Overlord Wizard

Chapter 376: Extinguish (repair)

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   This blow burned Li Luo Jiucheng's vindictiveness, and the whole person only felt a burst of emptiness in his body, sliding backwards like a loach. Although the succubus is the weakest demon of Tier 4, the strength of the flesh is definitely not inferior to the average sky knight. Not to mention the lewd demons of the same rank.

   After seeing the tentacles being knocked into the air, the tentacles were shaken loose for a while. As soon as the red-haired woman and the bearded man fell to the ground, there was a harsh sonic boom in the air, and several dark phantoms shot again.

   This adulterous demon actually stabilized his body shape by flipping in midair. This time the tentacles were so fast and powerful that they obviously didn't intend to transform the two into monsters.

   The two were shocked, and it was obviously too late to dodge.

And at this moment, two figures emerged from the other side of the alley. One of the fit figures showed bright blue water in the hands, two brilliant lights flashed by, and the red-haired woman and the bearded man were caught in two huge blisters. Shrouded, and then the golden light was released in the hands of another charming woman, a sacred and holy energy spread to the surroundings, a burst of commandment force field instantly enveloped a square kilometer, and the whole body of the demon suddenly stiffened, like a dehydrated body. The loach, planted in the air, twitched violently on the ground.

Li Luo saw this and suddenly looked back, and saw Diana and a sturdy girl rushing towards this side. During the running, the girl's legs quickly merged into a scaly tail, completing the Naga in an instant. Conversion.

   The power of Diana's rules just now is more than twice as powerful as Li Luo expected? In other words, when it comes to fighting against creatures like demons, this commandment rule is absolutely suppressing?

   "No, this is the superposition of the power of Naga's rules and Diana! It seems that for some reason, both of them have advanced to the fourth level."

"Yes. Diana smelted the soul and soul fragments. After the two absorbed them, Naga was responsible for purifying the soul's insignificant dirt, and washing the body and soul. In this way, these demons would become visible in front of the two of them. The nourishment of the same mobile is used by the two of them..."

   Seeing that the overall situation has been determined, Li Luo was also relieved, stepped aside, and watched a few people perform quietly.

  Kam and the other four were extremely desperate and nervous at the last moment, and the next moment the succubus flew upside down in front of a few people, with a touch of tyranny on their faces. Although this succubus looks **** and imaginative, they are all veteran bounty hunters, and they have no intention of pitying jade.

   Click! Stabbed!

   A series of swords, lights, swords and shadows, the succubus's body was directly torn apart.

   "Ahahaha..." After the dwarf cut off the succubus' head with the last axe, he was in a drunken state again: "Cam is going to double kill this time, no one should stop me! Hiccups."

The figure transformed into a little giant rushed towards the harlot in the distance. The orc followed closely. Two masked men were still guarding the red-haired woman, while the big bearded man pulled the bolt and shot the bullet. The gun clicked and turned, and the caliber became larger and more than a circle, and then the step underfoot slipped, sliding directly for hundreds of meters like a loach, and rushed to the front of the harlot.

boom! !

   A mist of about one meter of flame shot out from the muzzle, and instantly bloomed on the slime-covered body of the obscene demon.


   With a scream like a drake, the mucus on the obscene devil's body instantly splashed away, the flesh on his body burst in an instant, and the fleshy pieces of black blood mixed with mucus exploded and splashed from the air like a rain of blood.


   The bearded man took a deep breath of excitement, smoked the last part of the cigar into ashes, spit out, and turned over and filled the bullet again.

   "Damn bugs, you have to pay for your actions!"

   At this moment, the salacious demon, how could he not know that he was at the end of his way, and the whole body of the demon quickly swelled.

   "Be careful, he wants to explode!" The red-haired woman saw this, with a touch of anxiety on her face, and hurriedly screamed and ran behind her, "Terry, release the light of purification!"

   The elf called Terry looked down, and the silver brilliance in his hand was flourishing, but before he could take any action, the harlot in the distance burst into a frantic laughter.

"Hahaha...a group of poor reptiles, you will be the best container, and I will watch you fall a little bit in the abyss! You will definitely become more powerful succubus and succubus! Jie Jie Jie Jie......"

   With the wanton and excited laughter, this lustful demon swelled and quickly began to dry out, and a single breath turned into a wriggling mass of flesh, and it banged like a flesh and blood firework.

The black blood sputtered in all directions. The guardian hearts of several people, including Li Luo, shattered directly under a flash of silver light, and the epic witchcraft turned out to be invisible in front of the rain of blood. general.

   Then, the few people who were caught in the blood rain felt a burning pain on their bodies, and a dark green mark appeared out of thin air, and Li Luo felt an evil idea quickly breed in his heart, a great demon, and a little uncontrollable.

   "Damn it! What the **** is this?" Cam looked at several dark green strange marks on his body, completely no longer drunk, and even picked up his axe and slashed towards the mark on his arm.

"it's useless."

   Diana and Naga walked slowly in the distance, reminding the dwarf, and came to several people.

   "You..." After the red-haired woman saw Dai Linna's face, her complexion changed: "I know you, your name is Alice! It should be a succubus!"

   Diana glanced at the red-haired woman, and said faintly: "Alice was killed, I pretended to be her. You must accept my smelting and Kaski's purification!"

"Humph! How can we believe you!" At this moment, one of the masked men was guarding the red-haired woman, "Robin, these two are likely to be humans transformed by succubus, and the purpose is likely to be demonization. we!"

   The face of the red-haired woman named Robin changed. She looked at Diana and Kaschi~www.readwn.com~After a few seconds of silence, she picked up the head of the succubus and walked towards the other side of the alley.

   "Let's go. It's just some fel mark, we don't have to rely on these two people of unknown origin in front of us."

   Li Luo watched the people walking away and did not stop him. Instead, he said directly: "If you can't find a way to save, go to the Ascetic Monastery. That is, the cathedral. These two ladies will heal you."

  When the words reached this point, the figures of a few people obviously paused, but they left here quickly.

Li Luo turned around and blinked at the surprised eyes of the two women: "Hey. Two ladies, how about it, for the sake of our fighting together, help me go to the cathedral to smelt my body. Fel seed?"

   Diana snorted when she heard the words, the Naga beside her just turned around quietly, transformed into a human form in a few breaths, and walked towards the cathedral: "Follow us."

   Listening to Kaschi’s words, Diana just watched Li Luo quietly for a while, seeming to find something: "You...how do you give me a familiar feeling?"

Li Luo walked up to Diana, did not answer her question, but chuckled slightly: "I heard that there is a magic weapon left by the Great Wizard of Lorne in this town. I think you should be very impressed with this magic weapon. Interest is right."

   After that, he didn't say much, and directly followed Kaski to the direction of the cathedral. Diana reacted at this moment, with a thoughtful expression on her face, and hurried after her.

   After a while, there was a ripple in the void, and a figure appeared out of thin air under the spread of black mist.



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