Overlord Wizard

Chapter 254: Wizards who lose their minds

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   Boom! ! !

   A violent explosion sounded at this moment.

The spacious hall seemed to have just undergone a demolition, and it was battered by rounds of ten-meter-sized fireballs. The strange power of the stars in the hall was also shattered by the impact of various energy particles until the flames. Dispelled by a new burst of star power, the wizards on both sides stopped.

The reason why Li Luo wanted to destroy the Forest of Thorns during Li Luo's period was very simple. The young dean they said had turned 80% of his mana. It seemed that if he sacrificed another group of wizards, he could be turned into nine. You can enter the core area of ​​the laboratory.

   Thinking back to the fact that Yumeng was so talented that he could not be transformed to 80%, Li Luo felt puzzled again. He carefully looked at the bodies of the two dead wizards, thinking about a possibility in his heart.

   Soon, the body began to melt again, turning into a stream of light and submerged into the bodies of the two wizards.

"Hahahaha, very good, your silver holy bird wizard is really powerful. I just killed you two, and the phantasy has risen to as much as 60%. This feeling is really wonderful." Luo Senshuang His eyes were full of purple-black glittering light, and his face was full of uncontrollable excitement.

   Li Luo glanced at the other wizards, and they were mostly the same.

   "It turned out to be 40% illusion..."

   "I...have turned 50%..."

Both the elves and the people in the forest of thorns, all of their faces twisted, looking at each other greedily, the next moment, the hall began to agitate various element particles, like a blazing sun like a blazing sun, almost just a few minutes At that time, these wizards were fighting fiercely with each other only two people were left.

"Hahaha...hahahahaha...It turns out that the ban on the laboratory was suspended for a period of time in order to enhance it. This activation has improved the wizards fighting each other even more powerfully! "Lawson laughed wildly, surrounded by wizard robes scattered on the ground. Opposite him was a red-haired elf with silver eyes and an unsightly expression on his face.

   "It turned out to be as much as 80% of the illusion..." Seeing the increase in the strength of the two, Li Luo was shocked, and then he seemed to think of something. "According to what this laboratory says, as long as the magical power reaches 90%, all restrictions can be invalidated... Is it possible to only target wizards who fight each other and use star beast meat for promotion?"

"And while the strength of these wizards is improving, the greed in their eyes and the mentality that is getting closer and closer to go crazy...Is it possible..." Li Luo muttered to himself, looking at them. The figure that Tao had collided with each other changed his expression.

   The two seem to have turned into wild beasts, rushing towards each other frantically, each with an extra long sword in their hands, none of them used any wizard's spells, and they were all fighting for their lives.

   His fierce appearance, if seen by their former companions who died before, will definitely feel incredible, almost can't believe that they will fight in this way, and the power is still amazing.

In the same way, in Li Luo's eyes, the physical strength of these two people also gave him a sense of danger. Even Li Luo felt that he would encounter one of them alone, and he would not be able to defeat each other quickly... .. Thinking of this, Li Luo felt a little bad in his heart, but didn't do any other actions, just watched quietly.

   The two were of equal strength, fighting from the center of the hall to the corner of the hall, and then towards the exit of the hall, towards Li Luo's side. Both of them are powerful wizards, wearing protective magic weapons, but they are all shattered under the tyrannical bodies of the two who have been promoted a lot.

The difference between their strengths is not too great. In this kind of fighting each other, even though the elves have some physical disadvantages, they are pressed and beaten by Rosen, but both sides are covered with sword marks on their chests. Under the flow of blood, even Li Luo saw the internal organs, apparently suffering extremely serious injuries.

   Moreover, the two sides didn't mean to stop at all.

   The long sword slashed on the opponent. Not only did they not feel any pain, but their eyes flickered like ghosts, and they couldn't see the slightest sense of reason.

  嗤! ! !

   The two long swords were inserted into each other's body like streamers.

In an instant, the two figures separated fiercely, and the elf's eyes seemed to turn into a black and purple star. With a frantic smile, he pulled out the long sword inserted in his left chest, and in front of him, Rosen fell down. , Quickly melted away, turned into a stream of light and sank into the elf's body.

   The light of stars in the eyes of the elves was more radiant at this moment, emitting a dazzling brilliance, and the injury on his chest quickly recovered. With a facial expression, he left the exit where Li Luo was and walked towards the other exit of the hall.

"This guy should have his heart growing on the right... Mana fluctuations are about to catch up with the previous 80% of me, and because of the mixed energy, I am a level higher than the magical power of ordinary wizards... .... That said, he has turned into a metamorphosis and is close to 90%..." Li Luo looked at the elf in surprise, and slowly followed.

  , while walking, sweeping across the hall, and finally his gaze towards a stone monument standing in the middle of the hall.

   "Knowledge can gain power."

The wizard walked through the halls all the way. Li Luo also saw several teams of wizards fighting each other. In the end, there was only one person left, but it was surprising that the wizards who were left from the fight did not continue to fight with the wizard, or They continued to fight each other, but they all walked in one direction.

   These halls all have stone monuments. In addition to the saying that knowledge is power, Li Luo also saw the words ‘knowledge is power’. He followed ~www.readwn.com thoughtfully all the way until these wizards with eyes full of stars stopped. The dazzling light of stars began to light up all over them, and disappeared here in a blink of an eye under the colorful glow.

  Looking at these wizards who disappeared, Li Luo fell into contemplation. After a while, he swept his eyes to the huge hall with closed doors on all four sides. It seemed that it should be the core area of ​​the laboratory. Arcane runes and wizard words are densely written on it.

"knowledge is power."

   "Knowledge can gain power."

   Li Luo silently swept through the arcane rune and the wizard language on it, slowly circled, and finally fixed his gaze in front of a broken wizard language door.

"do not let......"

   Li Luo looked at the unfinished wizard language and the arcane runes surrounding these words, and he moved in his heart, using his mana, and began to write on this huge facade.

   "Don't let the power control you."

   After Li Luo finished writing, these arcane runes were all lit up, a faint light swept across the words written by Li Luo, and the door opened slowly.

   "Sure enough. Those who killed each other should have entered the other two gates separately..."

   Looking at the open door in front of him, Li Luo did not choose to go in, but walked to the last door.

   "Only knowledge can..."

  Looking at the incomplete sentence in front of him, Li Luo fell into deep thought. After the sentence, another sentence was marked with the words -----‘You only have one chance. ’



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