Overlord Wizard

Chapter 353: Check

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   It was Chavez and Veluna who came from the back, and Li Luo moved in his heart when he saw that they were innocent.

The two blood races behind him apparently fled out of the valley shortly after the battle started. Now Li Luo has completely transformed his appearance, naturally thinking that he does not recognize him. In this way, there is no need to worry about his identity. Exposure, on the contrary, he became safer.

   Thinking of this, Li Luo's figure flashed before rushing towards the two blood races.

   "It's of the same race." Chavez watched Li Luo panicked, whispered softly, and saw the two Tier 5 zombies behind him, his eyes flashed coldly.

   "Chavez, our blood clan is already scarce. It is not easy for this clan to be promoted to the top of Tier 4, save it." Wei Luna licked the corner of her mouth, revealing a strange light.

   The look in Wei Luna's eyes fell into Li Luo's eyes, but he still ran towards the two blood races in extreme horror.

   Chavez glanced at Li Luo, snorted coldly, and the blood flashed under his feet, and a dazzling blood flame ignited all over his body. A blood-colored dagger emerged out of thin air, turning into a blood flame light and shadow and blasted towards the two zombies.

   The **** energy that was excited this time seemed to be stronger than Li Luo expected.


   The blood energy and the black energy exploded, intertwined with each other. At this moment, all the rules of the surrounding space were submerged, and a trace of pitch black electric arc was stirred up, crackling and exploding, and the void caused ripples.

The two energies are intertwined with each other, the earth cracks at this moment, and Lu Weina also rushes into a blood shadow, and immediately the force of the four rules begins to raging within 10,000 meters, the space begins to violently shake, and the ground cracks and spreads. To the giant of thousands of meters.

   A series of dark skull phantoms continued to rise on the ground, letting out a low howl like a ghost crying wolf, the space began to be distorted at this moment, layers of energy burst out, shattering all the surrounding ghost trees.

   woo woo woo!

   A gust of bad wind began to surging in all directions, and the black hurricane rolled up at this moment, like small tornadoes that rolled up the gravel and wood in the sky, and the black sandstorm began to raging non-stop.


The two blood races had eaten a large amount of blood pills of the Nether Python during this period, and their strength was naturally the elite of Tier 5. Two Tier 5 zombies were crushed and beaten when they faced each other, and they were defeated within dozens of rounds. .

   When the two ended their battle and looked around, where was the shadow of Li Luo?

   At this time, Li Luo had already ran to a mountain wall, opened up an underground cave, and hid. Looking at the few hidden witch formations in front of him, Li Luo nodded in satisfaction.

   After he sat cross-legged and took out the simple long sword, he hesitated for less than three seconds, seeming to think of something, and quickly put the simple long sword away.

   Three months have passed in a flash.

   Li Luo felt the imperial beast bag again and again, and after confirming that all the sacred artifacts had been swallowed by the chaotic defiler, his heart was settled. There was a sneer in his eyes, and he slapped the Yu Beast Bag fiercely. Suddenly, a large 30-meter-large sarcoma appeared out of thin air. Li Luo muttered words, and the connection between the large sarcoma and his spirit began to dissipate.

   Immediately, he suddenly shot towards the top of the cave, and shot out from the ground with a bang.

Looking at a few powerful zombies in the distance, Li Luo didn't have any fear, but he looked happy, and after throwing the simple sword back into the cave, his face pretended to be frightened, looking far away. Fled away.

"Hommen, what did I see just now?" The headed zombie was extremely tall, four meters in size. After seeing Li Luo running away, instead of chasing after him, he turned his head and looked at the other zombies. .

"Hehe, Boss Demon, you are not mistaken, this timid blood boy, after seeing us, even gave up the sixth-order holy artifact in his hand." A fat zombie smiled, his eyes flashed. He rushed towards the cave where Li Luo smashed away.

   "Asshole, hate the Ming! Do you dare!" Houtu looked at this guy with the idea of ​​swallowing the sacred artifact, his expression was furious, the whole person turned into a black shadow, and he slammed forward.


   The fat zombies were even a few meters away from the cave mouth, but they were still swept away by a black pike. With the explosion of the pipa whipping, the whole person rolled upside down.

   Houtu grabbed Huming fiercely, showing a trace of cruelty on his face, his eyes suddenly glared, his hands intertwined, and he suddenly pulled in two directions.


   The fat zombie was directly torn apart by him from the middle, and the dark internal organs were scattered from mid-air, floating down towards the cave.

   Hutu coldly snorted and jumped directly towards the cave. The complexions of the other zombies changed a bit, after all, they didn't jump down and waited quietly.

   After a while, there was a sky-shaking roar and scream from the bottom of the cave, waves of fluctuations agitated from below, and a monstrous breath suddenly spread.

   "This.....this...what exactly did the Huntu get from it, how can its aura increase to this point!" Several zombies looked shocked, and they all looked at each other.

   "Go. Go down and take a look."

   Under the temptation of huge profits, a few zombies finally couldn't help but jumped down.

   When they jumped down, their eyes swept forward, and they all couldn't help but began to tremble.

   Hundreds of more eyes appeared on Houtu's body, and he fluttered as if he was about to burst in the next moment, staring frantically at a few people. Behind him is a huge sarcoma, hundreds of eyes opened and closed, as if endless pollution energy agitated, under the excitement of his neighing, hundreds of tentacles shot out from it, towards several zombies. Overwhelmed.


A quarter of an hour later, there were a few more zombies with a hundred eyes. Their eyes were full of chaos. They roared and screamed. They all stepped on their feet suddenly, blasted in the air, and jumped out of the cave mouth towards one. Ran away in the direction.


After Li Luo got out of the cave, he rushed towards the blood swamp without stopping, as he had guessed along the way, all the undead seemed to be in madness. Whenever they met the undead of the foreign race, they began to desperately. During the fight, there was a stream of black blood that plunged into the ground, strengthening the seal deep in the ground.

   ordered Mechanical Heart to change his appearance again, and after sealing his own breath fluctuations, he walked carefully all the way, avoiding the undead of other races in a few rounds of sweeping, and finally found the shadow of the blood race.

   "They belong to the same clan." After seeing Li Luo, a blood clan wizard greeted several other blood clan and ran over.

   "A few of you, can you **** me back to the Blood Swamp!" Li Luo pretended to look at several zombies in the distance in shock, and asked quickly.

   "Well, yes, we were originally in this area to support the team of other blood races, let's go with us." The leading vampire was a tall man, his eyes flashed with blood, and after scanning Li Luo, he nodded and said.

   Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly followed them to a blood-red swamp. Surrounded by vampires who went hunting in groups, Li Luo went all the way, and finally stopped in front of a newly built wooden house.

   "Okay, go back to your room and rest." The tall vampire gave Li Luo a indifferent look, and then lost interest in him, leading people to continue patrolling in that direction.

   Li Luo clicked the corner of his mouth, found a location and built a wooden house by himself ~www.readwn.com~, he couldn't get out, began to absorb the blood spilled from the surroundings, and his breath began to gradually recover.

   One day later, Li Luo was focusing on absorbing the blood around him, frowned slightly, and opened his eyes: "Who?"

   Li Luo opened the door, and an elegant middle-aged man stood by the door, looking at him with a serious face.

   "It's me, Lal. Registrar, I have something to check with you."

   Li Luo gave a cry, and said lightly: "What's the matter?"

   "Are you new here? Why didn't you do the identity registration?" Lal looked at Li Luo coldly and asked faintly.

   "Oh. I forgot." Li Luo nodded suddenly and said.

  Lal's voice was silent for a few seconds, and he directly said, "This is the first time I have seen you. Why didn't I come to the Blood Swamp to report during this time?"

   Li Luo was silent, showing a touch of sadness, and said: "After I teleported into the secret realm, I was far away from the blood swamp, and I encountered a few zombies chasing and blocking him, and almost didn't make it here alive."

  Lal stared at Li Luo for a while, and said directly: "Follow me to register your identity."

   The two went all the way, and gradually came to a huge wooden house. Lal knocked on the door, and a handsome vampire opened the door.

  Looking at the young man in front of him, Li Luo's expression was slightly startled, it turned out that Simon was not fake.

   Looking at Li Luo in front of him, Simon's face looked very calm, but his fingers jumped inadvertently, and he still betrayed his expression.

   Regarding this, Li Luo's heart jumped, and a bad feeling came to his heart.



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