Overlord Wizard

Chapter 309: select

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   In the empty core area hall of No. 3, broken puppets and corpses of evil orcs lie there.

   The two slowly walked in front of these evil orcs, and Li Luo's expression changed slightly as he watched the dark pollution energy on the evil orcs.

   "What do you see..."

   In the silent hall, listening to Li Laffi's words in front of him, Li Luo took a deep breath: "Of course I can see why these evil orcs are so strong."

When speaking, he squatted down, "All the corpses here have a common feature, that is, even if they die, the activity of body cells is almost dead, and there is no vitality at all." Li Luo touched one. The evil orc was cut into two pieces of flesh and blood, and continued: "This should be cursed by a great pollution, while gaining power, it will consume a lot of life force, and because there are Tier 4 demon dogs along the way to supplement, these The evil beast talents have been upgraded all the way to this place."

   He raised his head and looked at Lilafi in front of him: "I just don't know... how long they will last. It would be great if they could die before killing the dragon and phoenix."

   The voice fell, Li Laffi didn't say anything, and the hall was silent.

   "Let's go. We can't bet." Lilafi waved her hand, and all the corpses of the surrounding evil orcs ignited a raging silver flame and turned to ashes.

There are a total of six passages in the front. Lilafi took out a manuscript diary, watched it on it, and directly transmitted the voice: "We will act separately. I will accept the high-level meditation inheritance of Moonlight Glory. Go to the first The three passages are the place leading to the inheritance of the rule of destruction. Vera should not know this passage. As long as he does not walk through this passage, you will have the opportunity to take the lead in accepting this inheritance."

   Li Luo looked at the faint fel energy in the passage, nodded, and quickly disappeared and walked into his passage.

   There are crystal lamps at the top of the passage, which illuminate the ground transparently. Li Luo's steps are fast and his complexion is as usual. In fact, he still has a certain degree of self-protection against this Tier 5 Destroying Heretic God. One is that the opponent’s rules of destruction are upgraded by plundering, which can’t be counted as his own power, and can be used up to 70% to 80% of his power; This kind of talent, the name vitality domineering body, the body has become extremely powerful.

According to the introduction of Tiandi Ba Tijue, even general vitality energy weapons can’t hurt him anymore. The vitality weapons correspond to the magic weapons of Tier 4 and above. In addition, their blood has already advanced to Tier 5. Resist this Vera's attack for a certain period of time. In terms of energy intensity, the energy blended with vitality is also worthy of the evil energy in the opponent's body.

  Analyzed in terms of comprehensive combat power, once fighting with the opponent, even if Li Luo loses, he can retreat quickly and gain self-preservation.

   Li Luo went all the way, the evil orc did not meet, but he encountered a devastating cultist who sprinted out.

   This Destroyer Cultist has a black robe, his complexion is indescribably panic, his appearance is extremely handsome, his ears are slightly pointed, and he obviously has a part of the blood of the elves.

   What surprised Li Luo even more was that this half-elf actually had fourth-order mana fluctuations, which was the same as a fourth-order destruction sacrifice!

   Li Luo moved slightly in his heart, transforming into Myerson's appearance, and his whole figure appeared, spreading the wave of destruction.

   The Destructionist in front of him saw Li Luo, his complexion changed drastically, but immediately turned into ecstasy.


   His figure ran quickly, trying hard to run towards Li Luo.

   The only thought in his mind at this time was to run next to Li Luo and leave this place as soon as possible.

   As for staying to fight those evil orcs and that monster, he hadn't even thought about the idea.

   There are too many evil orcs, not only there are hundreds of them, but each head is extremely powerful, not to mention there is a fifth-order evil **** of destruction.

   If you want to stay and fight, then he and Myerson-sama are likely to be ruined here?

   Originally believed that he and the leader of the leader could not rival each other, but when Li Luo spread the energy pressure, he hesitated again.

   But when the two made sacrifices to hundreds of evil orcs and Tier 5 evil gods, even if the leader was a strangely powerful person, the believer thought about it and thought that the two could not win.

   "Run, Master. At the end of the passage, there is a Tier 5 destroyer!"

   The Destruction Cultists came before and after Li Luo's body, and the whole person was directly weakened, as if he had experienced something terrible just now.

"What happened."

   Li Luo waved his hand with a purple glow covering the believer, and asked.

   Soon, the fatigue of the believer disappeared, and he stood up.

   "My name is Sun Lin, and after reaching Tier 4 with a few Destructionists, I have been fighting on the front line until the secret realm opened, and I rushed over after hearing the news.

   "After a month of exploration, we found the inheritance area of ​​our destruction rule, but as soon as Fang got closer, he encountered a large number of evil orcs and this Tier 5 destruction destroyer."

"Sun Lin... unexpectedly has another name that is similar to the Chinese language of the previous life..." Li Luo thought so, and quickly recovered his mind, and said, "There should be guardians of dragons and phoenixes ahead. We are also right. It's not that there is no chance of winning."

"The dragon and the phoenix? I didn't find it, everyone else was killed. If it weren't for a large number of alchemy puppets to attract the firepower of the destroyer, I wouldn't be surprised." Sun Lin said this, showing a hint of fear. Look.

   "Let's go, things don't seem to be that bad yet." Li Luo said lightly, and flew forward all the way.

   Sun Lin hesitated, but followed closely.

   "Master Myerson. There are several sub-channel entrances ahead, and there is only one place leading to the inheritance of the rule of destruction." Sun Lin tried to catch up with Li Luo and said.

   "Do you know where it is?" Li Luo turned his head and asked.

   "This is natural." Sun Lin took out a handwritten note and handed it to Li Luo.

   Li Luo flipped through it, his eyes brightened, and he quickly joined in and chased after him.

   The two quickly arrived in front of a new hall~www.readwn.com~ There are six passages in front of them, and a plaque is hung above each passage with different wizard languages ​​written on them.

   In the hall, shattered puppets and the corpses of evil orcs lay there, exuding bursts of weird black energy, and the void stirred up black ripples, as if they were all distorted by this pollution energy.

   Li Luo glanced across each plaque on the passage.

The two passages in the middle are written "Destroy" and "Curse", on both sides are written "Pollution" and "Erosion", and the passages on the two sides are written "Killing" and "Death" respectively. It seems that all passages are connected with destruction. , But did not fully express the appearance of destruction.

   "Master, according to the Codex records, destroying this passage should be the inheritance of the ruined rules." Sun Lin looked at the passage on the middle left, his eyes flashed and said.

   "Yes." Li Luo nodded, looking as usual, "But judging from the breath of these newly dead evil orcs, their strength has improved again. We used to be no different from death, so let's go back first."

   "What!" Sun Lin's voice was a little high and seemed a little out of control, but then he discovered his abnormality and said nothing.

   Li Luo's eyes flashed, and he didn't stay much longer, and went straight back to the passage where he came.

   After Li Luo left, Sun Lin hadn't taken any action. He stayed quietly for a while before moving towards destroying the passage with his complexion as usual. He didn't notice that at a corner of the passage, a purple-golden bug was in a corner. After seeing him go, it gave off a shimmer of purple-golden light.

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