It's also my own handwriting. Speaking of it, my knowledge really didn't play a big role. When this kid finishes accepting the inheritance, you girl go to the end of the hall and use your own blood to open the door of the secret room. , There are some of my inheritance there. Which of you two likes it, who wants it."


   At this time, the phantoms of several elders all appeared to be more illusory, and Duerdai Lin even disappeared into little spots.


"Really... I originally wanted to purify some mental power for this little friend, but I didn't expect his mental power to be so condensed... It seems that our last power can only help this. Little girl." Ron and a few old men looked at each other and suggested.


"Also, regardless of whether Wu Qi used or didn't use us in the first place, this sacrifice is worthy of us to this extent." At this time, Daniel said undeniably, his expression was extremely firm, as if he believed he was right. Wu Qi has a mediocre heart.


   "In this way, we are considered to be the human race to the last time. Hey, for thousands of years, we can also enter the Styx and be reborn."


   "Hehehe... that's pretty true."


A few old men’s conversations with a smile gradually disappeared into the hall, and at the same time Wu Mei'er swept up an incomparable spiritual storm, and at the same time, the whole body was surging with mana, rising and falling, as if reaching a certain critical point. .


   Li Luo slowly opened his eyes, took a look at Wu Meier, and pointed out a dark light with his fingers, which sank into Xiaojin's body. Then another golden light shot into Xiaojin's body, and Li Luo just lay on the ground with exhaustion.


   After Xiaojin was hit by two rays of light one after another, a gloomy black light appeared from two soybean-sized eyes, and then there was a burst of golden light on his body, full of a sense of sacredness.


   His body shape turned around, got into Li Luo's arms, and there was no movement.


   After half an hour, Wu Mei'er uttered a soft drink in vain, and the mana aura on her body increased more than three times. Under the surging of mana, the whole hall shook.


After a while, Wu Meier stopped.


   "Congratulations to Miss Mei'er for her advanced second-order wizard." Li Luo said with a smile not knowing when she was standing beside Wu Mei'er.


   At this time, the woman didn't know if it was a whim or why, under a gust of fragrance, she threw herself into Li Luo's arms. Jiao said, "Brother Li Luo, it's really easy for my younger sister to find him."


At this time, Wu Meier’s strands of hair fell on Li Luo’s shoulders with weak mana fluctuations, thick eyelashes, charming eyes, **** lips, eyes with all kinds of style, plus the unique fragrance of the virgin. If it doesn't reflect, seductiveness and gracefulness are so natural in a girl.


   Even with Li Luo's concentration, he couldn't help being stunned, swallowing and spitting.


   "The strength of Meier girl is so great~www.readwn.com~ It's really gratifying." After a while, Li Luo couldn't find any steps before he said such a compliment.


   Wu Meier smiled when she heard the words, left Li Luo's arms, and walked towards the end of the hall.


   Li Luo took a deep breath and walked towards the space bag dropped by the elder of the ghost ghost, and he was about to reach for it.


  At this time, the little gold on his stomach suddenly turned into a golden light, and it swayed from the space bag, unexpectedly slammed, drilling out hundreds of corpse insects, and rushing towards Li Luo.


   Li Luo was taken aback, a red flame burst from his body, burning all the insects to ashes, and he was relieved.


   "Xiaojin, thanks to you this time."


   Li Luo turned his head and smiled and said to Xiaojin, he bent down and checked the other things in the space bag.


   Except for the corpse worms, other things are still intact, but most of them are some potions or materials used by dark wizards. The only booklet aroused Li Luo's idea.

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