Overlord Wizard

Chapter 318: The outbreak of war

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The black light suddenly turned into a wave of extremely cold energy surging towards Li Luo's body, and suddenly a icy twisted will continued to ferment in his mind, and Li Luo's eyes turned into scarlet, and he let out a low roar. .

   "Look at it." One of the evil **** priests stared at Li Luo, and said: "Sure enough, this believer is different from others, and the darkness on his body makes me tremble!"

   Li Luo closed his eyes tightly, spinning the dragon soul casting frantically, and the original energy of the billowing Ayebro surged towards his mana source. While he was burning, his soul suffered unimaginable burning pain.

   He could only vent his pain with a crazy roar, and the black energy on his body became more and more dense.

   Li Luo believed that if he hadn't exchanged for a high-level Dragon Soul Casting, he would have fallen into depravity at this moment and turned into a monster controlled by endless desires. But even so, a wave of evil desires continued to breed in the body, and what was even worse was that the dancers slowly walked into the villa, and there was a sneer and muffled all over, and in a flash, they turned into succubus and surrounded him.

Desire began to ferment at this moment, but Li Luoqiang resisted the impulse, and desperately cast and burned the dragon soul to the extreme. After smelting off the Ayebro's original energy a little bit, he rushed madly. These dancing girls.


   One day later, Li Luo slowly walked out of the villa room, and behind him several succubuses were lying there with their tentacles sticking out, and then slowly healed.

   Withdrawing his gaze, feeling the changes on his body, Li Luo pondered for a moment and walked to the mirror.

   What caught the eye was an ugly face whose facial features were greatly distorted, but the pupils in his eyes were very bright, and then he moved his heart, his eyes turned scarlet, and he walked towards the four evil gods.

"Since you have advanced to Tier 4, even if you are a low-level natural disaster lord. Some high-level plans need to be known." A Cthulhu priest came over, slowly lowering his hood, revealing a black face. Tan's distorted face said, "My name is Aruyesh, and I am the first Cursed Cultist to advance to Tier 4. You can call me the high priest."

   "I am the second elder, Rul Yeda."

   "I am the three elders, Kuldaye."

   "I am the fifth elder, Metal, the position of the fourth elder who was killed by you is temporarily yours, Cthulhu."

Li Luo nodded frantically, swept to the statue not far away, walked over, stroked gently, and said, "It's a pity that the Lord only lowered a part of the original energy, and didn't give the dark blood curse higher. First-level meditation."

"Cthulhu, don't mind, we sacrifice those mortals, it will definitely come much faster than meditation!" Aruyesh said hoarsely, glanced at Li Luo, and there was an indescribable emotion in his eyes brewing at this moment. .

   At the same time that several people were looking at Li Luo, thirty or so ghosts ran in in a panic.

"High Priest, I don't know why, a large number of Wizard League guys came outside, and they screamed at Ye Fengcheng to avenge a human named Li Luo!" A ghost Ji's voice was extremely hoarse, with a slight panic expression.

"Haha...hahahaha...it seems to be true, this Li Luo was really killed by us! So, we don't need to stay here...Since the biggest stumbling block It has been cleared, then return to the Gulaideng Empire. I believe that without this bastard, the entire Gulaideng Empire will become our sacrifices!"

   Aruyesh's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and he took a photo of the one-meter-high statue in his hand. The surrounding space was suddenly distorted, and they appeared on the outskirts of Yefeng City.

   "Let's go." Aruyesh quickly turned into a black air and flew away in one direction. Li Luo followed these cursed cultists and quickly disappeared into the sky.

   One month later, over the devastated Guraideng Empire, more than forty figures flew from a distance and stopped in the air. They fell slowly and waited quietly in a cave.

   A week later, a scarlet orc wearing a dark green cloak walked in from the entrance of the cave.

   "Is it true?"

  As soon as he came in, the red-skinned orc said hoarsely.

   "There should be a 90% chance." The high priest Aruyesh stood up with excitement, staring at the orc in front of him, and said hoarsely.

   "Ninety percent?" The orc hesitated, but nodded, "Then you try to release some blood curses. If you succeed, half of the sacrifice of this empire will be given to you!"

   Aruyesh nodded and stood up slowly, "You four elders will take people to spread the plague, and start with the nearby towns."

   Li Luo turned around and greeted more than a dozen cursed followers, and flew outside. He did not have any sympathy for the current situation of the Gulaideng Empire. The current empire is on the verge of dying. Young and middle-aged people have fled to the neighboring human duchy or empire with their own children.

As for these old, weak, sick and disabled, Li Luo is not without compassion. However, a large part of the plan requires him to endure further gaining the trust of these cultists, and he has to watch the cursed cultists release the blood curse and harvest them coldly. Their souls turned them into necromantic puppets.

Even if Li Luo saves them now, it will be difficult to keep their integrity when the demon army invades in the future, but even so, in the past few days, there always seems to be a stone in his heart pressing against his heart, making him a little breathless. .

   Soon, the evil disaster of the Gulaideng Empire broke out completely, and the orcs started the general attack plan according to the agreement.

   Li Luo also quietly notified Lilafi to organize a manpower to set up a dense line of defense in the neighboring Malanton Empire and the Osail Principality of the Gulaideng Empire, and allocate a part of his troops to attack the orc empire’s lair.

   Suddenly, while the orcs were attacking the Guraiden Empire, they were supported by a large number of armies from the two countries, and when the nest was attacked, they were caught in a dilemma of whether they should continue the attack or retreat. There is no other reason. In just three months, the alliance's army has taken three large fortresses of evil orcs, and the smaller half of the territory of the evil orcs empire has thus fallen!

   On this day, Cthulhu, whom Li Luo had transformed, sat quietly in a dimly lit hall, flashing the surroundings with a little candlelight, reflecting more than a dozen dark lights and shadows.

"These humans seem to have jumped over the wall because of the wizard's death!" An evil orc warlock slowly walked to a dilapidated map, and his dark green fingers pointed in three directions. "In just three months, these humans have We stormed down our three great fortresses at all costs. The situation now is that if we can't take this empire quickly, if the rear base camp misses, we will cut off all the sources of troops!"

   Li Luo silently listened to his words. After a while, the orc warlock scanned the crowd and asked, "Do you have any good plans?"

   Li Luo pondered for a moment~www.readwn.com~ and said, "The high wizard who ambushed human beings!"

   Evil Orc Warlock sneered, and said: "A good plan, then Cthulhu, how sure are you!?"

Li Luo directly stood up and said, "Give me one hundred thousand evil orc berserkers, two hundred thousand blood cursed puppets, and two elders from our two sects. You must be sure to attack and kill the leaders on the front line. wizard!"

"Hmph, what a big tone, human! So much force is enough to take down a major city!" At this moment, a crimson evil orc with scarlet eyes stood up, flicking the axe in his hand and banging. Smashed to the side with a sound.

   Li Luo narrowed his eyes and staggered under his feet. He appeared on the side of the orc in an instant, firmly connected the handle of the axe with his calf, and the giant axe was also suspended on the side of the orc's body.

   This orc was taken aback for a moment. He was an orc warrior, an orc known for his strength, how could he be blocked by an undead like this? With a sense of dissatisfaction in his heart, the orc pressed down forcefully, but no matter how firm the axe was in the air, it didn't even mean to fall.

   Now, his complexion changed drastically. After hesitating for a moment, he still said: "Okay. Let Gujara the warlock go with you. As for your people, choose yourself!"

   The scarlet orc directly retracted the axe, dug Li Luo's eyes sharply, and walked outside.

"Hehehe...Then things are set. We will leave in three days and the attack location will be Moron City!" The Evil Orc Warlock smiled lowly, and the candlelight in the room flickered suddenly, reflecting the surrounding figures. It's even more weird.



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