Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 436: All parties gathered

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   After a day of trekking by Li Luo and others, a majestic ancient city appeared in front of everyone.


  The city wall that looked like a sky-grass was endless, Li Luo spread out his spiritual power, but his ears were buzzed by the force of thunder and lightning.


   Li Luo displayed the Eye of the Stars, and his vision suddenly widened. The horizontal city wall is 100 kilometers away. The city walls on both sides are directly linked to the dense forest. The whole city is shrouded in gray clouds, and there are continuous electric arcs flashing high above. It seems that there is a powerful restriction.


   The most peculiar thing is that golden chains with the thickness of a water tank meander up from the city until somewhere in the void, like a pyramid.


   There were golden arcs flashing on the chain, sizzling, and it looked quite frightening.


   Li Luofei came to the city wall, looked at the chain in front of him, hesitated for a while, reached out and touched it.


   A golden thunder and lightning snake jumped out from the chain and hit him.




   The leather armor on Li Luo's body exploded directly, and the whole trembled for more than a dozen breaths.


   "Mr. Li Luo, be careful, these chains are blessed by the powerful lightning rules, so they can't be touched." William hurriedly walked over and said.


   Li Luo looked at the ancient city in front of him and asked, "This ancient city is so majestic."


"Brother Li Luo, this is the ancient evil city. In ancient times, this place was originally a treasure place for cultivating sages, but with the invasion of the devil, after years of fighting here, it has accumulated a huge amount of blood evil spirit. It is suitable for people to live in. According to legend, a strong evil demon was born. This evil demon is also really powerful. The ancient sages paid the price of six Tier 5 sages to reluctantly seal him."


   "Everyone, please follow me."


William walked to the city gate not far away with everyone, and continued: "In ancient times, there were many laboratories in this ruin. Even now, only 70% have been discovered by people. The other 30% laboratories. , Either the guardian puppet guarding is too powerful, or there is a powerful shaman entrenched in it. In short, if we want to obtain some treasure or knowledge, we still have to attack these laboratories."


   Li Luo listened to William's introduction, his eyes brightened, and asked: "How can there be a laboratory that absorbs the blood of unicorns?"


  William looked at Li Luo strangely after hearing this: "Do you want to be a spirit race?"


   Li Luo pondered for a moment, and said, "That's right. However, I think I have a lot of bloodline knowledge, and I should be able to control the unicorn bloodline well. Oh, yes. Are there many monsters in this ruin?"


   William snorted when he heard the words, and said: "It's more than just a lot. There are evil rats everywhere, and even the monsters encountered in the forest. As long as they are not too big, you can meet them here."


   Li Luo's eyes lit up when he heard the words. There are many monsters, which means that he can cultivate Rongmai Grass. When he finds the knowledge to absorb the blood of unicorns, he can absorb it perfectly. In this way, his bloodline must be improved, and the state of bloodline exhaustion can also be improved.


   William glanced at the tall city gate, and said solemnly: "Everyone has an idea, don't enter the ruins near the entrance of the sewer, there are groups of ghost rats. Others, nothing more."


   After hearing the words, everyone began to constantly scan the surrounding environment, carefully leaning on the right side of the entrance of the city gate, and walking forward.




   At the same time, the central area of ​​the ruins.


   has a radius of more than a dozen miles, and it has been filled with densely packed figures of sages or knights, and there are tens of thousands.


   Most of these people are in the third rank, and there are thousands of people in the higher fourth rank, and there are very few of the fifth rank.


  Because of the large number of forces, various places have begun to be divided into large and small areas. Some lone rangers are okay. Find a place to stop and it will be fine. If it is a large number of organizational forces, a lot of space is needed.


   The street closest to the central area is now unceremoniously occupied by seven or eight organizations.


   Karen and his party stood at the entrance of the central area as they were strong.


   There are two more of them, a middle-aged man with a yellow complexion and a enchanting young woman.


   Both of them are Tier 5 knights, even the yellow-faced man, who has reached the late Tier 5 stage, standing side by side with Karen.


"Jumbo Pavilion, Hundred Treasure League, Thousand Chance Pavilion, Ghost Shaman League, Ten Thousand Medicine Valley, Black Hand Brotherhood, Saint's Hand! Since all the top-ranked forces in the mainland are here, it is still the old rules, we top powerhouses Advanced, one day later, after the high-level evil demon inside is cleaned up, you can enter again. Let’s talk about it first, if anyone sneaks in and is transformed into a high-level evil demon by the evil demon, be careful. I will report to the alliance leader and kill your family. !!!" The yellow-faced man looked at the top few organizations, especially coldly looked at the people in the Ghost Evil League, and said in a deep voice.


   The people of these ghost evil alliances are full of evil spirits, but they still maintain the human body. The yellow-faced men looked at them with an unhappy expression.


   When the people outside heard the words, they didn't mean to refute, they just stood there quietly, their eyes flickering.


   "Hey. It's like this again this time." A pocky mercenary said to a man in brocade.


   "So what, do you still want to oppose them?" The Jinpao man sneered and replied.


   "That's not true, you heard no. Every time someone fuse high-order blood in the laboratory, they disappear mysteriously soon!" The pockmarked mercenary glanced at the surrounding crowd and whispered.


   "This is natural, but after all, it is those people who have merged with high-level blood. We like us should not be targeted by the monsters inside." The man in Jinpao nodded and said.


   "Okay. When I didn't say it."


   At this moment, there was a group of people in the corner, a man and a woman standing there.


   Both of them are in black robes. The female is a young girl with pretty appearance. The male is a teenager, not someone else, it is Modan.


   Hearing the dialogue between the pocky young man and the man in Jinpao, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com both looked over, and their expressions were a little strange.


   "Brother Modan. Our bloodline seems to be very strong..." The girl said with some worry.


   "It's okay. I have drunk the medicine that concealed the breath of blood. This medicine is from the teacher's formula and can definitely guarantee our safety." Modan smiled.


   "Since you have no objections, I will represent the official, ask Lord Karen to take his brothers in to clean up the evil demon." The yellow-faced man nodded looking at the crowd and turned to look at Karen.


   "In this way, I would be more respectful than fate." Karen smiled, looked at Lohard and others at each other, and walked towards the center with people.




   Not to mention what happened in the central area, Li Luo and others have already arrived in a medium-sized laboratory.


   In the laboratory, lying in a pile of ghost rat corpses, the tenderloin was shaved off by Li Luo and others, and placed together.


   "Brother Li Luo, what do you want the corpses of these ghost rats?" William watched curiously as Li Luo put a few green seeds into the pile of ghost rats' corpses.


   Li Luo smiled, and said, "I'm optimistic."


   Immediately, he began to inscribe a magic circle, and after about three hours, several layers of magic circle were inscribed.


   Then, something that shocked everyone happened!



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