Overlord Wizard

Chapter 269: Twilight Cult

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   On the ground covered with green grass, Li Luo walked slowly.

   "Boss, are you there yet?" Xiao Jin's voice sounded in Li Luo's mind.

Li Luo looked around for a while and said faintly: "It's coming. It's about a dozen kilometers away. The reason why I didn't choose to fly down this road is because I wanted to carefully investigate the state of these animals. Fortunately, Back to normal."

   Immediately, Li Luo stopped speaking too much, turned into a blue light and disappeared in place.

   Soon, he came to the Cthulhu cellar again, looked at the fist-sized hole at the entrance, took out a bottle of potion, and poured it down.

   "Huh!" Under the sound of sulfuric acid-like corrosion, Xiao Jin rushed down into a purple light and shadow.

   "Quack, quack!" The voice sounded like a bean.

   A week later, Xiao Jin Juan shrank back into Li Luo's sleeve robe.

   "Boss, this time I feel that I can bear more of the power of the stars, and the energy level should be able to reach the late third stage."

   Xiaojin fell silent after saying this.

"This guy is better than me.... It should be Ruijin's true meaning. This sky-eater can eat anything, and there are many evolutionary directions. It is also very good to choose this direction..... "Li Luo thought so, and walked out of the cellar.

   Li Luo walked out of the cellar, then turned into a blue light and flew away into the distance.


   To the southeast of Silver Bird Domain, Marcus and Brandon mixed in a team of 10,000 people and walked slowly towards Silver Bird City.

   "Brother, we are so strong, why do we still pretend to be refugees?"

   As he moved forward, Brandon asked Marcus in a low voice.

  Marcus looked around for a while, made a hush gesture, and said: "Don't talk too much, just follow. Soon, I will understand why I am so careful."

The two fell silent for a moment. This is a large team of refugees. Under the leadership of many mercenaries and wizards, they went to Silver Bird City to supplement the city’s human resources. At the same time, the refugees also had the opportunity to go to the front line and obtain a mandala clone. Have the opportunity to quickly improve their strength. But Marcus and Brandon know the secret. There are too many clones of Mandala, and it can't even control them well, so they want to quickly improve their strength unless they and Li Luo are very good. The relationship between them, otherwise, don’t even think about it.

   At dusk, the team stopped.

   began to camp.

   A loud noise came from outside, accompanied by a scream, which attracted the attention of Brandon and Marcus.

   "Let's hide..." Marcus winked Brandon.

   At the entrance of the camp, a few mercenaries in leather armor stood there, looking at things outside, their arms trembled.

Outside the camp, some tall silhouettes were standing outside, each of them at least three meters tall, with a cold and cruel expression on their faces, red eyes, bony spurs on their bodies, mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth, streaming down A trace of dark green saliva looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

And in the center of these monsters, seven or eight people with bone spurs on their backs and two meters in height came out, headed by a bald middle-aged man, looking at the camp in front of him, slowly raised his head: "This is The last group of refugees?"

   "Yes, Lord Digara." A three-meter-tall monster urn said angrily.

Behind, a handsome man in a tuxedo came from behind, with a playful expression on his face: "In that city, it could have been taken down, but that guy just didn't listen to my advice and kept asking for it. With the power of a natural disaster lord, I hope you will seize this great opportunity."

"No. Claudia. We are no longer the idiots of the Yinluo Cult. Now our wizarding organization has a new name, and the Twilight Cult over there!" Tigara's face twisted, revealing a glow. Han Guang's fangs were hoarse to the extreme.

   "Then, I wish you a happy ceremony, Digala's great sacrifice." Claudia smiled evilly, and the gentleman flew slowly into the air.

"I like this name! Claudia.......Hahaha...hahahahaha!" After Claudia flew into the sky, Tigara laughed wildly and raised his hand. Made a gesture.

The seven figures around    slowly walked towards the mercenary in front of the camp.

   "Bold, anyone, dare to make trouble here!" At this moment, a middle-aged man in a green robe flew out from the camp and shouted.

   But then, his voice stopped.

   I don’t know when, Digala has flown in front of his eyes, and once he grasped his neck, he couldn’t say anything. Soon, the wizard was overwhelmed by a strong fel energy.


A dark green firework bloomed in the air. After the firework was over, Digala slowly descended, glanced at the wizards around him indifferently, glanced around, and said: "You are the kind of wizards that are made quickly. Very good, today this deity will let you understand one thing, a defective product like yours, it could not be better to be used for sacrifice... Hahahahahahaha..."

   The raging evil energy surged in all directions along with the rampant laughter. There were fel runes formed on the ground in an instant, and a large sacrificial circle was created in an instant.


"How can it be!"


The surrounding Tier 2 and Tier 3 wizards were shocked, and one of them yelled: "Get in touch with the Alliance!" But soon, he discovered that his stomach was pulled open by a sharp claw, and his consciousness was very quick. Plunged into darkness.

   Tens of thousands of refugees cried and wanted to flee away, but soon they discovered that a dark green enchantment enveloped them.

Marcus and Brandon were shocked, and hurriedly squeezed to the place where there were many refugees. With the strong physical fitness of professionals, they quickly came to the front of the enchantment, and they had a dark green bomb out of thin air in their hands. Down.

   "It's a magic bomb, let's get away from here!" A vagrant yelled when he saw Marcus and Brandon's movements with sharp eyes.

   The crowd rushed backwards again, and then there was a thunderous explosion, accompanied by a large number of stumps and arms, the fel barrier was directly broken.


   Tens of thousands of refugees ran out in all directions in fear and excitement. But soon, the evil energy on the middle-aged man began to wreak havoc again, and a huge enchantment soon formed.

   But at this time, Brandon and Marcus had already ran away and disappeared in the crowd.

   "Catch those two reptiles back! The others who escaped, just eat it!" Digala said lightly, and glanced at the direction where Marcus and Marcus had escaped.


   Hundreds of Tier 3 and half demons swarmed to chase Marcus and the other two, Digala retracted his gaze and looked at the trembling refugees with a twisted expression.

   He grabbed a seven-year-old child, and under the moonlight, several tender screams stopped. Immediately, Digala twisted her neck, looked at a girl who was twenty-eight years old indifferently, and yanked him over, and said fanatically: "Welcome! Welcome to the Twilight Cult. This sect master grants you nothing. Devil blood!"

  , Digala did not wait for the girl to say anything, bit his arm, pinched the girl's neck and poured it into her mouth.

   And just at this moment, there were a few bangs in the distance, and Tigara's face changed and he threw the girl out.

   "It seems that the two reptiles are still two wizards, go and see with me!" Digala glanced at the men who were still devouring the flesh and blood of a few wizards, and said coldly with eyes glowing with scarlet light.

   swish swish!

   Several half-demon sacrifices soon appeared over Brandon and Marcus.

   "Don't pretend, fly separately!"

   Marcus yelled and flew away in one direction. Brandon's legs trembled in terror, but he flew out in the other direction.

   "Want to run,?"

   Dijara's face twisted, his hands facing the two of them were shot out of thin air, and their bodies were blown down from the air by two fel fireballs.

   "Hahahahahahahahaha. I like smart people the most. Your wit can save you from death, so let's drink the devil blood and join the Twilight Cult. I will give you the position of elder."

  Digara's voice sounded low and powerful, and with a bewildering and weird tone, the two of them were in a trance.

   "Fuck you M, I won't become a beast like you if I die!" Marcus took the lead to recover, spitting, and cursing.



   The surrounding demon sacrifices burst into laughter, and the fel energy on their bodies splashed away.

   "Then, the good show begins. Who will come first?" Digala threw the two together, glanced at several half-demon sacrifices, and said.

"I. I haven't tortured a wizard for a long time." A half-demon priest with abscesses on his face twisted his neck, his face was filled with indescribable excitement, his eyes glowed red, and he walked towards the two of them step by step. .


Marcus’s forearm was directly folded to ninety degrees, but he just gritted his teeth without making any noise. He wanted to release some spells, but his body was full of chaotic evil energy, and the spirit sea was shaking, even the space-pocketed demon. Can't take out the bomb.

  Marcus did not put any psychological pressure on Brandon, but then Brandon said: "Transform me, but please let my brother go."

   "It's really exciting brotherhood. But it really makes me sick!" Di Galla's eyes flashed, and his arm was blurred and he drew towards Marcus's heart.

"Do not!"

   Brandon was so scared that he closed his eyes, but the scream that followed made him suddenly open.

   "Ah!" Di Galla's arm flew down not far away, and a vague shadow appeared behind him.

A black leather armor figure appeared behind Tigara~www.readwn.com~ One hand put away a brown robe, and the other hand shook the black cross sword in his hand, seeming to fall into a kind of reminiscence. Faintly said: "Yes. It's really exciting brotherhood. It reminds me of the days when I was in the Secret Realm with Anda Zhaohu. It's really unforgettable..." Then, there was a purple gold. The color of light flashed across the brains of several demons around, puff puff puff! All the demon sacrificial men fell down. Di Jiala looked at this scene in shock, a strong fel energy appeared on his body, and his other hand turned into a black shadow and drew straight toward Li Luo's chest.

   But he was immediately pinched in the air by an arm that was twice as thin as his.

   "In fact, you have one sentence that is quite right. Demon sacrifices like yours are used to enhance the true meaning of the deity's decomposition. It can't be better." Li Luo smiled lightly, his hands lit up with dazzling purple light.

  Digara was horrified to find that under the burning pain in his body, he was melting rapidly, and soon the whole person's consciousness fell into darkness.

   After all the demons were disassembled, Marcus asked uncertainly: "Is it Brother Li Luo?"

   Li Luo smiled and turned around. Just as he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed, and a flicker appeared forty meters away.

  In his original position, a very handsome man slowly retracted his claw-shaped arm, his scarlet tongue licked the corner of his mouth, revealing two sharp teeth.

   "The human being mentioned by the Lord, I didn't expect to meet me today. It was so lucky." Excitement mixed with a hoarse voice sounded, and the figure looked at Li Luo with scarlet eyes in the distance.


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