Overlord Wizard

Chapter 371: Sacrifice

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Li Luo's face sank, his feet moved slightly, and his lower body slid backwards like flowing water. With his hands turned, a silver standard dagger emerged out of thin air, and a brilliant light flashed by, obviously not an ordinary one. Witchcraft.

   Diana's breath began to slowly emerge and change, the fiery dragon soul breath began to become filthy at this moment, and an extremely evil breath began to slowly rise.

   The Naga priestess looked at Diana's changes, her expression changed, but she didn't see any panic expressions, she seemed to fall into some kind of memorial.

   "When did it happen?" Looking at Diana in front of him, Li Luo's heart sank and asked.

Diana took a deep breath and didn't intend to answer Li Luo's question. She looked at her body feverishly: "It's almost, it's almost soon, the seeds planted by the master will finally mature in my body! I am! Will become the most powerful succubus! I will give everything to my master!"

As she spoke, Diana swept around frantically: "Is this the church set up by the **** Great Wizard of Light? Hehehehehehe...Peter, you Didn’t you find that fel secret realm? Today, I will tell where that secret realm is!"

   The filthy aura on Diana's body began to be strong, the surrounding golden holy light gradually dimmed, an extremely evil aura began to rise from the ground, and the dark green evil energy began to flood Diana's body.

   The dragon soul on Diana's body began to fade quickly, and this time it turned into fuel to ignite the surrounding fel energy and drown her down.

   "What!" Seeing this, Li Luo was so frightened that it was too late to stop him!

At this time, the Naga priestess walked to Li Luo, looked at Diana, and narrowed her eyes slightly: "If I'm right, the demon who planted her fel seeds should want to directly rely on the powerful fel energy in the ground. , Forcibly transforming her from a virgin body, once the transformation is successful, she will definitely become the most powerful succubus.

   Once he grows up, let alone the Great Wizard of Lorne is alive, even if the Wizard King comes, she will be easily charmed by her! "

   Li Luo understood this naturally, and with a hand, a metal ball appeared out of thin air.

But before he could move, he saw a blue light emitting from the fingertips of the Naga priestess next to her. With a flick of her finger, a flash of water shot out, ignoring the rich fel energy of Diana's body, like It was a drill bit, and a thumb-sized azure blue gap was drilled, which fell into Diana's body.

"This little girl reminds me of an ancient book I read in the Deep Sea Palace. The ancient book records that Queen Faski’s partner, the Great Wizard of Lorne, is in her current state. I don’t know that my banshee’s tears will affect her. It doesn't work." The female Naga said, she said something in her mouth, and a azure blue brilliance began to bloom on Diana.

   But the evil energy surging from the ground was too strong, and the effect of Banshee's Tears was obviously downwind, but even so, Diana's breath suddenly changed, and the dragon soul on her body began to react.


   Diana knelt to the ground in pain, her complexion quickly transformed between enthusiasm and anger, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

   evil energy continuously emerged from the ground, and a few breaths spilled out to the surrounding walls, faintly forming a dark green enchantment, covering the library.

   The Naga female priest seemed to consume too much, and she seemed to lose her strength for a while, she just barely washed Diana's restless mind, and at the same time, she worked hard to expel the evil Yin Qi from her.

   But compared to the massive amount of evil energy emerging from the ground, this is nothing short of a drop in the bucket!

   "This level of evil energy! It has surpassed the fifth rank!" Li Luo felt the surging evil energy fluctuations, and his expression was shocked.

   "Calm down! You must be calm! These demons painstakingly spread evil and gathered so much power for this monastery, but they did not forcefully destroy it. It should be something they fear..."

  The monastery is divided into three areas, the prayer area, the hall worship area, and the library for people to read.

   Li Luo glanced at the other bookshelves, feeling the more and more sacred atmosphere of the books, and he walked over quickly.

   reached out and picked up these books, but they shook violently in his hands, constantly buzzing, as if faintly resonating with Diana not far away!

   Feeling the fluctuations in the books, Li Luo showed a dazed look.

   "So that's the case." Li Jun's mouth twitched, and he walked towards Diana with these books. When it was one meter away, the books burst into dazzling golden light. A golden flame ignited out of thin air and surged towards Diana.

Suddenly, Diana's body lit up with red, blue and gold brilliance, and the three element particles of light, fire, water began to surround her body, the red gold brilliance was like a golden flame, continuously smelting the evil energy in her body, gold and blue. Water rippling in her body, at this moment she began to become extremely pure.

But the next moment, the depths of the earth seemed to erupt like magma, and the turbulent fel energy resembled strips of dark green giant pythons, surging out from the ground, with bursts of yin-like crying, and flooded Diana again. Away.

   Suddenly, Diana's expression was mesmerized, and her breath became extremely evil again. Two completely different feelings of terror and temptation filled her whole body.

  At the same time, Diana no longer had any expressions, she looked at Li Luo calmly, and gently raised his chin.

   An irresistible force of temptation flooded Diana's body, and the Naga priestess was so scared that she trembled.

   Looking at Diana quietly, Li Luo's practice of Heaven and Earth Hegemony is extremely tough. Diana hasn't completely transformed into a super succubus, so naturally he hasn't been affected much.

  Naga priestess looked at Li Luo's sober state, and she was happy: "We must kill her while she is not completely transformed! Otherwise, it will be too late when she is transformed."

   Li Jun shook his head, ignoring Naga's words, so he raised his hand and touched Diana's cheek.

   "Diana... whenever I believe you are still that Diana. My beloved."

   Li Jun showed a shallow smile. At this moment, the vitality of the whole person rioted, igniting a substantive fighting flame on the surface, and the whole person was turned into ashes in a few breaths.

   Diana finally shook her arm at this moment~www.readwn.com~ The whole person froze there.

"My dear love."

   These four words kept echoing in Diana's ears, and tears began to flow in her eyes.

   The raging flames of vindictiveness did not stop, and instantly wrapped Diana.

   As soon as the surrounding fel giant pythons approached, they were burned to death by the fiery domineering vitality.

   Diana's breath also changed drastically at this moment, the hot dragon soul seemed to be condensed into substance, and the golden blue brilliance bloomed on her.

   A stream of fel energy rushed toward her again, but as soon as the fel seeds in her body broke out, they were roasted by the hot vitality energy and quickly faded.

   The underground evil energy strengthens the Cthulhu seed, and under the hot dragon soul and vitality supply, it turns into the most abundant nourishment to nourish Diana's soul and mental power.

   Diana's breath began to rise steadily at this moment. When the vitality was exhausted, a golden radiance bloomed on Diana's body, and the evil energy that burst out gradually dissolved and faded away from her more than ten meters away.

   Diana stood there quietly, watching the lost vitality, she knelt down and sat down.

   A drop of tears slid down his cheeks, reaching out to touch the front, but it was an empty piece.

   After a while, Diana gradually stood up, the expression on her face was no longer confused at this moment, and became extremely firm, she slowly walked outside. Naga hesitated and followed.

   Soon after Diana left, a man in a black robe walked into the church. Wearing a white mask and holding a sack, he walked slowly into the library.



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