Overlord Wizard

Chapter 402: betray

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   One month later.

   On a barren ground, a graceful figure quickly ran in one direction.



   She opened her mouth wide and tried her best to breathe, even if her chest was already aching.

  Women are different from the delicate women in the wizarding world. The whole person looks more fit and fast, but the few hideous figures behind her seem to be faster, and they quickly draw closer to her.

   "Hurry up, hurry up!"

   "I must pass the news as soon as possible!!"

  Dailin was full of thoughts of running away.

The hot sunlight scorched the girl, and a white smoke faintly rose up, and the surrounding ground also steamed a drop of sweat instantly. In front of it was a white stone forest, inserted ferociously on the ground, as if With a sharp sword, Dai Lin couldn't help but shine.

   As long as he escapes into the stone forest, he can gradually get rid of the chasing troops by virtue of the terrain!

   Curvy black hair and wheat-colored skin are more vigorous. The speed has increased by more than 10%, but the hideous figures behind him are even faster. They are a group of Shadow Blade Demons who are known for their speed!

   A gleam of light flashed in the girl's eyes, and the speed soared by more than 10%. Under the sweat of the steam, the delicate facial features on her face revealed a sigh of relief.

   Ten feet, nine feet...Thirty feet, the stone forest in front of her is close to her eyes, but the next moment, her ears whine, and a bone knife on the arm of a shadow demon slams fiercely.

   "Damn it, I was caught up!"

   The girl bit her lips subconsciously, and her heart became more anxious.

   She knows that the situation is extremely urgent right now, and everything must race against time. With her thoughts turning sharply in her mind, she wisely gave up and continued to move forward and rolled away to the left.


   Suddenly, the sound of broken stones came from my ears. The girl trembled all over, as if she had received an electric shock.

   Then, the sense of crisis and urgency resembled the giant claws of a monster, and suddenly grabbed her heart. Instinctively, she then rushed towards the other side.


   There were several cracks in the air, and the ground beside the girl exploded a few huge cracks.

   At this moment, there was only one thought left in her mind—it's over! This was the last strength he exerted. Although he was a Tier 3 knight, facing several Tier 3 shadow demons, he had to be torn, chewed, and swallowed in the belly at the end!

   The girl's face was pale, she was completely desperate at this moment.

   Suddenly, the sky darkened, and the space began to vibrate.

   Numerous spatial cracks emerged, spreading to the surroundings, and instantly turned into a huge pitch-black wormhole. The space began to be filled with pitch-black arcs. Amidst the harsh rubbing sound, the space paused and began to completely collapse.

   The turbulent elemental storm surged in all directions, and a wave of elemental storms directly blew all the monsters instantly, together with the girl, blowing into the distance.

  The storm began to raging around, and the stone forest gradually shattered into dust, mixed in the elemental storm, like a sandstorm blowing in all directions.

   The girl was hit by the storm and spit out a big mouthful of blood. She instinctively looked at the majestic city emerging from the sky, with an indescribable joy on her face: "I'm saved."

   After the surrounding monsters rolled back several tens of meters, they instinctively showed great fear. They were about to flee to the distance, but the monster body instantly stiffened there.

"Li Luo, there are a few monsters here." Diana slowly floated from the air and landed not far from the woman. She pointed at a few Shadow Blade Demon from afar, and suddenly a few golden flames rose up. The monster didn't even scream very much, it turned into gray ashes and scattered.

   "Rescue this girl." A figure in a purple robe slowly floated down from the sky, and it was Li Luo who hadn't faked it. Behind him, there were dozens of figures wearing robes and leather armor. They looked at the surrounding environment with a look of surprise.

   An hour later.

   rush rush...

   The sound of the stream flowing constantly resounded around.

   Next to a small river, there is a green-looking village that looks like it has just been abandoned.

Dozens of people carried Dailin here and walked into a private house. At this time, Dailin had completely recovered after Diana's Holy Light spell. Although her face was still pale, her breath was stable and she seemed to have fallen asleep. .

   The next morning, Li Luo, who was sitting cross-legged, gradually opened his eyes. Beside him, the girl looked around nervously, and finally fixed her eyes on him.

   "You...Hello." The girl stuttered a little at first, but then she seemed to have thought of something, and exclaimed, "It's over, the information could not be delivered in time!"

Li Luo coughed lightly and said, "It has been given to the lord of your town. Although I initially searched your memory, I did not obtain much information about this world. As the price of saving your life, you Tell me well."

"Really? Thank you...Thank you, noble sage." The girl stood up excitedly, but then looked at Diana and Kaschi beside Li Luo, as if thinking of something , The expression on his face became very respectful, and his speech became stammered.

  The spellcaster in this world is collectively called the sage. This kind of spellcaster is best at enhancing and weakening a person's combat effectiveness. It is reasonable to develop in this world of force.

   Relying on the memory of simple search, Li Luo did not deny it, but smiled, which is regarded as admitting his identity.

   "Respected sage..."

With the introduction of the girl, Li Luo also had a general understanding of this plane. After these high-level demons were all buried in the wizarding world, they were also hidden in the orderly creatures of this world because of their vitality. Waiting for an opportunity to create chaos, corrupt the humans here, and constantly degenerate the creatures of order into monsters, strengthening the demon army.

It is worth mentioning that the order creatures here are intelligent creatures called spirit races, which are very sensitive to evil auras, but because of their small numbers, low fertility rate, and frequent assassinations by demons, there are now very few left. The spirit race under the whole plane has less than a thousand people, and it can be said that it is on the verge of extinction.

   In the dark forest in the southeast of the mainland, a large number of demons gathered. They kept gathering the transformed demons to strengthen their legion.

   "It's okay, Dailin, since we are here, we will help you pick out all the hidden demons." Li Luo chuckled and turned around, "Diana, the devil's affairs are left to you."

   "As you wish, great sage." Diana walked out angrily, gathering everyone together.

   "Then, Dailin. Take me to your town and see." Li Luo also stood up and walked out.

   Soon, a dozen wizards and nearly a hundred Tier 4 knights embarked on the first journey of the planet of Momoda.

   They walked very fast. Except for the girl in front of them, almost everyone was flying away. The girl was also suspended by Li Luo's energy hurricane and flew in one direction quickly.


  Magic Eagle Town ~www.readwn.com~ Surrounded by a large number of harpy witches, named after a bald middle-aged man standing on the city wall with a sword in his hand stained with blood.

   Surrounded by hundreds of sword devils surrounded him, and the dark green bone knives on their arms were also stained with red human blood, with blood glowing in their eyes, revealing a touch of excitement and greed.

   Behind the middle-aged man, there are two young people with despair on their faces.

"damn it."

"damn it!"

   "Why, father! Why did that tax collector betray us!"

   The shorter young man roared, tightly holding the sword and shield in his hand, and let out a roar.

   "Child, it's useless to say anything now. The task of the three of us is not to let these guys rush in!"

   The middle-aged man wiped the dark green blood on his face, his eyes were getting cold and he was about to move.

   But the next moment, his stomach suddenly cooled, and he slowly lowered his head, a sharp blade came through his back, and drops of blood fell from the sharp blade, revealing the familiar sharp luster.

   "Laroul! You!" The middle-aged man looked at the familiar blade, turned his head with difficulty, and saw a distorted face.

   "Why? Father, because I designed him to make him fall! Unexpectedly, as the heir to the baron, I am a half-demon!" The tall man sneered and slowly drew the sharp blade out.

   The short young man beside him was frightened and stupefied on the spot, and sat on the ground with a bang.

   "It's over."



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