Overlord Wizard

Chapter 298: Sowing and harvesting (repair)

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"Scan... in the target space, there are a total of 23 wizards." Listening to the voice of the ethereal Mechanical Heart in his mind, Li Luo nodded, "It looks like it should be the temporary base of this team of wizards. ."

   Immediately, his figure flashed, and he fell into the slowly sealed hole.

The surrounding area was full of shimmering mushrooms, and under his feet was an obliquely downward staircase. Li Luo descended all the way and gradually saw the luminous entrance. After approaching and looking inside, he saw a hall. These wizards took The materials are doing experiments.

   "Master Gurla, can the medicine you mentioned really change the true meaning of our bodies?" A thin wizard on the side turned to look at the wizard who was headed, and asked eagerly.

   The other wizards also stopped the experimental action in their hands, looking at Gurla with a feverish expression.

   "Nonsense, is it possible that I didn't see the power that I turned over to kill the red lotus cultivators!" Gulla scanned the surroundings slightly angrily, and put down the experiment in his hands.

"No, no, no. We are just a little excited, and we definitely did not question the power you gained. After all, we are just a third-order wizard that was catalyzed. Even these experimental knowledge was poured into our minds through the crystal ball. Recently Only then did you teach us the experimental techniques separately, and I became proficient." The thin sorcerer just then explained quickly.

   "Kadan, you really talk a lot, just do the experiment with peace of mind." A tall wizard turned cold and scolded.

   "Yes. Yes." The skinny wizard closed his mouth immediately and concentrated on the task that Gujaras gave him.

   Li Luo just watched quietly, didn't intend to disturb them, wanted to see how they got the kind of destruction.

   A little bit of time passed, a bottle of potion was refined, and many wizards took it.

   Gurla watched them take the medicine and nodded in satisfaction.

   "Nothing seems to have changed."

   The eyes of many wizards were full of doubts.

   "Of course, of course it won't change immediately." Gurla slowly walked to the center of the hall, and runes on the ground lit up one after another, "Now, it's different..."

   As the runes in the hall light up one after another, they are quickly connected into one piece, and a strange light suddenly shines in the room.

"Now, I will give you the mark of destruction in the body, so that you can transform." Gulla took a deep breath, and a burst of dark energy emerged from his body, turning into a black mark, slowly Floating over to these people.

   Suddenly, Gurla's breath quickly weakened.

   Soon, from the later stage of the third-order wizard, he fell back to the middle stage of the third-order wizard.

   "Master Gurla." Most of the twenty wizards accepted the mark submerged in the body without any hesitation, but four of them hesitated and blocked the mark as the true meaning flowed.

   "You don't want to gain power?" Gul raised his eyebrows slightly, and slowly collected the four marks, "That's right, after all, accepting this power will endure a lot of pain, so don't accept it."

After the    mark was recovered, Gurla's aura increased a bit, turned his head to look at other people, and said: "Then, you will be very painful next, and the wizard's strength will regress, but you will gain incomparable true power!"

Gurla's voice fell, and the witch formation on the ground suddenly lit up with a dazzling dark red light. Soon the nineteen wizards who received the imprint fell on their knees, roaring and howling like a beast, and they were shocked. The true meaning of pitch black flame enveloped the whole body, and curled up to the ground with a twitch.

   Their wizarding power also slowly retreated from the late stage of the third stage to the middle stage of the third stage, and even stopped at the early stage.

   It took a full hour before they stood up, the original meaning of their bodies was completely dissipated, only a jet of black true intent circulated in their bodies, the whole body's mana boiled at this moment, and the void trembled at this moment.

"So, you don't know the name of this true meaning, do you?" Gurla's voice was full of indescribable bewilderment, "Yes, it is the true meaning of destruction, the super true meaning in the Wizarding League! Today, you are in At the price of retreating in strength, it was easily obtained!"

The nineteen wizards all showed a trace of ecstasy. They are not fools, and the wizards can be cultivated back, but the power of this kind of destruction can be clearly felt. Even if they have just realized it, they are no worse than their previous understanding. where.

   You must know that they were all Tier 3 late wizards before! The true meaning of the body has been comprehended to a high level, if this destroying true meaning is comprehended to a high level, their strength is not strong to a terrifying level?

   These people looked at Gurla gratefully, their eyes almost frantic.

The corner of Gurla's mouth twitched and swept toward the newly changed people, and said lightly: "The best way to enhance the true meaning of destruction is to fight, then let's go, let's find the mines occupied by the red lotus cultists and destroy them. !"

Soon, Li Luo stepped aside and watched these wizards walking outside, but people did not follow him. He put Xiaojin on guard in the hall, and he entered the laboratory hall and found a side room, shouting loudly. To sleep.

   The next day, Li Luo woke up, came to the experimental platform one by one, looked at the experimental handbooks on the experimental platform, and flipped through it.

   "Scan the records." Li Luo gave such an order indifferently to Mechanical Heart.

   Soon, a group of data was presented in Li Luo's spirit sea, and he memorized it bit by bit.

   After all the data was recorded, Li Luo looked at the rune array on the ground, and let the Mechanical Heart firmly record it. Looking at the ground around him, a silver translucent light glowed in his hand, and a large illusion magic circle was gradually inscribed by him.

   After doing all this, Li Luo nodded in satisfaction, chanting a few unknown spells, and the magic circle soon disappeared from the ground.

   Five days later, there was finally movement outside. Li Luo put on the phantom fan track suit, walked to a corner, and waited quietly.

   After a while, the group of wizards walked into the hall.

   "Master Gurla! This time you must grant us this power anyway!" The four wizards who had not received the mark hurriedly asked.

Gurla frowned and said, "But in this way, the strength I just recovered will fall back. Let's stand in the center of the magic circle with others, and understand the true meaning of their destruction. Come, you might be able to comprehend it by yourself."

"Do you comprehend it? We really don't have that talent, Lord Gurla, can you see if there will be a newcomer next time, and we will accept this gift together?" The four wizards glanced at each other, and one of them flashed. , Asked slowly.

   "Yes." Gurla said lightly, and then looked at the others: "Then, let's get started. Sacrifice you to destroy the wizard's soul here, so that the true meaning of the body will be further sublimated!"

   Soon, everyone stood in the center of the dark red magic circle, the runes flashed one after another, and they quickly became a piece. Suddenly, a strange jet of black air spread, and then submerged into the bodies of these wizards one after another.


   The nineteen wizards were all howling miserably, curled up, and the strong flow of true meaning submerged them. Slowly, the screams of these wizards grew louder and louder, but it sounded more like an excited roar similar to a wild beast.

   Li Luo looked at all this, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He found that the aura of these wizards had dropped rapidly, even to the level of a first-order wizard, but the real meaning of destruction on the body surface, even he himself felt a trace of pressure.

   "This energy of destruction is not enough, it is not enough, I want more! It's coming soon... it's coming soon, I'm about to break through to the late stage of the true meaning of destruction!"

   "I want more!"

   "Give it to me!"

   The wizards roared, and the flesh and blood on their bodies continued to disintegrate and melt, turning into an air current and condensing in the center of the hall, before the light of the dark red circle faded. At this time, the four wizards were finally moved, and as soon as they turned, they wanted to rush outside.

next moment,

   Gurla glanced at them with a sneer, this true energy group rushed towards them like a phantom.

   Li Luo chanted a few spells quickly, and the ground around him suddenly lit up with colorful glow, and Gurla froze there. The four wizards looked at the motionless destruction energy group, swallowed and spit, and were about to move, but the whole person also froze there.

   At this time, Li Luo came to the jet-black destructive energy group, slowly held it in front of his chest, and was swallowed by a ray of silver light. Afterwards, his figure flashed, and he came to Gulla, swiping his arm suddenly, knocking him out with a bang.

   put his hand on his head, and after a full half an hour, Li Luo took it back with satisfaction. From this Gurla’s memory, I know that his sowing and harvesting technique is the core member of their Black Wind Brotherhood. Based on the Cthulhu’s mark, he has communicated with the Cthulhu in a chaotic world and descended upon the Cthulhu. At that moment, the power of everyone gathered seriously hurt him, and with the imprint power they developed themselves, they penetrated into the body of the evil god, stealing the power of the evil god's rules of destruction.

   Li Luo took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "I really underestimated you bandits..."

   glanced at the magic circle not far away, he threw Gurla into the center of the circle, and cut off his limbs directly.

   "Ah!" Gurla let out a miserable cry, his eyes swept around, and finally fixed on Li Luo.

   "Who are you?! How can it be possible to set up an illusion circle that even I can't break free!" Gurla stared at Li Luo closely, and muttered an unknown spell in his mouth.

   Li Luo's chest suddenly lit up with a strong black light, as if something was about to break free halfway, but then everything calmed down under a flash of silver light.

   Li Luo didn't plan to return to the old Illah, but secretly asked the mechanical heart in his chest: "How's it going?"

   Immediately, an ethereal voice rang in his mind: "The mechanical heart can only rely on the absorbed energy to imitate the caster to activate the magic circle. The success rate is estimated to be 80%."

"Very good, let's get started." Li Luo smiled, and the sword light flashed, Gurla's tongue splashed out with a few broken teeth~www.readwn.com~ He slowly withdrew from the dark red The magic circle once again lit up with a weird black light. Gurla snorted and found in horror that his own circle was running again without control, and soon his body began to slowly dissolve and melt. As the pitch-black air currents condense towards the center of the magic circle.


Gurla was coughing blood in his mouth, trying to say something, but soon the room was quiet, only a pitch-black energy ball appeared in the center of the circle, and the strange black light flickered in the hall, on the wall. Four lights and shadows appeared on the upper reflection, but soon, the four reflected reflections walked not far away. After a few sound of opening the door, everything fell silent again...

   Li Luo flicked his hand to the ground, and after a burst of colorful glow, the magic witch formation quickly dissipated. Afterwards, he shot the black ball of light with his hand, plunged into his chest, turned around and left here quickly.

   One month later, in a remote cave, a figure wearing a black robe was sitting here.

   This person is not someone else, it is Li Luo. At this time, his eyes had turned into a purple-red color. A purplish-red true meaning suddenly swept out, scraping off the entire cave out of thin air and a full three meters thick, and the rubble and dirt on the ground collapsed and dissipated.

   "There is no energy added, just the mental power with the real meaning of destruction is rolled out, and it has such a powerful power!" Looking at the gravel on the surrounding ground, the purple-red light in Li Luo's eyes gradually converged and stood up.

   "Only the fusion to 93%, my true intention of destruction is so strong that it is really..."



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