Overlord Wizard

Chapter 275: Consensus fruit (repair)

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In the endless virgin forest, Li Luo walked slowly in the Phantom Lost suit. I don’t know whether the old trees that have grown for hundreds of years or thousands of years cover the sky and the earth, all kinds of weeds, and thorns. .

   hiss! hiss! Boom!

   At this moment, there was a sudden screaming and striking sound of giant snakes in the distance, and there was some strong wind of energy particles, and Li Luo's cheeks were a little painful.

   Now he was quite surprised, what kind of monster has such a powerful strength? He felt the monster in the distance. It was not one, but two giant snakes fighting together. The energy fluctuations were all in the early stage of the third stage. One snake gave birth to two heads, and the other was normal. He saw this strange scene for the first time. Generally, similar monsters wouldn’t fight each other. He was curious, and he wanted to break down the two monsters on the opposite side. Regardless of the reason, Li Luo couldn’t help but quickly approach. Past.

   Immediately, Li Luo rushed over, and soon came to the vicinity, only to see a clearing where the two giant snakes perceived in the spirit sea were fighting against each other. All of them are ten meters long, with a thin waist. The single-headed giant snake obviously has a puddle of blood in its mouth. It seems to have suffered a great injury. Looking at a few broken boulders around him, Li Luo knew it. Completely at a disadvantage.

The double-headed giant snake has two big mouths, a dark green energy shock wave and a crimson energy shock wave lasing away. Li Luo can feel the strong corrosiveness and burning from the two shock waves. It should be incidental. It is similar to the true meaning of toxins and the true meaning of incineration. The other giant snake could only release an ice-blue shock wave. Under the spread of a cold air, it was completely downwind. It was directly knocked down by the two shock waves and flew out. It slammed into the only remaining one. On a rock, the battle is also coming to an end.

   I saw this two-headed giant snake. After slowly crawling over, a snake's head had a huge mouth, and it swallowed a few mouthfuls of the single-headed head, and then swallowed the entire body of the single-headed snake.

Seeing this, Li Luo wanted to leave. This kind of giant snake in the early stage of Tier 3 will not be too much for him now, no matter what kind of true meaning is improved, there is no need to fight. There are many second-order creatures in the forest, and he can kill them at will, not guilty of eating the flesh and blood of this giant snake.

But the next moment, something shocking happened to him. This double-headed giant snake stabbed between the two heads, and suddenly a small snake head grew out of it, and its aura climbed to the initial peak of Tier 3 within a few breaths. With a scream of excitement, he crawled to somewhere in the clearing where there was a small tree growing on top of which was a fruit that looked like a conch. The head in the middle of the giant snake swallowed it in one bite. The heads of the snakes on both sides gradually shrank, but the heads in the middle grew a little bit bigger. Although there was no improvement in the aura, it was filled with extremely excited neighs.

   Li Luoke was stunned. The energy in his body couldn't help but fluctuate. The giant snake seemed to have spotted Li Luo at this time and turned around suddenly.

But then, a flash of purple gold light and shadow passed through the eyes of the three heads of the giant snake. When it appeared again, it had already flown to Li Luo's side. There were three fist-shaped oval demon cores suspended on Xiaojin's head. Fell on his shoulders.

   Li Luo directly stepped forward, and after decomposing and purifying the snake corpse, he revealed a pensive color.

   After a while, he took back the full Xiaojin, turned into an afterimage and quickly shuttled through the dense forest, and found many monsters with multiple heads or one head. In the early stage of the third-order, the multi-headed monsters are very powerful. In the middle or even later stages of the third-order, the single-headed monsters stabilize the existence of the same-level multi-heads, and there is even a three-eyed toad that competes with the multi-headed toads During the battle, the opponent didn't touch him, and he stabs his tongue like a big tongue, piercing the opponent's stomach directly, and another flash disappears.

   And this kind of powerful concealment talent, if it weren't for Li Luo wearing the Phantom Secret Tracksuit, it was probably the result of his successful sneak attack. Next, Li Luo worked hard to find the conch-shaped fruit while looking for traces of other people from the positioning wizard. It was not that Li Luo wanted to team up with them, but that everyone was very strange to this secret realm, only to find something similar to ancient times. Only in a wizard’s laboratory or a place like a relic can he figure out how the conch-like fruit is given to people, whether to make medicine or take it directly. Li Luo dare not experiment with his own life.

However, this mystery seems to be surprisingly large. There are constantly giant monsters flying high in the sky, and Li Luo dare not fly away. As long as he walks, it took nearly a month, and he even picked up a conch fruit on the way. Only then met the first figure.

The opponent is an elemental wizard of the third-stage late stage, with a burst of strong and powerful mana. After directly killing a three-headed giant dog, he picked up a conch-like fruit next to him and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls. After a happy face, he simply Meditating on the spot, calmly digested the medicine.

Li Luo quietly observed and found that the energy particles suddenly rioted, and the three-color energy particles surrounded his body, and there was a faint tendency to merge. It was not difficult to perceive even from his spirit, as if he had such a little spirit. The soul realm of unity. Ordinary humans mostly have multiple personalities hidden in their hearts. They are usually masters, and there are many desires that breed in their hearts. Only through constant fighting can they gradually dilute it, which is what people call experience and improve the probability of raising the realm. . And the current wizard, not only eating this conch fruit is comparable to a thrilling battle to improve his mood, but also the two true meanings exuding from his body are condensed and merged, and there is a trend of fusion!

   Li Luo's eyes flickered, he walked away slowly, and continued to wander in the forest.

   Three months later.

   Li Luo looked at the two spiral-shaped fruits in the space bag with a hint of helplessness on his face. Now, after three months of training, he has raised all three true meanings to an intermediate level. Obviously, the true meaning of harmony is definitely much stronger than a single true meaning, but Li Luo does not dare to take it rashly. First, he has too much energy in his body. If it is too strong, it will explode directly when the energy is unstable. Second, during this period, Li Luo entered several abandoned caves and saw a stone stele on which was inscribed the ancient lingua franca, how to consume these fruits and the core area of ​​the secret.

The record clearly shows that the higher the rank among the third-order wizards, the smaller the effect of taking this desired fruit. Even the middle-term third-order wizards are the same. It will take a long time to reach the state of the late third-order wizard, and it will take a long time. In a difficult situation, the early stage of the third stage is better than the middle stage of the third stage, but it is also limited. The key is that it is clearly recorded on the stone tablet that only when they reach the huge arena at the core of the secret realm and continue to fight, will ape puppets send as many as a few, as few as one or two, the desired fruit. The opponent may be Warcraft. , Or it may be the wizard who enters here. Once they enter the arena, they will be trapped by the ban and cannot get out if they don't condense the true meaning of the body.

   Li Luo naturally didn't want to go to the arena to fight with those incomparably powerful third-stage elemental wizards. When meeting Irene and Ivy from another angle, he couldn't bear to start. After thinking about it, he still wandered in the central area, but he didn’t meet one of them. Instead, he tempered his true intention and state of mind very well by fighting against monsters in the middle of Tier 3, so Li Luo was not in a hurry, but in the space bag. Of the three lonely fruits, one did not move. I planned to refine my mood to be more pure before taking it.

As time passed, Li Luo spent constant fighting. Because of the existence of Xiaojin, he let him sleep in his animal-driving bag during the day, and then released it to help him watch the night at night. Gradually, Li Luo's spirit became more vigorous. They all seemed to be condensed, and their eyes were extremely clear, in an extremely condensed state. And the only three desired fruits remaining in the space bag seemed to have been forgotten by him, completely immersed in the life of this primitive forest.

On this day, after a three-headed snake in the middle stage of Tier 3 was broken down by Li Luo, he suddenly seemed to be shocked in his mind. The whole person froze directly there. Three true intentions surrounded his body, and under the surging of energy particles, a purple line appeared. The black true meaning is gradually condensed out, and when you look closely, it is condensed from the three true meanings.

In this state of enlightenment, it lasted for about ten minutes before it ended. When Li Luo reacted, he faintly felt the desire for new life in his soul. He quickly let Xiaojin protect the law, sit cross-legged, and take one. Desirable fruit.


   An hour later, Li Luo, who had eaten three desirable fruits, slowly opened his eyes.

   At this time, his eyes were red, and his mood was rather unstable. After forcibly suppressing his state, he sensed the fusion of the true meaning in his lower body, revealing a thoughtful look.

"It seems that there is a major prerequisite for taking this desired fruit. The mood must be tempered to the point of absolute purity, otherwise the true intentions will merge and the strength will increase, and there will be a sign of a great heart demon... even immediately The battle has turned into a murderous demon...what is the purpose of that arena..."

   Li Luo muttered to himself ~www.readwn.com~ looked into the distance, revealing a touch of contemplation.

After thinking about it carefully, he still felt that he should continue to practice in this central area. While fighting the monsters, he meditated to clear the distracting thoughts. It took a full year before he reached that state again. After taking the third-order concentrating potion, he tried to take it together with this consensual fruit. The effect was surprisingly good, but the consensual fruit was limited. After only four tablets were taken, it was out of stock, but even so, his true intentions were also Blended to as much as 20%.

A little bit of time passed, and gradually three years passed. During this period, a group of Tier 3 wizards came to the secret realm. Li Luo discovered that within a short period of time, he would be in that kind of epiphany, and as the number of wizards increased, That kind of epiphany state became more and more frequent, and in the end even the fusion of my true intentions, the consensual fruit was somewhat unavailable. At this time, Li Luo was shocked. During this period of time, he had seen too many wizards, all walking towards the arena, rarely fighting each other. It seems that the wizard who entered the arena and died will be drawn away from the understanding of the true meaning of fusion, and even the mind and spirit state will be extracted together, and poured into the arena in an extremely peaceful way of soul power soothing Outside the body of the wizard.

   Now, Li Luoke is even more puzzled. Apparently everyone knows that there should be wizards who have successfully integrated in the arena, and is this idea just a YIN? Just as Li Luo was puzzled, a woman's cry for help pulled him out of contemplation.



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