Overlord Wizard

Chapter 263: Cursed Cellar (repair)

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   "Master Gu Yuan!" The elves' voices suddenly came from behind, chasing them.

   Li Luo turned around and glanced behind him, and found that the aura of these elves became more and more pure, and even the vigorous life energy of the original human race became green and full of natural vitality.

   As for the human beings that have changed, they have all been purified. The fellows in the Wizarding League wanted to chase them and participate in the encirclement and suppression together, but due to the injuries Li Luo gave them, they couldn't immediately participate in the battle, and the city needed people to defend, so they had to stay in the city.

   For these wizards, Li Luo didn't care. Although he injured them badly, in that situation, he was already pretty good not to kill. As for whether they will retaliate in the future, Li Luo is confident that they don't have that ability.

   Li Luo led these elves to a weedy flat ground, glanced at the surrounding environment, he stepped hard, and collapsed into a 100-meter-sized entrance.

"Let's go in."

   After saying this, he glanced at the elves behind him, and then walked down the stairs.

   Behind him, looking at Li Luo's back, the elves hurriedly followed, not daring to fall behind.

   It was pitch black inside. Without Li Luo's witchcraft tricks, the elf condensed a huge silver light cluster within a month, illuminating the surrounding environment.

   After walking for half an hour, Li Luo and his entourage came to a closed door.

   Once here, a wave of dark particles continuously spilled out of it, and the cold breath inside seemed to have turned into substance, and the elves instinctively felt a trace of fear.

  When they came here, they were generally a little uncomfortable. The more the blood of the elves in the body, the more obviously there was something extremely evil in it.

   looks like this kind of pure-blooded silver-haired elf, his face has become unsightly at this time, one arm stretched out and a small shield was taken out, which looked like a relatively high-quality second-order protective magic weapon.

   As for other elves with colored hair, because their blood is not strong enough, although they also sensed the weirdness inside at this time, their performance was only a little frown, and they didn't look like this silver-haired elves were facing the enemy.

   Li Luo deliberately waited for a while. After they got used to it, he opened the door and stepped in.

   What catches the eye is the entrance of a cellar, open the lid, and walk down the stairs, there is a passage inside.

The passage was obviously newly opened. The whole body was made of obsidian, and a cold breath radiated from the wall. A faint black air current rose up, turning out a few grimacing faces, facing everyone Jie Jie Jie Jie. The weird smile.

   "This place is full of dark energy. It must be the base of the Yin Luo Sect. You put the power of purification all over your body, the power of curse that is always ready to come."

   Looking at the black air spreading out, before Li Luo could speak, the silver-haired elf said to the other elf.

Li Luo glanced at the black air current in his hand, closed his eyes and felt it. The strange aura around him was obviously the same as the curse power in his hand, but it was more concentrated, and the purple light in his hand was released. The black air stream instantly disintegrated into countless white steam, which dissipated.

"go in."

   Li Luo scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and continued to walk forward.

  Before he came, he had worked out a strategy with these elves. He was responsible for the strongest dark sacrifice and other weaker dark sacrifices, and the others were responsible for destroying the statue.

   Their goal is very clear, which is to cut off the source of the curse, which is the altar and the statue behind the altar.

   Along the way, the more you walk inside, the stronger the curse that surrounds you, and in the end it almost turns into substance, even the elf's pressure multiplies.

  The silver brilliance on the elves began to dim as they went inside. Li Luo glanced around and found that their body's mana fluctuations were almost suppressed to the extent that they could not exert 50% of the spell's power, and they were almost lost here.

However, the silver-haired elves who transformed into pure blood did not seem to have changed much, even he deliberately walked towards the place with rich black energy, raised the bloodline power of his body to the limit, and purified all the curse powers. At the same time As he moved forward, Li Luo found that the strength of this elf was improving.

   "Drink this potion." Li Luo saw that the silver-haired elves were even advancing. He couldn't help taking out a bottle of the star potion he had previously refined through cultivation, and handed it over.

   With the silver light, the silver-haired elf took the potion, closed his eyes and felt it, revealing a touch of shock: "This... is this the legendary star constitution potion?"

   Li Luo nodded and said, "Yes, this was refined when I was a second-order wizard. If any of you perform well in this base, I still have many bottles and I will give you."

   When the elves heard this, they seemed to be beaten in blood, running their purification power crazy.

   Listening to Li Luo's words, the silver-haired elf was not polite, and drank the potion in one gulp.

   After taking the potion, when the elf purifies the curse power around, some changes still occur in his body. The mana of the whole person is further transformed into an illusion, almost increasing from 60% to 65% in a short period of time.

   Seeing this, Li Luo was not in a hurry, and took these elves back the same way, and began to wander around in the dark sacrificial memory, without traps, constantly improving the strength of these elves.

   There are no living people in the ruins, and every grid period of time will encounter a large group of civilians transformed into monsters, all of which are instantly pierced to death by Xiaojin, providing everyone to purify.

   In the memory of the dark sacrificial priest, most of the monsters transformed by such cursed people became sacrificial offerings, which is why he dared to bring dozens of elves to enter here.

   Improved strength back and forth for a while, Li Luo's team also encountered some accidents, a group of second-order dark wizards came out, but they were all killed by Xiaojin's brain.

  Since this place is the base of the curse, there must be many such wizards. Li Luo took this opportunity to hone his true intentions of decomposition.

   After walking back and forth for nearly a day, after consuming ten bottles of constellation potions for the pure-blood elf, this guy actually turned his mana into 80%~www.readwn.com~ The talent is incredible.

   Even if Li Luo took this star physique medicine at the time, ten bottles did not increase by one percent. Although it was harder to phantasmize as he went to the back, Li Luo still slandered in the face of this gap.

   As expected, the pure-blood elves have much higher talents than humans.

It seemed that he felt that he had reached the limit. The elf finally came up with the idea of ​​trying to advance. For this reason, Li Luo led the team to re-enter the entrance and engraved a large star formation a kilometer away. Wait until the elf. After they were advanced, they walked in again. The source of the curse seemed to have discovered the purpose of Li Luo and the others, and did not release any curse power, allowing Li Luo and his party to slowly walk into the passage.

   Without hindrance, they all walked for a full hour before reaching their destination this time.

In front of my eyes was a closed black door surrounded by black runes. At this time, the curse that had disappeared once again acted on everyone. In an instant, illusions grew in front of me, and black air wafted out from the black door. , Spread to everyone.

   I saw the moonlight elf priest who had advanced to the third level, with a dazzling silver light all over his body, and a circular silver light curtain suddenly spread out, covering everyone and blocking the black air firmly outside.

   However, Li Luo could see that he seemed to consume a bit of mana quickly, and he quickly ordered everyone to retreat. At the same time, the auburn light in his hand was shining, and a melting explosive fireball the size of more than ten meters rolled towards the black gate and shot away.

   With a bang, the door burst open, revealing the scene inside, making everyone's expressions change.



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