Overlord Wizard

Chapter 422: Blood Ganoderma and Ten Thousand Poison Valley

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One month later. In Alyssa's vine manor.

A figure in a black robe came out of the basement.

Li Luo put down the black robe and hood, his complexion looked a little pale, and the expression on his face was not so good.

"Master Li Luo." The armored knight Camon came over and greeted with a smile.

This is a potion of power potential, which can permanently increase a person's power. How many of you divided? Li Luo took out a few bottles of potions, handed them over, and continued: "Help me contact Alyssa and say I want to see her. "

"Okay!" Camon carefully collected the potion, turned and walked towards the outside of the manor, "Lord Li Luo, please come with me. Today is exactly the day Alyssa meets with her family every month, and the other three armors The knight is escorting her to Iron Jing City. At this time... it shouldn't be too far."

"Okay. Cough cough cough. Get me a wildebeest, and I will chase her."

Li Luo coughed violently, and said palely.

Soon, the two galloped away on wildebeest.

After about an hour, a gorgeous carriage gradually fell into Li Luo's eyes.

"Ms. Alyssa, I have something to ask you." Li Luo said hello, panting.

Alyssa opened the curtains, nodded, and soon he entered the carriage.

"Miss Alyssa, my injury is very bad, and my memory is missing a part. There is no way to refine high-level healing potions. I have to think about it, and only your father can help me." Li Luo Sitting opposite Alyssa, said softly.

"Of course, our family is very willing to befriend a pharmacist, but the same..." Alyssa said here, looking at Li Luo with deep meaning.

"I will definitely give you a satisfactory price in exchange." Li Luo took out a few black and glowing magic stones from his arms and handed them over.

"This is..." Alyssa looked at these magic stones, took a deep breath, and covered her small mouth, her expression unbelievable.

"It's a high-level magic stone, only the high element plane can be mass-produced." Li Luo said calmly, looking at Alyssa, took out a bottle of potion and handed it over: "This is a potion for spiritual enlightenment. Can let you awaken the sage talent!"

Alyssa was still surprised at first, but as the spiritual enlightenment potion fell into her hands, she was finally moved, and her hands trembled a little.

"Good. Honorable sage, I must use all my resources to convince my father."

After speaking, Alyssa stopped delaying and drank the potion in one breath.

Ta Ta Ta.

On the path looking for a trail, there is only the sound of horseshoes stomping on the ground, mixed with the accompaniment of screaming insects and birds, giving a pleasing beauty.

Soon, a city full of metal thorns came into Li Luo's eyes.

Seeing the huge city in front of him and its murderous air, Li Luo couldn't help but nodded, feeling a little relaxed.

"In such a big city, at least there will be clues to high-level healing potions or formulas."

Li Luo said so, drew up the car curtain, and began to close his eyes to rest up.

Soon, the carriage stopped in front of a brown castle.

After Li Luo followed Alyssa into the castle, he walked into a restaurant with a classic charm.

"Alyssa, my sister, are you...?" A handsome young man looked at Li Luo, then looked at Alyssa with questioning.

"This is a pharmacist. Because of a very serious injury, I want to ask my father to find a high-level healing potion or formula." Alyssa said calmly, her face seemed cold to this brother.

"Oh." The handsome young man said, then stopped talking, sat quietly, closed his eyes and waited.

Li Luo looked at this handsome young man without saying anything. He sat on a side seat and closed his eyes and waited.

Because it was a family gathering, everyone was there soon.

A rough middle-aged man entered the main seat, looked in Li Luo's direction, and frowned.

"This guest..."

Li Luo hugged a smile and said, "My name is Li Luo, a pharmacist. For some reason, I have suffered a serious injury. I would like to ask your Excellency to help me get some information about high-level healing potions or formulas."

"In exchange, you can accept these dozen or so bottles of potions that enhance your strength."

While talking, Li Luo handed a pile of medicine to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man sniffed the medicine and took a hissing breath: "I am the lord Richard here, what do you call your husband?"

"My name is Li Luo." Li Luo performed a noble courtesy and said softly.

Richard opened a bottle of potion and drank it, looked at Li Luo, and laughed loudly: "My name is Richard, then I wish us a happy cooperation."

Seeing Richard drink the potion so unscrupulously, Li Luo was taken aback for a moment. Does this guy have no sense of defense at all? Are you afraid of me being poisoned?

Ok. As a lord, it is absolutely impossible to be so careless, so there is only one reason, this guy is sure I will not lie to him. This kind of talent for seeing people and things...maybe I should help him improve his soldier's strength?

After turning his mind for a moment, Li Luo nodded slightly and looked at Richard: "If you do me this favor, I can use my knowledge of medicine and blood to transform your soldiers and greatly increase their combat power."

"Okay!" Richard slapped the table, "It's a deal! Come, bring me the red mango spirits I've hidden!"

Soon, the maids brought up a pot of drinks. ,

"Mr. Li Luo. To say that the holy medicine of healing for thousands of miles is the blood ganoderma of Wandu Valley~www.readwn.com~ But in the same way, this blood ganoderma is in the depths of Wandu Valley, and it has been poisoned all year round. Ordinary people are inaccessible.” Richard paused, and continued: “You can **** red mango spirits, including a small piece of blood ganoderma brewing. Although the amount is not large, every time I suffer After suffering a serious injury, I drank a jar, and within a few days he recovered."

Li Luo looked at the blood-red wine in front of him, smelled it and took a sip, suddenly showing a touch of surprise.

Although it is not yet effective on the rule-level trauma on his body, it also made him a little hot, and it has a faint effect of controlling the injury.

"Although it is not enough to cure my injury, it has the effect of controlling the injury." Li Luo drank a bowl of wine and looked at Richard, "Lord Richard, I will exchange fifteen bottles of potency potions for you. Fifteen jars of red mango spirits, I don’t know..."

"What did Brother Li Luo say?" Richard smiled boldly, "All the inventory will be given to you!"

Seeing that Richard didn't hesitate at all, Li Luo was slightly surprised and nodded: "Then, please give me the map of Ten Thousand Poison Valley, Lord Richard."

"You want to go by yourself?" Richard looked at Li Luo in disbelief.

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