Overlord Wizard

Chapter 289: Spore version of the vine monster (repair)

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   This is a collision between the power of the rules and the true meaning. Moreover, Li Luo's true meaning has not yet reached its peak, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this monster. But there was inexplicable excitement in his heart, and the blood in his body began to boil at this moment.


   Li Luo suddenly only felt a "boom" in his ears, and in an instant he felt as if his heart began to release infinite power, bang bang! The earth jumped at ten times the speed in an instant, and a layer of billowing purple-black flames appeared on the surface of the body, and it burned fiercely.

   The next moment, his face was extremely excited, the purple-red glow on his body suddenly brightened, his chest was violently undulating, and there seemed to be a purple-black mist on his skin.

   The surrounding wizards saw this situation and did not dare to approach them, for fear that they would mess up the battle, but they kept releasing one after another Tier 3 imprisoned spells, blocking the monster for a while, allowing Li Luo to complete the transformation of this state.

   At this time, Li Luo's body was full of infinite power, and he unconsciously raised his head and let out a long scream! Immediately a black crack broke out in the void, and a huge purple-golden eye glanced at Li Luo, emitting a purple glow, falling on the stone Kaijia on his body.

  In an instant, Shi Kai suddenly glowed, and purple-gold lines appeared in an instant, giving people an unprecedented sense of sacredness.

  The cracks in the dark space closed, and the sacred aura disappeared, but the Shi Kai on Li Luo's body gave the three-headed and six-armed monster on the opposite side an extremely ugly look.

   His face changed, and he was about to flee away, but the next moment.

   Li Luo's eyes flashed, and it appeared on his side for almost an instant. With a move of his arm that he didn't even want, the afterimage of a stone fist with a purple-gold pattern struck him viciously.

   Boom! ! !

   Cthulhu incarnation has regular power flow on the six arms, but in the blink of an eye, a stagger is blocked in front of his chest, and then there is a loud explosion, this Cthulhu incarnation quickly retreats more than tens of meters.

He glanced at the space crack healed just in mid-air, hesitated for less than a second, his face suddenly grinned, his whole body was grayed out, and the chaotic depraved energy rushed out, and a touch of greed mixed in between the grinning, almost Turned into an afterimage, rushed towards Li Luo.

   Feeling the weird power suddenly raised on the monster, Li Luo's heart shuddered, and then his body tilted slightly, as if there was endless purple-black light blooming in his eyes.

  The purple and black light of extinction bloomed, turning into a wall of purple and black flames to block Li Luo's body, and Shi Kai on his body also bloomed with a dazzling purple-gold brilliance at this moment, surging towards the flames.

In an instant, the incarnation of Cthulhu actually rushed over from the fire wave, but before he reached Li Luo, he fell down with a bang, his body was spattered by a purple-gold flame burning skin, and the force of rules on his body was even more powerful. Can't afford much, convulsively about to stand up.

   Li Luo's face was happy, his fist suddenly clenched, and he appeared in front of him for an instant. The purple and black true meaning flowed on his arms. Under a blur, it turned into layers of fist shadows, covering the evil **** incarnation.

Look carefully, every time Li Luo punches, the purple and gold lines on Shi Kai dim by one point. After more than a dozen punches, Shi Kai on his body has been completely shattered, but even with bare hands, it looks like a formidable weight. The hammer-like power is also the incarnation of the smashed evil **** without the power to fight back.

In the end, this temporarily condensed incarnation, under a miserable howl, Li Luo blasted a washbasin-sized hole in his chest. Although the wound was still squirming and healed, it was immediately enveloped by a purple-black force field. Began to disappear every inch.

   After the dust settles, all wizards are conscious and have no past. Such a state of standing in place and perceiving Li Luo has to experience this every time he fights.

   After a while, Li Luo opened his eyes, revealing a touch of joy. This battle with Tier 4 creatures did give him a lot of improvement. Although the true meaning of the extinction has not reached the late stage, it has improved a lot. Obviously, he has a more understanding of this kind of extinction power.

Li Luo turned and walked towards the people in the distance. A purple-black force field spread. Under this force, dozens of people screamed and turned into evil **** sacrificial monsters. They were quickly wiped out. dissipate.

   "The wizard on the surface? It's really great...oooooooo"

   Just as Li Luo frowned on how to deal with these human beings, a familiar, sharp voice rang. This kind of voice Li Luo has only heard of two kinds of people, the sporeman and the dwarf over there.

   seemed to confirm his guess, two small purple-black humans walked out wearing a big mushroom.

   "Dudujia and Pete?" Li Luo looked at the two sporemen in front of him, somewhat unbelievable.

"You know us? By the way... the martial arts you used just now were brought by Heaven and Earth Tyrant Body Jue!" Dudujia shouted in her unique, shrill voice, and his expression couldn't help but show. A touch of surprise.

   "You are Li Luo!? You guy, you clearly said that you want to take us to explore the ruins! Talking is nothing!" At this time, Pete also ran over and said angrily.

   Li Luo patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "I can't help myself, don't care." Pete seemed to have vented his emotions, and he hugged Li Luo's thigh and felt painful.

   After a while, the guy released it. Li Luo didn't interrupt, so he let him vent.

   "Pete, do you remember our agreement?" Li Luo looked at Pete with a smile, with an unpredictable look.

   Pete turned to look at other ordinary humans, his eyes brightened, and said, "You mean them?"

   "Well. We have to find a place to study this issue carefully." Li Luo glanced around and said slowly.

   Du Du Jia hurried over, took out a lot of mushrooms, divided them among the people, and then shouted: "I know a place, come with me."

   The surrounding people gobbled it down, like a beast that had been hungry for a long time. Even Li Luo faintly saw a little purple and black spot on their skin, just transforming into the state of Sporeman.

   This made him a little speechless, and it seemed that Pete had already dealt with these people.

"Brother Li Luo. Don't convert them into spore people. In that big cell, they will live a long time." Pete yelled when he saw Li Luo looking upset at him, as if there was a written on his face. The huge word "injustice".

The other wizards looked at each other when they heard the words, and a strange light flashed in their eyes, and they silently followed Dudujia along with the others, and came to a huge grotto cave. In the cave, it was full of various mushrooms, which looked very Dazzling. The most eye-catching thing is a huge corpse in the deepest part of the cave, which looks like a huge lizard bone.

At this time, Li Luo swept away his mental strength, and quickly looked down the ground where the bones were. He saw a sporeman burrowing out from under the ground. In the end, there were hundreds of them, but most of them were all. Some ordinary spore people who can only grow mushrooms don't have any mana on their bodies, and even from their body shape, they seem to be newly transformed from humans.

   While around the cave, with a bang, Li Luo looked up and saw the clones of Mandala, as if they hadn't been corrupted yet.

"Brother Li Luo, don't burn them. Under the catalysis of our spore people, these vine monsters will not change and will not harm you." Pete saw Li Luo and the others on guard, and hurriedly Came over and said.

   Li Luo nodded when he heard the words, then raised his brows, turned around, and said, "What did you say?"

   Pete touched his head~www.readwn.com~ Something was unclear, so he replied: "I said they won't hurt you."

   Li Luo felt the dullness of this guy, rubbed the mushrooms on his head severely, and said, "I mean, your spores can prevent these vines from changing strangely, and can they control them?"

   Pete looked at Li Luo's face of disbelief, frowned and nodded, and said, "Isn't this normal? Our Spore Wizard is originally a branch of Druids, so naturally we can control plants well."

   Li Luo laughed in a low voice, and finally changed to a big laugh. The surrounding wizards also smiled and walked over and said, "Dean, you should have a plan."

   Pete and Du Dujia couldn't figure out why Li Luo laughed. Li Luo gave a hum, turned his head and glanced at both Pete, and didn't intend to explain to them. They just took out experimental equipment.

  After all the experimental equipment was taken out, Li Luo turned his head to look at Pete, "We have begun to cultivate and transform these creepy monsters, can your people be sure to control them?"

   Pete suddenly understood when he heard the words, and there was a greedy look in his eyes, and he asked quickly: "Yes, how many clones of this vine monster can you cultivate?"

   "With your help, within a month." Li Luo's eyes flickered, he broke off a mushroom on Pete's head, and walked towards the experimental platform.


   One month later.

   More than five thousand spore people, with purple-black vines wrapped around their arms, walked out of the cave.

   Under the leadership of Li Luo and others, he slowly advanced in one direction.



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