Overlord Wizard

Chapter 324: Agile satan

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   Li Luo slowly took out the statue, muttering words in his mouth, rushing out all the dark energy polluted by the earth, turning it into a jet of pitch black ink toward the statue.

   Soon, everything subsided, and the screams of ghosts and wolves around disappeared. Except for the land of Cangyi, there seemed to be no traces of the two demon gods.

   Slowly retracted his gaze, looked at the dim light and vibration constantly emanating from the statue, resisting the discomfort of the spirit sea, put the statue away, Li Luo directly found a cave and sat cross-legged.

   As soon as he sat down, he spouted a gulp of purple-black blood, and the blood flashed with gray light, and bursts of powerful rules spread out, his face was distorted, and a few drops of pitch-black cold sweat came from his forehead. By this time, the internal injuries in his body were finally uncontrollable.

   Li Luo directly took out the statue and blew his mouth lightly. An air current rolled back from the statue, bringing back a dark energy like black ink, which he swallowed into his mouth, and his face looked better.


   A month later, Li Luo opened his eyes.

   "It was finally eliminated. If the main body is here, and the rules of destruction are washed away for two weeks, I am afraid it will be healed." He muttered to himself and stood up.

   As soon as he stood up, Li Luo's expression changed, and he hurriedly touched the vibrating space bag, and then a circular magic weapon emerged out of thin air, and a message appeared before his eyes.

   "Teacher, these cyclops also have gray hairs? April 28."

   "Under the strong perception, I can feel an extremely evil will constantly eroding them. April 30."

   "As your student, I decided to try to see if these cyclops are contaminated. April 36."

   "It turns out that my worries were correct. They were indeed contaminated. We paid the lives of thousands of orc warriors and finally killed the group of cyclops. May 1st."

   "The surrounding tribes of cyclops are all polluted. We decided to go to the northeast of the wild plateau and try our luck. May 12th."

Li Luo looked at the information on the communication magic weapon, right the time, and muttered to himself: "The message a month ago, northeast? I am afraid that in order to make the giant tribes become a natural barrier to the Gulaideng Empire, they will also Contaminate them all. Now it's troublesome."

   shook his head and sighed secretly about these political ignorances. He flew out and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

   A month later, Li Luo frowned. He traversed the northeast a few times back and forth. He didn't find a shadow of a half orc, let alone an orc, even an evil orc. But one by one, the cyclops who hunted the beasts, attracted his attention.

   These cyclops have grayer hair than their entire bodies, so you don’t need to perceive them. Judging from their ape-like faces, you can guess it. These cyclops are all demonized!

   All of them were muddled and unclear, even their voices were not clear, their eyes full of chaos, wandering and roaring in groups on the plateau. The strength is also equal to their wanton behavior. It seems that because of the demonization of dark energy, the cyclops with the weakest aura have reached the third level, and the high ones have even reached the middle level of the fourth level.

   At this time, a strange breath caught Li Luo's attention. He slowly landed on the ground and walked slowly towards that breath. This breath is very special, with the breath of a normal cyclops and the breath of a fallen lord.

After walking for more than an hour, Li Luo looked at the ten-meter-high figure on a flat grass in the distance. A single eye shimmering with black light flickered, looking dark and agile, and the teeth in his mouth were different from other single-eyed eyes. The giants are all sharp, almost indistinguishable from humans. The muscles on their bodies look average, and the whole body exudes the life aura of the late third stage. There were also several figures of the same size standing around him, with obvious ape transformations on their faces, exuding an aura of erosion unique to the Lord of Fallen Light.

   The cyclops in front of him seem to be very special. Although he has chaotic dark energy in his body, he is essentially an orderly creature. Upon closer inspection, this guy just smeared his body with gray-brown blood. Obviously, these gray-brown blood came from the fallen cyclops around, and this guy, with a flash of black light on one of his eyes, the blood on his body was evaporating, and the evil energy in his body was also released.

   "Good talent." Li Luo smashed his tongue as he looked at the Cyclops not far away.

   "Roar!" "Boom!"

   The black light in the eyes of this normal cyclops was shining, and suddenly several cyclops slammed their eyes and let out a roar. Immediately, he waved the sledgehammer in his hand and smashed it directly on the head of a giant beside him. Suddenly, the red and white things splashed all over the floor with a muffled bang. A hideous giant ape-shaped human head was in close contact with the ground. , Issued a heavy impact.

   This time, it seems not so lucky.

   The surrounding cyclops suddenly reacted and picked up the cyclops. The giant thighs resembled a stone pillar and swept toward the waist of the normal cyclops.

   There was a boom.

   The normal cyclops hit a boulder, and the boulder split apart.

   Li Luo's eyes twitched slightly, this kind of power...Even if his main body is here, it would be quite uncomfortable to resist. He thought so, and with a wave of his hand, a few pitch-black marks flew out and fell into the bodies of several enchanted cyclops.


   With a roar, the will of a few cyclops seemed to be ignited by the black mark, and they appeared so clear, but they soon fell down with black air, and kept rolling on the ground, turning into a wailing.

   The black energy all over them, the gray hair fell off, the whole body also turned to pitch black, and they gradually lost consciousness. The curses in Li Luo's mouth kept moving, these cyclops twitched a few times, and then gradually stood up.

   At this time, they seemed to have recovered some consciousness, a look of resentment appeared on their hideous ape-shaped faces, and then glanced at the only normal tribe not far away, and walked over with a bang.

At the next moment, they only felt a black shadow in front of them, as if something was dangling by. They glanced around with a puzzled face, and after not finding anything, they continued to walk towards this normal cyclops~www .readwn.com~In the distance, Li Luo slowly tossed aside two empty injections, muttering to himself: "The blood curse resistance injections of the human race and the blood cursing resistance injections of the orcs have been injected for you. If you are infected again, you can only say that you are too unlucky..." Withdrawing his gaze, Li Luo's figure blurred for a while and disappeared in place.

   The normal one-eyed giant was vomiting blood, struggling to stand up and flee away, but then turned his ankle and fell down.

"Satan! Are you the only tribe who has regained consciousness?" A voice that was unexpected by this normal cyclops came from a few hideous figures in front, making his huge face and brows raised strangely, appearing quite wise and wise. Smart.

   "Huh." Obviously, Li Luo also saw the difference between this cyclops and yelled softly.

"There are still less than 30 people who have regained consciousness. We are hiding in a natural cave. Some savage orcs have recently escaped there. We live with them temporarily." Satan's huge mouth squirmed and rumbling. The sound of the earth spread to every corner around.

   "Can you make other people of the tribe regain consciousness?" Several black charcoal giants slowly walked over and asked in a low voice.

"No. This time it may also be the blessing of the beast, so that you can recover. Come with me." Satan's huge single-eyed black light flashed, and the huge soles quickly stepped on huge ones in one direction. The pit disappears towards the distance.

   Li Luo slowly emerged from not far away, and muttered: "A wise cyclops?" He showed a strange color, and followed him like a leisurely pace.



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