Overlord Wizard

Chapter 400: crisis

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   In the silent sewer, bursts of red light flickered, like pure evil, emitting a weird light.

   Li Luo stood on the spot, already holding a fifth-order witchcraft in his hand, with gray and blue light blooming on it, with a certain wind attribute law aura. Not only that, but he also wore a Tier 5 magic weapon, exuding an aura of looking at the world.

   The turbulent desire to eat instantly enveloped Li Luo. At this moment, the martial will in Li Luo's body began to explode, and a powerful force of rules quickly spread to the surroundings.

   Two completely different forces stirred and intertwined with each other, turning into one red and one brown two forces began to spread to the surroundings, the protective rune array in the sewer began to dim, and the turbulent elemental storm surged toward the depths of the fishy sewer.

   Originally, Li Luo's strength was inferior to this Dalce, but the armor and sword that he received from his body clearly suppressed the demon in front of him at this moment.

  Dalsi's rules of indulge are perfect, but under the protection of the powerful witchcraft, Li Luo didn't even feel too uncomfortable, so he suppressed a strong desire to eat.

   A flash of silver sword light swayed instantly, as if with great spiritual will, it turned into a silver pike and swept toward Dalsi.

   hum~ The space began to buzz at this moment, ripples spread rapidly, the rune array of the sewer bang exploded, Dalsi instantly flew upside down and landed on the wall.

   "Damn reptile! How could it be possible to defeat the great Dalce... I'm going to eat you raw!"

   Dalsi slowly stood up, his bloated body seemed to swell again, and even the wound split by the sword qi instantly tore, exposing the internal organs.


  As if a hurricane hit, Dalsi's body hit Li Luo like a cannonball.


   Li Luo flew upside down, feeling a huge force hitting his chest, sliding along the channel to the depths of the sewer.

Although the precious light of    witchcraft spared him the pain of flesh and skin, the sonic boom in his ears still caused him to shed two warmths, and an ear-piercing pain hit him instantly.

  Although the injury is not serious, Li Luo still secretly frightened this demon's strength. Below the same level, if he hadn't practiced the Heaven and Earth Hegemony Body Art, I'm afraid he would be swallowed by this guy if he met him?

   Maybe, should I remove the word bar?

   Li Luo looked at the demon who continued to bump into him, his heart flared, the magic weapon in his hand burst into dazzling blue light, and with a wave of his backhand, a cloud of blue light was released instantly.


This sword energy directly used Li Luo's almost all the fighting energy, and the space began to be distorted at the moment it was released. With a weird sound of friction, the whole body of the demon not far away split in two instantly, and then slid towards Li Luo. It took nearly twenty meters before it stopped.

   took out the prepared Holy Grail Witchcraft, Li Luo imprisoned the demon's soul in it, and then collected the devil's corpse and walked towards the exit of the sewer.

   And at this moment, the surrounding space was rippling, and a dark green vortex of evil energy emerged out of thin air.

  In an instant, Li Luo's figure gradually dissipated, disappearing in front of the whirlpool.

   When he saw things clearly again, he came to a room with shining lights. The room was brightly lit and brightly lit outside. The only thing that was certain was that he was still in the underground space.


   The door of the room was knocked instantly, and Li Luogang made a move, then he looked in a trance and walked over dumbly.

   opened the door slowly, and a maid carried a tray on which was a steak and a bottle of red wine.

   "Hello, guest. Welcome to the underground paradise. I am your special hostess. Please attend our dance party. This is your drink and lunch."

   Listening to the pleasant voice, Li Luo's eyes became more blurred, and there was an instinctive vibration in the sea of ​​spirit, but it was the passive protective witchcraft that instantly awakened him.

   bit his tongue fiercely, and was about to kill the succubus in front of him, but then his eyes blurred again, and the whole person was stuck there.

   "Chuck." The waitress chuckled and slowly walked over, "It's really good perseverance, it's been a long time since I met someone like you~"

  While speaking, the waitress let out a sigh of powder. Li Luo's eyes began to turn red, but he immediately woke up again. He was about to move, and he was lost there again.

   Taking advantage of a sober gap, Li Luo simply stunned the waitress severely.

But the desire to eat and vent still hits him all the time, and he can't help but swallow the steak and red wine on the ground, but there are more than a dozen passive witchcraft models of high-level and low-level that exudes coolness in the sea of ​​spirit. The meaning was that after all, he got rid of his control and recovered.

   An endure the reason to go crazy all the time, Li Luo sat cross-legged and began to roast the fel seeds in his body. A faint mist of fel energy rose from the body, and the uncomfortable state gradually recovered.

   But it hasn't been long for him to be happy, as if a huge mental will lock him in, the whole head buzzed as if he was smashed by a hammer, and his eyes went dark, and he instantly lost consciousness.

In a daze, Li Luo only felt like a walking dead. He walked out of the room and walked slowly in one direction. There was a group of exposed men and women. They were reveling, jumping wildly in unspeakable movements, watching As Li Luo walked step by step, there was a touch of greed on his face.

   It was like a wild animal encountering meat. Now they look at Li Luo's eyes like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with drops of dark green saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths.


   The saliva seems to be extremely corrosive, and it looks like it should be the saliva of the devil. After dripping on the ground, it melted into a pothole in an instant, making a sound, and instantly awakened Li Luo.


   Li Luo saw this, and his heart was cold, instantly turning into an afterimage and turning back behind him.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie,..."

These men and women let out a weird and deep laugh. After Li Luo fled back, they rushed out instantly, with dazzling scarlet lights in their eyes, and they chased Li Luo along the different passages of the underground passage. It is more like a group of hunters rounding up prey, playing a game of hunting.

   Li Luo lost his reason a little bit ~www.readwn.com~ After escaping for thousands of meters, he finally lost his will again, and walked towards the demon figure that came around behind him in a daze.

   "His spirit is mine!"

A three-meter-tall succubus walked slowly to one side, and looked like the maid before. It was not difficult to judge from the large bruise on her neck. It was the maid just now. It's fake.

   "Drain his spirit!"

   "Suck him dry!"

   The surrounding demons gathered around, yelling in a frantic expression, his eyes emitting a strange light.

   The succubus slowly came to Li Luo, sucking the air around Li Luo deeply, showing a look of intoxication.

"What an energetic flesh man!" The succubus licked the corner of his mouth greedily, "suck~~!" As she inhaled hard, a stream of milky white essence began to spill over Li Luo's body and was inhaled by her In the mouth.

   Li Luo's breath began to decrease, and this succubus was more like a drug addict, and worked harder.

   And at this moment, a purple light bloomed around and ten human figures appeared out of thin air. At this moment, flames and sword light bloomed instantly, and the purple glow instantly enveloped the surrounding demons.

   "Papa Papa!"

   "Hahahahahahaha, awesome, awesome. I didn't expect humans to find here."

Just as the belated rescue of Li Luo and others arrived, a sudden voice rang, and an unprecedented powerful aura instantly enveloped several people. At this moment, both the avatar and the body were all with one foot. Shen, can't move the slightest anymore.


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