Overlord Wizard

Chapter 301: Bloodline transformation (repair)

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"Victor, you are very good. In five months, you have refined a hundred copies of this bloodline medicine. It is really good." Myerson walked into the laboratory, clapped and walked over, laughing He said, "Then the next step is the reward. What do you want to get?"

Li Luo's eyes lit up, he took a deep breath, and said fanatically, "Of course it is knowledge. Since I got this true power, I have never been able to improve, so... Master Myerson, can you take it? Tell me how to quickly improve the knowledge of this true power."

   Myerson showed such an expression as expected, but he didn't immediately agree to Li Luo, and seemed a little hesitant.

   Li Luo's eyes flashed, and he said quickly: "My lord Myerson, as long as you give me this knowledge, I will definitely look forward to you in the future!"

Myerson nodded in satisfaction at this time, patted Li Luo on the shoulder, and smiled: "That's the best. However, you must be officially promoted to become an elite member for relevant knowledge, so I won't be able to tell you. Yes. But your true intentions can be improved a bit, come with me, there is no need to stay here."

   "So, Lord Myerson knows this knowledge?" Li Luo raised his brows and asked softly.

   Myerson just hummed and answered casually, but the whole person froze there in the next moment.

   There were bursts of pink light emitting from the ground, and a large illusion magic circle transformed countless layers of phantoms, drowning Myerson.

After a while, Li Luo slowly released his hand from Myerson’s head, and couldn’t help showing a smile on his face. Under the influence of the magic circle, Li Luo easily removed his hand from Myerson. Read it out of memory.

   snapped his fingers, and the pink glow quickly dissipated.

   Myerson only felt a little dazed, and didn't care too much, leading Li Luo directly outside.

   The two flew all the way, and gradually came to a dilapidated building complex. Following Myerson's slews and turns, they gradually came to a residential house.

   "Our biggest stronghold here is under this dry well. Let's go."

   The two jumped off the ancient well of the base one after another. Myerson inserted an element spar into a groove on the wall, and the two quickly disappeared here as white light.

   When Li Luo saw things clearly again, all that caught his eye was dim. After taking a closer look, he was surprised to find that the two had actually come into the underground world.

   "Let's go."

   Li Luo followed Myerson all the way, and gradually came to the front of an earth-yellow building complex.

   Two soldiers with scarlet vines wrapped around their arms stood there, exuding bursts of vigor and mana fluctuations.

"So, is this the reason for mass production of wandering wizards? These scarlet vines seem to have the spiritual fluctuations of low-level wizard apprentices. Each is an independent individual. No wonder there are so many wizards from the two forces... ...." Li Luo scanned the surroundings. Although there were waves in his heart, his expression was extremely calm, as if he was used to seeing this blood-colored vine.

  His gaze retracted, Li Luo gradually came to a hall with Myerson, where hundreds of wizards were standing quietly, their gazes swept into Myerson who walked in feverishly.

"Very well, now that you are ready, then let's start." Myerson smiled happily, scanned the crowd, and said, "Then Victor, because of your special status, you will be baptized again later. ,Come with me."

   Myerson led Li Luo to the end of the main hall. Li Luo stood quietly and looked at the several red lotus cultivators who were slowly walking around.

   "Let's start." Myerson said calmly, his eyes swept towards the fanatical followers in the distance, his eyes were cold.

A few red lotus cultists around slowly walked towards the four corners of the main hall, muttering words. Gradually, a strange black light appeared on the ground, and more than a hundred cultists howled and roared in excitement, gradually turning into a huge destruction. The light group was suspended in mid-air.

   Li Luo looked at all this pretentiously in shock, shaking his hands constantly, and an extremely fanatical and greedy expression in his eyes.

   Myerson saw Li Luo's expression in his eyes, smiled satisfied, and walked over.

"Look, this is this great power, plus the people who maintain the formation, we have a total of six people, and these energy with a strong sense of destruction is now ours!" He came to the black light group, showing extremely The look of madness, the voice seemed to be full of endless bewitching.

   Li Luo pretended to hesitately and slowly came to the black light group, and at the end, his whole body was shaking constantly at this moment.

   "I feel it, Lord Myerson, this is the power." Li Luo said feverishly, looking at the black light ball in front of him.

"Very well, now this power is ours. Especially you, Victor, because of the newcomer, give you one more, but remember, within three months from today, at least give me refinement One hundred bottles of the same medicine!" Myerson stared at Li Luo closely, revealing a smell of danger, and said in a deep voice.

   Immediately, he shot the void with his hand, and a large group of tyrannical destruction energy slowly separated from the huge light group, slowly emerging in front of Li Luo.

   "I will, my lord."

   Li Luo slowly sealed the mechanical heart in his chest with this huge ball of light, and at the same time showed an extremely painful and crazy look on his face. In fact, he secretly connected with the heart of the machine in his heart, allowing him to slowly raise the aura of destruction to the middle stage of the third-order.

   A few people looked at Li Luo in an extremely painful look, and they all reached out to the black light group with their hands, and handed the entire back to Li Luo with confidence.

But the next moment, the silver light flashed, several people stiffened, slowly lowered their heads, looked at their broken lower body, turned to look at Li Luo, "You!" Myerson and others wanted to say something. But he fell down quickly, vomiting a lot of blood in his mouth, and gradually lost his voice.

   A decomposing circle immediately enveloped Myerson and others, and in a short while, it turned into a jet of black destruction energy and merged into the jet black energy group.

   An epic magic mask, which can transform his face at any time. After Li Luo's face wriggled for a while, it turned into Myerson's appearance.

   After he took the entire pitch black light group into the heart of the machine, collected the space bags of several people, and walked to the west hall in Myerson's memory, where the entire large-scale stronghold pharmacist was located.

   "Master Myerson." The pharmacists greeted Li Luo, their eyes evasive.

   After Li Luo glanced at them, he found that they were all first-order wizards, and there was no such evil aura on them, so he was relieved.

   "Then, starting today, I will do some experiments. You will find a few big stones inscribed with the witch formation."

   Soon, a few huge square stones were taken out of the space bag by several people.

   "My lord," these wizard apprentices said tremblingly, "Quasi...Ready."

   Li Luo gave a hum, and ordered: "Distribute out the task, let the wizards of this stronghold go to the Silver Bird Domain to buy a large amount of Beast Blood, and keep it fresh. The more the better."

   "Yes. My lord." Soon, these pharmacists walked out.

   Three months later, in the laboratory room, Li Luo stood here with a few barrels of blood beside him. This is his own blood that he has cultivated for a month, and he has experience in cultivating Lilafi’s blood. This experiment is also very successful~www.readwn.com~ Although it only raises the concentration of God’s blood to the third level, But it is also extremely rare.

   After walking out of the single room carrying the blood, Li Luo came to the Apothecary Hall and turned to look at the Red Lotus Cultists who had been waiting for a long time.

   "Are you not the wizards of the late third stage, are you?" Li Luo said lightly, looking at the surrounding red lotus cultivators.

   Hundreds of red lotus cultivators around, nodded quickly, and said enthusiastically: "Of course, Lord Myerson, we are all."

   "Very well, let's start, take off your clothes and lie on the bloodline transformation witch formation." Li Luo nodded, pointing to a few huge rocks.

   Soon, weird red lights began to appear in the hall, and after a few red lotus cultists began to scream, they quickly became quiet.

   Li Luo returned to Myerson's room, his heart moved.

   "Mechanical Heart, how did you calculate it?"

   After a while, an ethereal voice rang in Li Luo's mind.

"After calculation, the success rate is 100% after the seeds of true meaning, that is, the imprint of destruction, are injected into these people. Because of your bloodline, the probability of these believers being affected by the imprint will be reduced. You can rely on your own blood to interact with them. The sympathy of the people helped them to erase the imprint, but the true intention was raised to the mid-term, and then erased again, the difficulty would increase a bit, and it would even be even more difficult in the later period."

"In the early stage of Tier 3? That's not bad. There will be thousands of destruction wizards out of their control at that time. It's exciting to think about it..." Li Luo muttered to himself. There was a wanton curve at the corner of his mouth, and he turned and walked towards the laboratory single room.



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