Overlord Wizard

Chapter 393: Cut off

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Anda took all the golden birds and beasts back into the space bag, completely letting the demon puppets spread fear in the slums, but the strange thing was that the power of the nightmare had grown extremely poorly.

Twenty days down.

Nightmare monsters gradually began to prosper in civilian areas, just like other nightmare monsters. These nightmare monsters in slum areas need to rely on the power of nightmare to enhance their strength, so they did not act on any ordinary people, even as long as people go out. These nightmare monsters will be invisible, and they will spread fear with other demon puppets at night.

But the power of the nightmare around him was still not strong enough, Li Luo frowned, thinking to himself, Anda also showed a touch of contemplation on the side.

"Yes. The surrounding time and space have been chaotic. I am afraid that for some reason, the influence of the flow of time here on the power of the nightmare has slowed down by many times!" After a while, Li Luo's expression was hard to look like. , Said so.

After hearing this, Anda quietly thought for a while, and said: "Some time ago, Yumeng gave me an hourglass witch, saying it was a witchcraft for balancing time. She asked Zhao Hu to refine it. A total of four were refined. I One, Zhao Hu, one for your wife, and one for herself."

While talking, Anda took out a golden hourglass and handed it to Li Luo's eyes.

Li Luo looked at the hourglass and hesitated, but still began to pour the energy in his hand into the hourglass.

Soon, a golden light spread in all directions. At this moment, the power of the nightmare around it grew geometrically.

Li Luo frowned slightly, revealing a solemn expression. But he did not reduce his movements, activated the main teleportation ball, and suddenly a teleportation circle appeared out of thin air, and several figures appeared in it out of thin air. It was the dream warriors who had hidden that day.

These dream fighters emerged, and the nightmare power of the entire civilian area began to converge towards the sky. At this moment, the rich purple-black energy was like a river and sea, converging into one.

Gradually, a monster with a first-born double horn and a horse-head human body slowly emerged, and his gaze looked towards Li Luo's body.

"Well, yes, it has grown to this level..."

Although this horse-headed monster just said these words flatly, both Li Luo and Anda seemed to be emptied of their bodies, and they shed sweat from their heads, and the whole person froze there.

"How many ranks is this strong!"

Anda said in shock.

Li Luo looked ugly, and said, "Tier Nine! It is at least two orders higher than the resurrected Great Wizard."

"Damn|!" Li Luo was shocked and angry. Knowing that the time chaos had become such a ghost, he would kill some nightmare monsters in this area!

Just as the two were desperate, a huge crack suddenly opened in the void, and a few colorful rays of light surged toward the dream warriors.

At this moment, the aura of these dream warriors rose steadily, and in a few breaths they climbed to the level of the eighth peak.

"Damn bitch!" The horse head monster roared, obviously, the nightmare demon was angered.

He turned into a streamer and shot towards Li and Luo, as fast as lightning.

But the next moment, a few figures appeared in front of the two of them out of thin air, and layers of fist shadows rushed towards the demon god.

Boom boom boom!

The two also regained their ability to act due to the power of these dream warriors. After rushing backwards for a certain distance, they heard the explosion of dense punches and loquats, and the figure of the nightmare demon retreated more than a thousand meters. .

But the situation of the few Dream Warriors was not much better, their bodies were covered with cracks, and they looked at each other, revealing a touch of determination.

They showed a thumb to Li Luo behind them, and the colorful rays of light on their bodies shone out, turning into several colorful torrents and rushing towards the nightmare demon god, the colorful torrents turned into one stream, and gradually turned into a colorful spot of energy, Excited and slowly drifted towards the nightmare demon god.

At this time, the demon **** finally felt a bit of a bad thing, and the whole person rushed backwards, trying to pass through the chaotic space and escape to the area where the power of the nightmare was more concentrated.

But the next moment, the colorful light spots instantly submerged in his body, and the demon **** instantly froze in the air, and his entire body was covered with cracks and quickly collapsed.


On the gully ground, the Nightmare Demon roared.

This nightmare demon **** has already collapsed twice, losing an unknown amount of nightmare power, and its body has shrunk from its original height of ten meters to a mere five meters now.

Up to now, it has been reduced to the seventh level! The body was even under the devastation of the dream goddess of the dream goddess, constantly breaking down, he didn't understand why the dream goddess helped the human in front of him so much.

He looked at Li Luo, who was showing a playful smile not far away, but his anger stopped. He stared at Li Luo closely, and then his eyes brightened. In the heart of his chest, a purple-black light emerged out of thin air. Exudes an extremely ominous and terrifying breath.

This is a trace of divine fire that he separated from the subject, the purpose of which is to transform the human in front of him into a nightmare warrior!

As for whether his body breaks down or not, what does it matter?

At this moment, the nightmare **** fire seed arrived in front of Li Luo like a teleport, but the next moment, the last scene the demon **** saw was that Li Luo disappeared, and a black robe figure emerged out of thin air.

This figure exudes a strong force of the dead, with a jet black long knife in front of it out of thin air. As soon as the seed of the **** fire approaches, it is absorbed by a huge swallowing force, and then there are several four-meter-high. The zombie emerged and pressed his hand on the long knife.

"My lord, your plan is so seamless, so you fooled a god's sacred fire?" A tall zombie, exuding the atmosphere of the late sixth stage, looked at the black robe figure in front of him, and his face was difficult. The color of confidence.

"So, hate blood, are you still not convinced by me?" The undead incarnation quietly swallowed the seeds of the **** fire with a long knife, and a stream of purest energy began to burn his flesh and even the surrounding zombies.

"Don't dare." The face of the newly promoted Corpse King next to him changed slightly, revealing a touch of fear.

He didn't even dare to think about this kind of black god.

Gradually, the breath of the incarnation of the undead broke the limit and reached the seventh-order level.

The power of devouring continued. Gradually, the breath of several corpse kings reached the peak of Tier 6~www.readwn.com~ Seeing that they were about to enter the level of Tier 7, there was a scorching light in their eyes, as if they had seen their glory. The moment.

But the next moment, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the undead avatar, and the long knife in his hand turned into a cold light glowing with silver, which swept past the heads of several zombies.

Stabbed, a few great heads rolled aside, and the undead incarnation showed a sneer: "Sorry, I can already swallow this weak sacred fire by myself."

Soon, the aura of the undead incarnation rose again and again, and finally settled at the level of the seventh-order peak.

"Nightmare Divine Fire is indeed the lowest level Divine Fire Seed, which only increased my strength by one level. Of course, this is also related to the weakening of the Dream Goddess..." The undead avatar muttered to himself, slowly flying towards High in the sky, the long knife in his hand burst out with dazzling black light, and the power of the nightmare around was like Baichuan Nahai, quickly being swallowed.

The nightmare power of the entire town of Indulgence faded, and the colorful glow gradually enveloped this place. Li Luo and Anda appeared in the church in the rich district again. At this time, the fel secret realm had disappeared, in a soft colorful color. Under the light, the two disappeared here out of thin air.


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