Overlord Wizard

Chapter 367: Role change

Remember in one second【】

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The party did not end because of Louis's death, and even intensified. Even these rich people hired the poor and beggars to come to the park for fun.

Li Luo was not blind to cultivating Diana at any cost. He took out a golden book in the villa and handed it to Diana.

"This is..." Diana looked at the new meditation, her eyes brightened.

Li Luo sighed lightly and said, "Diana, this is the high-level meditative idea of ​​the Great Master Guangming, the light of commandment. It is the meditative idea that specializes in understanding the true meaning of the commandment, and it is the nemesis of the demon hidden in this town. If you can comprehend, even at the higher level, you can definitely perceive that demon."

Diana put the book away, her beautiful eyes staring at Li Luo, her eyes shining like stars: "Peter, what is your identity, even such a powerful idea of ​​meditation? This is too unimaginable. Up!"

During this time, Li Luo contributed a lot of knowledge about monsters and wizards to Diana, and Diana also recognized the preciousness of this meditation idea at a glance.

Li Luo chuckled lightly, did not say much, just turned and walked towards the bedroom next door.

Diana looked at Li Luo with an unpredictable look, and she was secretly surprised. Before that, she had not tested her qualifications as a wizard, and she had no hope of becoming a wizard at all, but she had only been in contact with Peter for half a year. Over time, he changed his body and turned into a Tier 3 wizard!

I am afraid that Peter's identity is still above his expectations!

Diana retracted her mind and began to concentrate on meditation.

After Li Luo returned to the room, he took out a bottle of soul condensing mixture that the main body had refined for him, and drank it. Because the soul was too weak, he also had to improve.

After the soul condensing mixture, Li Luo's mental power was quickly consumed, and his soul began to slowly increase. A sleepy feeling struck, and Li Luo gradually closed his eyes.

Vaguely, Li Luo gradually heard a voice, but when he was sober, Diana had already walked into his room.

"Peter, the party tonight has begun, hurry up, I can't wait anymore!" Diana was wearing a **** dress, half-bending, her snow-white skin almost touching Li Luo's face.

"Oh, sorry, I slept too much..." Li Luo replied subconsciously. The soul power that had grown during this period of time trembled in vain, and a sense of horror struck, but his face remained as usual and continued: "Maybe I slept too much."

"Then, dear, let's do some warm-ups before going to bed." Diana licked Li Luo's ear with her tongue, and stretched out a pair of jade hands towards him.

Li Luo calmly took out a metal ball and squeezed it lightly, and the whole room was immediately enveloped by a yellow glow.

Diana looked at everything around her in surprise, and said with a chuckle: "My dear, it turns out you can do tricks."

Li Luo moved his neck and stood up: "More than that."

Immediately, the whole room lit up with runes, and under the silver light, a man in a black robe emerged out of thin air.

Wearing a mask, the man nodded slightly with Li Luo, and walked towards Diana slowly. …

Diana instinctively took a step back, and the skin on her body exploded in contempt, as if it was just a monster in human skin, but when it emerged, it was a beautiful and moving girl.

This girl is no one else, it is Alice who is not fake!

"Yes, a Tier 4 succubus really caught a big fish." The masked man smiled and walked slowly towards Alice.

A dazzling fel energy lit up Alice's body, but she froze there, as if locked in by an irresistible force, she couldn't move anymore.

The man walked up to Alice and slowly stretched out his hand to touch her head.


The piercing sonic boom suddenly sounded, but it exploded on the wall and was immediately absorbed by the runes, but after all, it was not transmitted.

A dazzling purple light suddenly appeared in the man's hand, and Alice began to tremble violently.

A quarter of an hour later, Alice slowly turned into a dust in the painful scream, and the masked man took off the mask, revealing the exact same face as Li Luo.

"The real Diana is in danger. I'll change your appearance. The identity of Peter was eaten by this Alice! Fortunately, this succubus didn't tell his master about Louis's death. Pretend to be him."

After that, Li Luo's body touched Peter's body, and a wave of mana began to flow into Peter's body. After a few breaths, Peter's appearance changed to the appearance of Louis.

Li Luo's body snapped his fingers, and the silver light all over his body instantly disappeared into the room. The runes on the surrounding walls gradually shrank into a ball. Several metal fragments shot back and turned into a metal ball again. The clone that was turned into Louis was brought back.

After scanning the surrounding mess, Li Luo's avatar, Louise thought for a moment, took out an eye-shielding mask from the closet, and quickly ran towards the park.

In the park, a strange scene appeared.

At this moment, Diana was sitting with a man who was exactly like Peter. The fake Li Luo touched Diana's waist and kissed Diana's vermilion lips. For a while, Diana's breathing began to rush.

"My dear, we can't yet." Diana said so, but her whole body trembled uncontrollably, cooperating with the fake.


^0^Remember in one second【】

Li Luo hugged Diana, his eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth curled into an evil arc: "Diana, the party has begun, and today you will enjoy the thrill that you have never experienced before!"

The voice seemed to have magical powers, shocking Diana's mind, making her irresistible, so she was held by the fake Li Luo and walked towards the small woods in the park.

The young people around seemed to be under control, half kneeling in a specific position, they took out a dagger, and stabbed it into their own heart.


Blood flowed down from them, turned into red lines and gathered towards the center. The demon posing as Peter hugged Diana to the center of the lines and laid Diana flat.

At the same time, the fake Li Luo blew up all over his body, his skin burst instantly, his body swelled instantly, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a monster with a red armour, more than four meters high, and two horns. …

Sticking out his scarlet tongue, the monster licked Diana's neck and took a deep breath, but his complexion changed slightly: "You are still a virgin?"

As if thinking of something, the monster immediately turned around and ran away quickly.

After a while, Li Luo avatar Louis slowly walked out from behind a small tree, retracted the metal ball in his hand, and revealed a sneer mixed with surprise: "It is so cautious, and thanks to your cautiousness, I gave me this. Good opportunity."

Slowly walking towards Diana, Li Luo pretended to be excited and picked Diana up and ran towards Louis's villa.

When he arrived at Louis's villa, Li Luo easily walked in, led by the maid, and quickly walked into a room.

An hour later ~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, and smiled lightly: "Then, congratulations, Alice, a fake succubus, do you like this character?"

Diana touched her cheek and frowned slightly, her mood was a little bad: "It's disgusting, and the qualities of a **** are everywhere!"

"Hehe, bear with me for a while, I will change your appearance, then, Diana, is there anything wrong with the memory of Alice?" Li Luo smiled and sat beside Diana.

"No. In Alice's memory, it will be a carnival party that the succubus can only participate in in a month. All succubus in this city will participate. But the tricky thing is that the location is in a newly opened small fel space Each succubus will teleport with the Fel Energy Teleportation Stone in his hand, and there is only one Fel Energy Teleportation Stone in the basement." Diana's face was a bit solemn, and said slowly.

Li Luo and Diana quickly walked into the basement, and a dark green fel energy transmission stone was quietly placed on the altar. But then Li Luo showed an ugly look. Diana didn't seem to be able to move the fel teleportation stone in front of her.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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