Overlord Wizard

Chapter 299: Conspiracy and promotion (overhaul)

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   Above the wasteland, the scorching sun emits light and heat under the sky, illuminating the surrounding world.

   A little voice gradually came from the front among the weeds taller than a person.


   On the grass ground, two footprints were exposed out of thin air, spreading step by step to the entrance of a mine.

   Then, there was a slight stepping noise, and it quickly disappeared into the depths of the mine.

   Li Luo concealed his figure, step by step forward, and slowly came to an empty hall.

   There is an extremely large sacrificial circle here, and a strange black light is emitted from the circle. Nearly a hundred red lotus cultists stand enthusiastically here, surrounded by a jet of black air.

   These people are entangled with a weird aura of destruction, with deep malice, they are constantly devouring each other's vitality, allowing themselves to continue to grow.

   Every Red Lotus Cultist will have a low wailing sound from time to time in his mouth, and at the same time howling with excitement, as if undergoing a weird curse, which is creepy.

   The few red lotus cultists outside the magic circle are very calm. It can be seen that this situation has been repeated many times. Soon, the aura of destruction eroded the vitality of the red lotus cultists, just as Li Luo saw from Gurla’s stronghold, the bodies of these red lotus cultists disintegrated little by little and turned into one. The extremely violent black light cluster condensed in the center of the magic circle.

   At this time, several red lotus cultists in the distance looked at each other, and they all showed a smile. The curse in their mouths moved for a moment, and the black light of the circle quickly faded. Not far away, there were a few shivering red lotus cultists standing, seeming to have not recovered from this weird sacrifice ceremony.

   "What a beautiful power." One of the red lotus cultists who maintained the circle took a deep breath, his face showing indescribable enthusiasm.

   The red lotus cultist on the side nodded: "Yes, with this tyrannical true meaning of destruction, some of us should be able to absorb the true meaning of destruction to the peak level."

"But in that case, you will definitely become a monster like Zuo Hufa. After all, this stolen true meaning of destruction is very corrosive. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge source of pollution!" The middle-aged red lotus sighed and said leisurely.

"Monster? Haha. In this world, there is only one kind of monster, and that is the enemy that prevents us from becoming stronger!" At this moment, the red lotus cultivator standing in the middle gave a sneer and slowly walked towards the huge black light group. past

   The others hesitated and followed.

When approaching the black light ball, they instinctively frowned, but immediately, a silver brilliance flashed, and a thin red line flashed across the waists of the four of them. They wanted to say something, but a mouthful of blood spilled out of their bodies. Divided and fell down.

The last red lotus cultivator reacted quickly and evaded the attack, but then he saw in horror that a small purple giant appeared in front of him out of thin air, with huge arms resembling a purple hammer rushing towards him. Come, the purple-red true meaning on the giant fist flows, as if it is the same as the true meaning in his body!

   bang bang bang!

A thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand blows turned into hundreds of thousands of ways, hitting this red lotus cultivator. Instinctively, he inspired a layer of true-intentional energy cover, but under this same ruinous true-intentional blow, It cracked like an egg shell, and then the ground rumblingly vibrated for two minutes before everything calmed down.

   Li Luo's figure flashed and appeared in front of the trembling believers. After a few punches, they all passed out. A simple illusion magic array was quickly set up, and after a while, another burst of colorful glow passed by, and the illusion magic array collapsed.

   After tampering with the memories of these red lotus cultists about this sacrifice, Li Luo walked towards the huge light group.

   An hour later, Li Luo walked out of the mine, his figure gradually blurred, and disappeared again.

   Within a few months.

After a period of time, Li Luo sneaked attacks on such sacrificial strongholds once. With the blessing of the goddess of dreams, he set up a powerful magic circle to confuse the living Red Lotus Cult and the Brotherhood of Black Wind. The memory is perfectly tampered with, creating a false memory of the two forces fighting each other.

   The battle between the two sides is on the verge, and the battle intensifies. Throughout the wasteland of the puppet kingdom, the corpses of the wizards of the Red Lotus Sect and the Brotherhood of Black Wind are often seen. People from other wandering wizard organizations, they specialize in wandering around the scene of the fighting between the two forces. If there is a tragic victory by one side, they will suddenly attack, but after several times, they ended in disastrous defeat, and they were captured and passed a large number of personnel. .

In a secret cellar, two monsters with a height of three meters stood opposite. If Li Luo were here, he would definitely find the appearance of these two monsters and the appearance of the witch formation he inscribed on the stone platform that day. The phantom that resembles a devil is not much different.

   They look like demons, but not exactly, they look more like demonized humans. Even the teeth are not abnormal, and there is no difference between speaking and ordinary people's teeth.

   "Plant, our plan seems to have some changes." The monster in the red robe said hoarsely to the monster in the black robe in front of him.

The black-robed monster snorted coldly, and said: "These idiots have ordered them to create a little conflict. Let the wandering wizards directly absorb the seeds of destruction, and then they can wait for the harvest. But just don’t listen, these few major battles At the end of the day, I am afraid that there are not enough seeds to allow us to gather the rules. Durand, what is a good way for you?"

Durand pondered for a moment, and said: "This may not be a good thing, let them fight. After a while, the wizards of our two sides will die too much, and we will come forward to negotiate to stop the war. One side has its own wandering wizards, one In terms of quickly accumulating our strength, I faintly felt that if we condense the rules so quickly, there must be some uncontrollable change."

  Plant changed his face when he heard the words, staring at Durant, and quickly said: "You mean, when you are promoted, the fragments of the evil god's will will condense in our souls and will swallow us?"

"Hmph, after all, this power was taken from the high-level chaotic evil god, so it is so easy to control. We will be small when we fall, but the mission that the dean left us will be ruined!" Durant snorted. Suddenly a black air current swept across, the ground was scraped off for more than a meter, and the sky was full of dust.

Pulan nodded his head with a sneer sneer: "I'm afraid that mandala never dreamed of it. Our school is best at plant cultivation and mutation. After our training and transformation, his out-of-control clones have catalyzed so much. Wandering wizards. By then, when the next batch of seeds of destruction is harvested, we will certainly be able to understand the rules of destruction. This alliance of wizards will almost change its owner."


   Inside the cellar, there was a deep and wanton laughter.


   The earth-shattering conspiracy in the cellar was naturally completely unknown to Li Luo. He has now returned to the conspiracy of the secret realm again.

   After taking out the token and entering the core area of ​​the laboratory, Li Luo began to refine the soul condensing potion.

   Hundreds of bottles were refined, and Li Luo walked into the infusion hall.

The alchemy puppet had approached him before, saying it was a mechanical heart. In exchange for a year of continuation, Li Luo cheekily borrowed the only one left from Zhao Hu and gave it to Luneng. The latter was even more happy. Accepted it, and in a good mood, directly delayed his two-year deadline, and Li Luo returned here again.

   Sitting cross-legged in the hall, Li Luo's heart moved, and the true meaning of violent destruction sealed in the heart of the machine surged out, directly submerging him, and suddenly a purplish-red true meaning spewed out to confront this violent true meaning.

   "Let's start." Li Luo took a deep breath and drank four or five bottles of soul condensing potion.

   Suddenly, above the hall, a stream of silver light gushed down, directly submerged in Li Luo's forehead.

The next moment, the entire hall began to vibrate slightly, and the two waves of destruction were like two incompatible torrents, stirring up the surrounding void, and arcs emerged out of thin air, causing the entire hall to crackle and explode... ..

a week later.

   Li Luo slowly opened his eyes, his eyes gradually faded from the purple-red, and slowly stood up from the ground.

A purplish-red true meaning moved with my heart, lingering between my fingers, and pointed at an alloy wall with a sneer. The wall suddenly revealed a black hole the size of a thumb~www.readwn.com~Li Luoman Walking slowly to the entrance of this cave, I found that there was no black smoke or burning smell coming out, and the entrance of the cave was extremely smooth. I don't know if it is an illusion, the entire alloy wall is like a piece of paper, giving him an extremely fragile feeling.

   Withdrawing his mind, Li Luo ordered the silver puppet to send a large amount of Tier 3 blood vine vermilion fruit and roasted beast meat, and then directly engraved the star energy gathering array in the hall.

There is no other reason. The current Li Luo has completely integrated the martial art and the true meaning of the wizard. Once the new ruined true meaning is formed, he has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has directly advanced to the level of advanced ruined true meaning. He can rely on this true meaning to further Compress the powerful star energy in the body!

A month later, with a large amount of resources, Li Luo finally broke through to the level of the third-order wizard. An unprecedented pressure of destruction suddenly swept out. Under the harsh friction of the alloy wall, he was suddenly scraped out densely. The rune pattern in the entire hall began to flicker due to the scratches, and Li Luo hurriedly took back his true intentions in fright.

   After he walked out of the laboratory, he thought for a moment, and said to the mechanical heart on his chest: "Establish a mission, based on the violent energy of destruction, and make a mark of destruction that is not controlled by anyone."

   A moment later, the ethereal voice of Mechanical Heart came over: "Starting to deduction... the deduction failed, the information is insufficient, and the subject needs to acquire some knowledge about the sacrifice of evil gods."

   Although he had expected it, Li Luo couldn't help but smashed his tongue.

   took a deep breath, Li Luo turned and left here.



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