Overlord Wizard

Chapter 262: Horror spreader

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   "The true meaning of the curse?"

   Listening to Kesusla's words, Li Luo suddenly smiled: "Before I can comprehend and decompose the true meaning, maybe I have to rely on the flesh to sacrifice to evil gods like you, but now..."

   Li Luo's face gradually became cold, but there was some excitement in his eyes: "Let's take you as the first test item!!!"

As soon as   's words fell, a purple light suddenly lit up between his fingers, which surprised the surrounding elves: "This... is not so different from the true meaning of purification!"

   The next moment, a purple force field burst out suddenly, and a purple spiral ray shot out.

In just an instant, the purple rays seemed to penetrate thousands of meters of space, and the void wherever they passed crackled. Under a ring of dark traces, it seemed that the space had to be broken down by this force. When Ray came to Kesusra, he was taken aback.

   "This kind of mana fluctuation! You obviously didn't elementify yourself! How could it be possible?"

   Perceiving the fluctuating intensity of the rays, Csusla was horrified, and was about to open the force field to counterattack.

   A purple and gold bug banged down on his brain from the side, bumping him and staggering, all the actions he wanted to do were stopped. Immediately, the powerful decomposition force made him feel suffocated, his original strength seemed to have disappeared, and the dark energy particles all over his body surged and turned into a jet of black air flow, and then the whole person's body began to a little bit. Melting.

   "Boss, my sneak attack is still in place!"

   Seeing Kesusila losing resistance, Xiao Jin kept circling from high in the sky, and his spirit level faced Li Luo in inviting credit. The tone couldn't stop happily.

   "I originally wanted to fight this guy with my true meaning, but now it seems that I can only solve him first."

Although he wanted to continue to fight his mana and true meaning with the other party in his heart, Li Luo sensed his remaining energy and didn't mean to continue entangled with the other party. The purple light in his hand was released, and soon the skin of Kesusra's body was completely Melting, a stream of yellow-brown blood flowed non-stop.

As a third-order wizard, after special elementalization, his body is more fragile than wizards and knights of the same order. Li Luo will have to search for his soul for a while, but if he accidentally kills the opponent, he will look for it again. These followers of Yinluo Sect have difficulty.

   Li Luo hurried over and held Kesusla's head.

   Suddenly, under the link of spiritual power, a large number of memory fragments flooded towards Li Luo, and together they formed a picture.

It was an altar. Behind the altar was the statue of a huge gray monster. The statue looked lifelike, with a ghost-like face, and the four arms that were born were gray and white, but there were six legs, which looked more like only one. Become a fine scorpion. On the altar, the corpses were neatly laid out, and the flesh and blood inside were slowly melting into a stream of spirit, blending into the statue below.

   Every time it blends in, the yellowish-brown light that the statue emits grows stronger, and the believers are praying for something.

"Great Yin Luo God! Our wizard in the Scorpion Castle is willing to be loyal to you. Please give us strength and let us have the power of revenge." The voice of a middle-aged man kept ringing all around, his mouth whispering. Saying a lot of prayers.

   The owner of that voice is the current head of the Scorpion Castle, and beside him is Kesusra, who is Li Luo looking at the memory at this time.

   As the voice continued to sound, within the fragments of memory, the skin of the wizards of the Scorpion Castle gradually turned pale, and the strength and breath of the whole body seemed to have increased a lot.


   The power of the wizards in the poisonous scorpion castles quickly increased, and there were more dark marks on their foreheads. But they seemed to have lost their minds, roaring towards the corpses, and began to devour the flesh and blood on these corpses. Then these wizards all rapidly skyrocketed, turning into one by one

   Observing this scene in the memory silently, Li Luo frowned subconsciously, as if he was thinking of something.

   Before I had time to think about it, a sense of extreme danger suddenly surged from my heart.

A huge gray-white monster appeared in front of him, as he had seen in his memory before, as if he had become a scorpion. His eyes were full of tyranny, revealing endless evil, and a shocking one. The power of fear.

   "Stupid wizard, you have already won, but you have peeped into the memory of this rubbish, really stupid!"

   Li Luo's heart jumped, and he suddenly opened his arm, and a jet black mark came lasing at his speed, as if he were teleporting. Before he could react, the mark slammed into his forehead.

   Seeing the dozens of elves around this scene looked shocked, and quickly rushed towards Li Luo with the purification mana. But it was obviously too late. But seeing the black mark banging on Li Luo's head, it was blocked by a silver mask, and he paused for a second.

   While taking advantage of this gap, Li Luo's figure retreated wildly, with a purple light in his hand, a force field emerged out of thin air, covering the dark mark. Slowly, with the help of many elves, the black mark was gradually broken down by Li Luo, and at the same time, his understanding of the true meaning of the decomposition became stronger.

"In the memory of Kesusla, there is the curse body, that is, the power of the monster statue. When I just checked the memory of the other party, I almost got hit! This curse body is probably not that simple... "

   Thinking back to the black mark shot by the monster in the mental space just now, he still had some lingering fears.

   Then the next moment, the black air continued to spread, and a kind of power spread on Kesusla, Li Luo simply lit up a decomposition witch formation in his hand, covering his whole body.


   A sound as if the corpse was corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid suddenly sounded, with a new understanding of the true meaning of decomposition.

   In the end, the corpses all turned into a stream of black air, which was completely decomposed into a stream of pale white gas in Li Luo's hands and dissipated.

  Standing on the spot, Li Luo gasped, feeling violently empty mentally and internally.

   probably recovered for a while, he lowered his head and looked in front of him.

   At his feet, there were only four black robes and a few space bags left from the previous Ksusla and the three third-order dark priests. He was about to pick up the space bags, and immediately stopped.

   "Everyone retreat." Li Luo shouted, and he and the elves quickly retreated.

   Li Luo glanced at Xiaojin in the air, and the latter flickered past these space pockets.

   Chi Chi Chi, the black space bag shattered, and a few black marks shot out, towards the many elves.

   Li Luo's complexion changed drastically, but the elves responded quickly, and they all poured mana into Li Luo's body. Originally, his star energy was extremely compatible with Lilafe's energy. These elves had obviously also practiced Lilafe's meditation, so Li Luo's mana quickly filled up.

There are dozens of second-order wizards to help, comparable to the magic power of four or five third-order wizards. Li Luo simply more than doubled the decomposition of the witch formation, the force field was also strengthened by three times, and the mana consumed rose four or five Much times. But even so, he still felt extremely full of mana surging in his body.

A few black marks are fast, but when they enter Li Luo’s wizarding field, they are like crabs in a quagmire. Under the imposing purple decomposition array, they crack apart, turning into a stream of air currents. On Li Luo's palm.

   Li Luo continued to decompose the black cursing power, and it took a full three hours to decompose all the black air currents into pale white mist and dissipate it.

   These high-level Yin Luo Sects in front of them really left behind. Whether they are prying into their memories or moving their space bags, they will be cursed most viciously. And judging from the intensity of this curse, it should be added by the curse itself.

   Prior to Li Luo's seizure of battle power, he was not cursed back. It is likely that those who are not enough followers are not eligible to be cursed by the main body.

   If there were no accidents, if those believers impose the curse of the body on the space bag that day, Li Luo would probably pay a lot of money to disperse, and he might even be controlled by the curse. Only now, Li Luo himself has been baptized with light and has curse resistance, and coupled with the decomposition of the true meaning, he can completely deal with this curse.

   "Although the process is a bit thrilling, but this way, I also know your location..."

   Standing in place, Li Luo turned around, looked at the alienated humans behind him, waved his hand to signal the elves to go to purify, he was lost in thought.

Judging from the strength of these believers, there should be a lot of high-level people who have all lost money here. I am afraid that there should be a vacuum in their base. In addition, these sacrifices have been purified by the elves... The best time to bring someone back! Li Luo felt the further understanding of the true meaning of decomposition, the additional true meaning of purification and the weak true meaning of incineration, and he also felt a little confident in his heart.

   "But before that, I have to go to the Wizard League to see if any wizards have been cursed."

   Li Luo thought so, and quickly walked over to the Wizarding League.

   After entering the Wizard League, he found that there were a lot fewer people. When he thought of the second-order wizards who had been cursed to become puppets, Li Luo was stunned. After the elves walked into the wizarding alliance, let these elves protect the law, and he did a spiritual sea exploration with the people of the wizarding alliance. Some of them resisted, Li Luo simply defeated them with thunder means, and forcibly probed them.

At the end, a third-order wizard and four second-order wizards had the kind of black curse mark hidden in the spirit sea. After the elves inscribed a large purification circle, they placed these five people in the center of the circle, and the silver moon sacrificed them. The blessing and dispersal began.

The blessing of the moon gods they used would burn a small part of the blood of the elves, but these elves did not hesitate, and soon the five wizards showed extremely painful expressions, and gradually a black gas rose up. The magic circle and the shining moonlight instantly purified into a white air current and dissipated.

   After the elves finished casting the spell, Li Luo took out a lot of bottles of Lilafi’s blood that he had secreted and gave them to them.

   "This... Thank you so much. Is your name Gu Yuan?" An elf walked over, put a few flasks away, took out a syringe, and looked at Li Luo with some uncertainty.

   "Yes." Li Luo smiled faintly and patted him on the shoulder. If the latter realized something, he turned and divided the syringe.

"After the injection, go to these cultists' lair with me. I am in a good mood today and want to fight with these guys." Li Luo's voice was very low, but it was another taste when it reached the ears of these elves. .

   "I'm in a good mood, just find someone to fight?" An elf looked at Li Luo suspiciously.

"Idiot. Can't you see it? This adult seems to have realized a very powerful true meaning, we just follow, and we will definitely get a lot of benefits!" Another elf pushed down the elf, with a stupid expression on you Look at him.

   The latter suddenly realized that the few wizards who had just recovered from the center of the circle changed their complexion after hearing this ~www.readwn.com~, and wanted to chase it, but there was a sudden pain, and the whole person fell in the center of the circle.

   Li Luo, who was walking in front, had a lot of speculations about the body of the curse before, and he had learned a lot about the origin of the powerful curse in the required courses of the college.

   But seeing the appearance of these people changing, Li Luo suddenly thought of several powerful existences on the planes that were conquered by the undead.

  Until now, he touched the body of the curse through the spiritual sea of ​​Kesusla. After experiencing the power firsthand, Li Luo finally determined his goal this time.

   He stretched out his hand, and on the palm of his hand, a ray of black air slowly spread, with a strong curse true meaning, this powerful curse assimilation, only a powerful undead had this ability.

   The image of the origin of the curse, and this powerful assimilation power of the curse, made Li Luo directly determined.

"The coercion of that kind of power should be the existence of Tier 6... Look at the appearance of the statue, it should be a horror spreader. However, in front of the powerful barriers of the wizarding world, your power can come again. How much? Especially in the state of purifying large areas of dark power..."

   Li Luo looked into the distance, muttering to himself, his eyes gradually became sharp and solemn.

Although the horror spreader has a mediocre combat power, once it descends on a certain plane, if there is no high-level moonlight sacrificial purification similar to the elves, even this horror spreader can conquer the entire plane .

  The world of undead, but it is no less than the existence of the ancient wizarding world, and even has war with demons...



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