Overlord Wizard

Chapter 420: Self-destruct

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The turbulent evil energy rushed towards Li Luo. Behind him, Akaroki's eyes were full of greed, and his fangs glowing with coldness were no longer within an inch of Li Luo's neck.

And at this moment of crisis, a voice that was extremely inconsistent with the picture suddenly sounded.


The moment the mountain giant Bobby’s unique call rang, his giant palm like a fan of a sonic boom followed closely.


Almost the moment when the giant palm touched Akaroji, a burst of the void spread to all directions.

Akaroji was slapped upside down, and even his right arm was struck on the sharp horn of a unicorn, almost torn apart.

This slap was not only Akaroke didn't expect, but even Li Luo was stunned.

"This. Is the mountain giant's reaction speed so fast? No, it's because of Rongmai Cao!"

Li Luo watched Bobby slapped his chest in place, his eyes flashed and muttered to himself. Afterwards, he looked at Akaroji in the distance. After the latter stood up from the ravine drawn on the ground, his face was furious, how it looked like he had lost five million prizes.

Bobby's explosion gave Li Luo a new understanding of physical power.

"Yes. The most powerful thing about the Heaven and Earth Tyrant Body Art is the strength of the physical body. I can't beat this one!"

Li Luo's eyes flashed, and he walked slowly toward Akaroji.

At the same time, a breath exploded in the body, and every cell of the flesh began to vibrate in accordance with the general outline of the Tyrant Body Jue.

next moment.

Li Luo's whole body was blurred, and the whole figure disappeared.

next moment.

A ghostly figure appeared behind Akaroji, it was Li Luo.

I saw him holding the salamander sword in both hands, and he slashed out of the air with a sound of "Woo"! Akarokie seemed to have been prepared for a long time, but he didn't know when he had already produced a pair of fel iron claws, and he just grabbed the sword with his backhand.

An astonishing cold glow appeared from the newt's sword, which looked extremely sharp, and with a "boom", it severely slashed on the fel claws.

Immediately, the evil energy on Akalokki's body was suddenly mentioned, and after a rush, he grabbed Li Luo's sword away, and the trend continued, grabbing towards Li Luo's chest.

Li Luo squinted his eyes and retreated after a flip. At the same time, the little energy he had just recovered condensed a dazzling purple light on the sword. With a wave of his backhand, Akaroki's claws shook back with a sound.

Whoosh whoosh!

Taking advantage of this effort, Li Luo quickly turned back, and quickly backed towards Bobby.

Bobi Hahaha made a strange scream, passing Li Luo, a brown light flashed above his head, and the huge stones shook from the ground and hovered above his head.


Like a mountain rock erupting, the boulder glowed with brown light, and smashed towards Akarokie like a piece of meteorite, but the latter just smiled contemptuously, and the whole person disappeared into an afterimage.

Li Luo's face was as usual, holding the Salamander Sword with one hand, there was a shock in his body, and a little mana was condensed out of thin air, which turned into five scarlet fireballs and floated beside him.

As soon as the fireball was formed, Akalokki's tall figure emerged out of thin air from Li Luo's side, but he saw a blur of his arm, like a whip shadow drawn, and slammed on Li Luo's chest.

Akalokhi's eyes were suddenly happy, and the expression on his face was grinning, as if he had seen the moment when Li Luo's blood was sucked up.

But soon, after Li Luo's expression also passed a win-winner expression, Akaro could basically feel a little bit of a bad idea.

next moment.


There was a violent explosion.

Five fireballs exploded in front of Akaroji in an instant, and Li Luo was also knocked out by a dark green horse.

The intensity of the five fireballs was between the first-order spells and the second-order spells, but they carried a kind of soul burning special effect. After hitting Akarokie, they directly ignited his soul.

A heart-wrenching, unimaginable pain caused the blood-sucking demon to kneel on the ground, and the whole demon began to tremble violently.

"Very good! Your Excellency's power is simply unpredictable. This kind of pain was caused by a flame king when I fought on an elemental plane many years ago."

As Akaroji said, Li Luo's brows shrank slightly. Obviously, this demon-level creature, having suffered from the loss of this spell, would definitely figure out a way to deal with this spell. The situation of the battle is still not optimistic for him.

as predicted.

As Akalokhi slowly stood up, he didn't know where he took out a strange doll, about a foot long, with a burst of difficult spells, Akalokhi's body was red. The light flew out and plunged into the doll.


The doll immediately uttered a scream.

Subsequently, it spontaneously burned out of thin air, turned into ashes and disappeared.

Seeing this, Li Luo's expression was hard to see the extreme, he firmly grasped the newt, and retreated to the middle of a few unicorns.

Obviously, at first, the unicorn sent out that kind of weird rays, which made Akalokki extremely jealous, and Li Luo also planned to recover his mana from the protection of the unicorn.

Akalokki also didn't want to drag it for too long, the fel light in his hand flashed, and some spells were brewing.

I saw his ten sharp fingers point out a few weird arcs, and the blood was shining in his eyes. In an instant, phantoms appeared in front of him, and floated towards Li Luo and the unicorn in the ripples. .

Immediately under the screaming of countless phantom shadows nearby, Li Luo only felt his head sink, the originally exhausted mental energy fell silent, and began to become a little sleepy, even if he prepared for the protection spells in advance, the whole person still had eyelids It drooped and fell to the ground with a bang.

On the other hand, a dozen unicorns were not affected much. The light above their heads condensed, and spiral rays shot out, instantly blocking all the retreat of Akalokki.

There was almost no dodge distance. Just when the unicorn group thought that victory was in sight, Akalokki's figure flashed again and disappeared.

At this moment, if Li Luo were sober, how could he not know what spell the demon king cast?

next moment.

Akalokhi appeared in the unicorn group out of thin air, and the fel claws in his hand swept to the surroundings, and a dozen unicorns were swept away immediately under the sound of breaking through the air.

At this moment, Li Luo suddenly opened his eyes, and a carp flew up.

But seeing the newt sword in his hand lit up with a faint purple light, glowing with a rich silver light, he slashed towards Akalokhi's waist. ,


Akaroji felt his back tighten, as if locked, his complexion changed, and it was obviously too late to make any dodge movements.


A line of blood emerged ~www.readwn.com~Akaroki's entire demon body was directly under a silver bloom, split into two, and slid to one side.

Li Luo's sword attack directly poured all his mental power into it, and his aura immediately languished, and he slid back.

"Damn reptile! I, Akalokie, will never let you grow up!"

Akaroki's voice fell, and his waist suddenly swelled up, suddenly bulging into a ball.

"No! He is going to blew himself up!"

Seeing this, Li Luo felt a chill in his heart, his eyes widened, his expression of despair on his face.

Immediately afterwards.

A bang resounded through the world, and as a fel fireball with a radius of about 10 kilometers burst, a small black hole suddenly appeared, and a storm of colorful elements surged in all directions, and the forest was instantly blasted into flat ground.

The surging air wave continued to impact towards the periphery, and the positive film space began to vibrate violently.

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