Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 438: 0 News from Baomeng

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Li Luo's pupils shrank, thinking of a possibility, and asked the puppet: "Do you have enough Melting Vessels here?"

"Don't worry about this. The entire ruins have puppets for cultivating Rongmaigrass, and there is a large forbidden area, which is dedicated to cultivating Rongmaigrass." The puppet's eyes glowed with red light, and continued: "Please choose the evolutionary."

Listening to the words of the puppet, Li Luo showed a sense of sorrow in his eyes.

"Yes. With the speed of rat reproduction, even if it eats weeds, it will cover the entire ruins. Most of the magic rats are probably catalyzed by the puppets to melt the veins..."

"In this way, the existence of this evil demon is mostly from a competitor in the audition... the evil demon rat has catalyzed the Melting Vein Grass..."

"This should be a complete, big laboratory for cultivating bloodline warriors!"

"And... the competition is extremely cruel, and those who can't purify their own evil spirits are mostly turned into unshakable evil spirits."

"And these puppets are so new, most of them have a self-maintenance system...the evil spirits are also cleaned up regularly."

"This kind of high-level bloodline monster, even if it catalyzes the rank nine blood crystal grass or the reincarnation blood crystal grass, it is extremely easy."

"What a perfect killing battlefield. Diana, I hope you will inform our people soon."

Thinking of this, Li Luo showed a hint of worry, his eyes lightened, and said, "I choose Mountain Giant."


On the east side of the hall of the main hall, a huge door opened, and soon the things inside became clear.

The goal is to be caught by a silver chain with a crackling silver arc on it. The chain entangles a huge figure, covered with a layer of silver-white stone skin. Although the eyes are flashing slightly red, soon the body crackles with a thunder arc. After that, it became clear.


The unique haha ​​call of the mountain giant sounded a bit miserable. Beside the giant, there was a pile of shaman rat tenderloin. Li Luo slapped his forehead and couldn't bear to look directly.

A few puppets immediately unchained all the chains, and spoke a bunch of language that Li Luo couldn't understand to the mountain giant. The big guy went crazy and rushed towards Li Luo.

"Here!" Li Luo stared, seeing the mountain giant who had lost his fighting spirit for an unknown number of years before him, re-stimulating the fighting spirit in his heart, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"This is going to work hard with Lao Tzu!" Li Luo roared and jumped towards the pillars of the main hall. Fortunately, during the time he was with Bobby, he learned a few words of giants and immediately said in giants: "Hey, Big guy, defeating me will not make you free again. The duty of these puppets here is to let the explorers gain your blood. As long as you lose to me, I will naturally have a way to set you free, how about?"

Listening to Li Luo's words, the mountain giant seemed a little hesitant. After a while, after a while, he didn't activate the magic of rock collapse and sat quietly on the ground.

Seeing that this guy recovered his senses, Li Luo jumped down, took out the newt sword, and suddenly a layer of thunder pulp covered the sword, flashing dazzling electric light.


The arm of the mountain giant was marked with a blood mark by Li Luo, and a small bucket of blood was picked up by Li Luo.

"Will you pretend to be dead?"

Li Luo patted the mountain giant's calf.

The latter yelled a few times from his unwise head, and then fell down with a bang.

Li Luo looked at a few puppets in the distance, who also came rumblingly, and was about to deal with the ‘corpse’ of the mountain giant.

"I am a sage. Let me deal with the giant's body by myself. He will provide me with good experimental data."

The eyes of several puppets flashed red for a moment, then stood up, walked to the north gate of the main hall, and opened.

What caught your eye was a huge laboratory. With his powerful strength, Li Luo dragged the mountain giant into the laboratory, and ordered several puppets to close the door.

Because he has a set of experimental equipment to extract blood, and the mountain giant has a lot of blood, it saves the training step.

After extracting the hematopoietic stem cells from the blood, Li Luo started the experiment.

In large laboratories, all experimental data was stored in crystal balls. After Li Luo absorbed all the experimental data, he couldn't help showing a touch of shock.

"The ancient sage and the ancient wizard are simply a group of creatures. It's just that the names are a little different." Li Luo lamented that in order to obtain these experimental data, the ancient sage's blood level was not worse than the ancient wizard at the same time, and he also thought of the original one. There have been some wars on the blue planet, and he shook his head in sorrow.

One month later.

Li Luo slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

"Xiaozhi, how long did I sleep?"

After moving his sore shoulders, Li Luo asked the mechanical heart in his chest.

"For two weeks, the subject needs to take one month's blood fusion stock solution."

Listening to Xiaozhi's report, Li Luo snapped his fingers.

"To understanding."

Immediately, he walked out of the laboratory.

As for the mountain giant, in the second week Li Luo had to hand it over to the puppets to help him purify his evil spirits.


As soon as Li Luo came out, a dazzling red glow appeared in the eyes of several puppets, and a red glow immediately enveloped Li Luo.

"The target has successfully absorbed the blood of the mountain giant."

"According to the guardian order issued 10,000 years ago, the evolutionary who passed the first blood experiment has half the permissions of this laboratory."

"Experimenter Li Luo, has A-level permission."

Listening to the words of a few puppets, Li Luo thought about it~www.readwn.com~ and said, "Release this mountain giant and put it back to nature."

"The authority is within the scope of permission, start to execute the command."

Several puppets immediately became busy.

"That's right. Does this ruin contain sun-sun grass, calcined air flower, and air-lifting grass?" Li Luo asked after a while.

"No, this is the place to train bloodline warriors. There is no refining of the three magic grasses of Yanyang Liquid." A puppet turned around and said mechanically.

"I actually knew that I was going to refine Yanyang Liquid."

"The last time I got the Nine Yin Calcining Yang Technique, I never had the opportunity to practice body protection and qi. Is it possible to delay it? Speaking of which, I'm sorry for the Hundred Treasure League. I got the benefits of others, but I didn't represent them to participate in the magic light Ge’s contest..."

Li Luo muttered to himself and walked outside.

"There is no material for refining Yanyang Liquid, which does not mean that there are no people at this ruin. You can ask William to find someone at Baibao Pavilion."

Li Luo quickly scanned the surrounding environment and found that William was still not far away, looking at him longingly.

Immediately, Li Luo walked over.

"William. Please help me find the leader of Baibao League this time. In exchange, I will give you a copy of the blood of the mountain giant and the permission to enter this laboratory."

Li Luo and William said hello.

The latter's face immediately became excited upon hearing this: "Okay!"

After three days, William had news of the leader of the Baibao League.

"The situation is not very good, it seems that all the people in Baibao League have entered the central area, and no one has come back."


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