Overlord Wizard

Chapter 355: Gap and seizure

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   The heart-stirring necromantic energy surged at this moment, and the five regular forces of curse, withering, devouring, blood, and death exploded at this moment. Each of them reached the limit of regular power and reached completion.

   This was an instinctive feeling, and Li Luo was immediately shocked and retreated violently.

   At the same time, Ayebro shot Li Luo with his hand, and six different force fields simultaneously enveloped him. At this moment, it was as if six layers of imposing imprisonment locked him firmly, making it difficult for him to move.

   "It's so bad!"

   Li Luo originally thought that he had recovered to the sixth-order strength, even if he lost to the death **** in front of him, he could at least contend against it, but now it seems that he was naive.

   Even so, Li Luo is not a person who is waiting to die. The energy in his body is boiling at this moment, and the billowing frantic energy explodes at this moment, rushing toward the surroundings.

   A surprising scene happened. The six necromantic rules began to vibrate violently at this moment, and they began to squeeze each other and riot.

   "What!" Ayebro's own rules power out of control in front of him, his face changed drastically, and he retreated violently, revealing a shocked boom!

   The power of five different rules exploded at this moment, intertwined, and annihilated. At this moment, the space ignited a pitch-black arc, cracking a black crack and quickly healed.

   Li Luo took advantage of this opportunity to quickly escape to the distance, and a few breaths disappeared in front of Ayebro.

   Ayebro looked at the direction in which Li Luo disappeared, his complexion changed, and he scanned the somewhat shocked blood races around him, and finally flicked his sleeves and rushed away in the other direction.

   Li Luo fled all the way, feeling that there was no Ayebro in the back, and gradually stopped. When he was hesitating where he was going, several blood races in the back quickly chased him.

   "Elder Danny! But chasing you! Huhu." Several blood races panted violently for a while, and stopped.

   Li Luo looked at the blood races in front of him, and quickly asked, "Where are the Ayebro people?"

   "He's gone. Elder, you really gave us the blood patriarch this time! I have never seen a strong man of any race make Ayebro eat so much!" said a long-faced blood clan.

"It seems that his powers of several rules are not stable in the body." Li Luo thought secretly in his heart, thinking that although Ayebro didn't chase him, I am afraid it should not be able to balance the powers of several rules. That's right. As for the reason, Li Luo didn't bother to guess. He nodded directly to several blood races and said: "Now that the defense is tight, this Ayebro sees my strength, I am afraid it wants me to stabilize the defense. "

   Several kinsmen nodded quickly, and said repeatedly: "This is mostly the case, this riot is over, I believe our kinsmen will be the head of the few big races!"

   "Well. Give me a defensive map, and I will go over to assist the defense!" Li Luo's eyes flashed and he said directly.

   A few blood races quickly handed over the map: "My lord, it's in the northwest of the secret realm, in the blood mosquito canyon."

   Li Luo took the map and took a look, put it away, turned and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the Blood Mosquito Canyon.

   Several blood races watched Li Luo leave with envy, and one of the blood races sighed: "When can I reach the level of Elder Danny..."

   A kinsman sneered and said, "Let's go. As a viscount, you may not be able to achieve it in your lifetime."


   Li Luo went all the way, but did not go directly to the Blood Mosquito Canyon, he walked all the way to the camp where the zombies were. Coming before a group of black stone buildings, it confirmed Li Luo's guess.

"Looks like I guessed it. After the death of the Zombie Elder, there should not be many strong men in the zombie clan. There is only one Tier 6 strong man stationed here... The chaotic creatures attacked, I have a chance to shoot..."

Li Luo waited quietly. After more than ten days, finally a large group of multi-eyed tentacles surged here. These multi-eyed monsters were all Tier 3 to Tier 4, but the victory was that the number of zombies in the entire camp began to die in large numbers. , The only Tier 6 zombie couldn't help but walked out, and the strong devouring power began to spread, covering more than ten kilometers of multi-eyed tentacles.

   Soon, these multi-eyed tentacles began to gradually fall, turning into puffs of flesh and blood, scattered all over the ground, and seeped into the ground. But within an hour, a large number of multi-eyed tentacles came to this side, and this Tier 6 zombie elder hadn't rested enough before being overwhelmed by the multi-eyed tentacles army.

   So, after a few times.

   The zombie elder was finally moved. He spread the swallowed energy in his body, but it only spread to a few kilometers away. Obviously, he was a little exhausted because of excessive energy use.

But as a Tier 6 powerhouse, with a strong physical quality, these multi-eyed tentacles fell in front of him, like cutting melons and vegetables, and the surrounding zombies also firmly guarded in front of a round building. The multi-eyed monsters are constantly hacking.

The battle line did not collapse for a while, but the next moment, the zombies surrounding the circular building suddenly had scarlet eyes, showing endless madness. They were slashed with swords and even some even more madness towards the surrounding companions. It directly detonated the swallowing energy in the body, and a dark scorching sun bloomed instantly.

   "What!" The zombie elder looked at the movement in the distance, his expression changed, and he shouted, "The corpse clan inside, come out for me!"

   Soon, under the ruins of the round building, one sturdy arm slammed out, and a series of powerful zombie figures came out of it, and rushed towards the surrounding multi-eyed tentacles angrily.

   Suddenly, the grotesque bodies were torn apart, the earth was stained with gray blood, and a breath of pollution spread. Without saying anything, these zombies swallowed energy and spread out, and the blood quickly melted, turning into a jet of pitch black and overflowing.

   Li Luo saw the right time, disappeared, and slowly leaned towards the ruins, watching the hole in front of him jump down.

   The scene was extremely chaotic, no one noticed him, and Li Luo quickly fell into a passage. Different from the vampire's blood passage, this passage is slope-shaped. After walking down this slope, another big turn, and it came to the **** in the opposite direction.

There was no resistance along the way. Li Luo came directly to a pool of black pus~www.readwn.com~ Seeing the pus that was constantly bubbling in front of him, Li Luosi measured for a moment, and his left hand lit up with a dazzling light. Blood light, the kinship talent exploded at this moment, rushing toward the black pus.

   Soon, the black pus began to emit a string of bubbles, like a pot of boiling soup, and it began to evaporate.

   Watching the steaming black and red air currents, Li Luo kept moving his right hand and took a shot towards the void. The billowing black and red air currents condensed. At this moment, a black-red blood pill was condensed and slowly increased.

   The roar outside is still fierce, it seems that the battle is in a stalemate.

   It wasn't until a day later that zombies gradually returned to this pool of black pus. Looking at the pus that was nearly half dried and bloodless, the expressions of the surrounding zombies solidified at this moment.

Roar! ........

   An angry and unwilling roar sounded at this moment, and some powerful zombies simply grabbed the weak zombies around them, tore them apart, and crunched them.


At this time, Li Luo, sitting in a hidden cave, holding a football-sized black-red blood pellet, revealing a pleasant smile. The **** breath emitted by this blood pellet is even better than that of the Duke of Blood. The ones are stronger.

He just swallowed a blood pill that is unique to the zombie clan. At this moment, black veins appeared on his skin, like countless black earthworms squirming in his body, and bursts of heartburn-like pain flowed to his body. Up and down, his whole person curled up there for a while, convulsing constantly.



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