Overlord Wizard

Chapter 320: Grey Haired Evil Orc

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   The cottage of the original evil orcs, at this time there is no living person, no matter whether it is an evil orc or a cursed cultist, it no longer exists.

   All the rest were corpses on the ground. Li Luo walked among the corpses, looking at more than 700,000 corpses, looking calm, and took out the statue he had obtained from the high priest.

  The difficult spell sounded at this moment, and the billowing black air surged towards the statue. Soon the statue lit up with a dazzling black light, and a message flooded into Li Luo's mind.

   "Is there still 300,000 sacrifices?" Li Luo showed such an expression as expected.

According to speculation, with the energy of the sacrifice after death of the evil orcs, 200,000 people are enough to meet the standard of 500,000 people. After a month, the energy overflows. This situation of insufficient sacrifices is also expected by Li Luo. And hope to see.

   Li Luo half kneeled in front of the statue, showing a very pious look.

"Honorable Lord, Ayebro. Please give me the last two levels of the Dark Blood Curse. We suffered a big loss this time because of our lack of strength. You only need to give these two levels of Meditation. I will definitely In ten years, once again gather 300,000 puppets for you to sacrifice!"

   Li Luo prayed devoutly, and gradually the statue reacted, and a weird cry that looked like a man and not a woman came over.

   "You are very good, believer. Get to know it!"

   A flash of light soon submerged in Li Luo's mind, and the vast amount of dark knowledge drowned him.

   A few hours later, Li Luo woke up in this perfusion, slowly put away the statue, he flew up, recognized the direction, and disappeared into the sky.


   Evil Orc Empire, this time is not peaceful. Not only the chief fell, but nearly half of the warlocks almost died in the human kingdom.

  Without help, this originally powerful evil orc empire shrank most of its territory and survived lingeringly on the plateau in the north.

   In the chief's account, Gu'gall's dark green fel skin became even more weird at this moment. He looked at the young orc in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

   "Alut, you and your father are too far apart. It will take at least thirty years to return to the rich southern plains..."

   The orc boy quietly looked at the old man in front of him, his eyes flashed for a moment, patted his palms, and suddenly a few gray-haired weird people walked in.

   "This is!" Gu Jiala rubbed his dim eyes, carefully identified the monster in front of him, and suddenly felt extremely terrifying energy pressure transmitted from them.

   "Gujara, I will restore the glory of the orc empire, and they will replace you warlocks and become the sacrifice of my orcs!"

   Orc boy talk, a few weirdos handed him a cup of dark purple blood, and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

   Soon, the orc boy glowed with a dazzling gray light, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a three-meter-tall gray orc, and walked outside with a grim face.

   "Tell all the orc warriors to come and be baptized, our empire will rise in this troubled world, and this chief will be king tomorrow!"

   The orc boy's voice seemed very rich in texture, slowly spreading to every corner of the huge fortress.

  ...Five years are fleeting.

   Inside the cave, Li Luo, who was transformed into Cthulhu, slowly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed through his eyes.

   At this time, the dark mana of his whole body is restrained. If it is not for the black charcoal skin, it is difficult for anyone to recognize that he has turned into an undead.

   Li Luo slowly walked out of the cave, feeling the power of his body, muttering to himself: "Is it already the fourth-order peak? I have to go to the evil orc empire to go around..."

   Fei flew over the wilderness, Li Luo looked at the Gulaideng Empire that had been completely recovered, his expression a little complicated.

  Although the nobles who fled to other principalities and empires have returned one after another, it has lived up to its previous prosperity. In addition to the army and mercenaries, even the civilian population is so small that only the basic quantity of farming is left, not to mention other handicraft technical products.

   "Is this even the ancient slave society a bit inferior?" Li Luo shook his head, taking back his eyes from the farmers who were spurring rhino horns, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

To say that the Principality of Osser benefited the most from this war, and then this opportunity, this Principality annexed the territory of most evil orcs in one fell swoop and became the existence of the fifth largest empire. For a while, a large number of refugees flocked here to find wealth and fame Opportunity.

   Li Luo flew by looking at the vibrant Osair Empire.

  On the way, more than half a month passed.

   Until one morning, Li Luo came to the border city of the Osser Empire.


   Just walked to the periphery of the city, a voice suddenly sounded, with violent mental fluctuations.

   A middle-aged man in a black robe quickly came outside the city gate, just in time to see Li Luo's skin glowing like charcoal.

   He just wanted to step forward, but after sensing the powerful mental fluctuations of the Tier 4 wizard in Li Luo, he paused, watching with some horror.

   "I am a clone of a wizard, I will connect you to Li Laffi's communicator."

   Looking at the other person's appearance, Li Luo also understood what the other person was afraid of, so he directly opened his mouth to tell his origin.

   "This is my communicator!"

When    spoke, a round witch appeared out of thin air in his hand, and a message was passed to the middle-aged man in no time.

After receiving this communication magic weapon, I carefully identified it with my own communication magic weapon. After reading the message, the black robe wizard in front of him became calmer: "Sorry, my lord, because it happened before. Some things, so we have only recently become more vigilant. Also, your undead incarnation really makes us low-level wizards ashamed!"

   "It's okay, it should be, if you want to be an undead avatar yourself, you can come to me."

   Regarding the other party's explanation, Li Luo said flatly, without seeing any other expressions.

   "Please come in with me!"

  Looking at Li Luo, the black robe wizard led the way and entered the city together.

   A strong smell of blood came from the surroundings, but it was covered with grayish white.

   Standing in the newly built city, Li Luo looked around.

   A large number of corpses are on display, mostly human corpses, but there are also some gray monster corpses, which are slowly being cleaned at this time.

   "My name is Paro, my lord, how do you call it?" The black-robed wizard asked respectfully as he walked around.

   "Just call me Cthulhu, but don't let others know my name." Li Luo smiled lightly and talked with the wizard, and gradually came to a palace with him.

   Looking at the palace in front of him, Li Luo was slightly surprised. The entire palace was covered by a powerful protective witch formation, which was made of obsidian and looked abnormally stable.

   Soon, he and Paro entered the palace.

   "Master Paro, there is news from the investigator that the group of evil orcs is coming soon!"

   A young man in armor walked into the hall outside, took a look at Li Luo, and reported to Paro.


   Hearing this news, Paro frowned first, then looked at Li Luo who was standing aside: "Master Cthulhu, want to go see it together?"

   "Of course." Li Luo nodded, "I walked in a hurry just now. I haven't seen the appearance of those gray-haired monsters. I didn't expect it to be a changed orc."

   They said a few words in Yuan, and then walked outside.

   On the tall city wall, the cold wind is raging.

   waited for several hours before some figures appeared outside.

   Those are tall orcs wearing alloy armor. They have gray hair and look extremely powerful.

   Under the strong physical appearance of these orcs, there were still waves of mental fluctuations that were not weak. Li Luo felt it carefully and reached the level of a first-order wizard, which had to make him take it seriously.

   Whether it is Li Luo or Paro, there is a touch of solemnity.

   Looking at the gray-haired orcs gathered in the distance~www.readwn.com~ their eyes looked back, and they clearly sensed stronger mana fluctuations, and Paro's face suddenly became extremely ugly.


   Looking at the distant scene, Paro let out a whisper.

   A violent whistling sound came from a distance, and a rotten breath came over, as if a group of things were flying over.

   Li Luo fixed his eyes and saw those things clearly.

   It was a bug with four legs that looked like a fly. It was dark green all over, and each end was the size of a baby's fist.

   Countless insects gathered together, whizzing in the air, with a rancid smell, which made people feel a little sick.

   "This is the signature skill of the evil orc warlock. The rotten insect swarm is also very troublesome to be released by these orcs who know how to mana."

   Looking at the dark green sky in the distance, Paro lowered his head to explain to Li Luo.

   He stood on the city wall, the mana on his body gushing out quickly, emitting a crimson light in front of him, directly swaying out.

   The blazing red light rushed to the sky and swept past the insect swarm.

   The corpses of rotting bugs and flies kept falling down, and immediately spontaneously ignited after being rubbed by the red glow.

   There was a smell of burnt and rancidity in the distance.

  Several times in a row, the rotten bug swarms attacked the city wall, and they were all resolved by Paro one by one. In the end, his face was extremely pale.

   At this time, the other wizards around were also ready to take action, and the mana on their bodies began to mobilize, preparing to block the rushing orc army.


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