Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 440: Cat man

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Behind William, a gloomy old man's face appeared. After a weird smile, the arm in front of his chest was pulled out. William immediately fell to the ground like a deflated ball, his eyes swept towards the old man, his eyes widened, as if he did not expect to die, Gu Lao would attack him.

After killing William, a burst of black energy rose from Gu Lao's body, and William quickly withered under a burst of black energy, turning into a stream of **** air flow into the old man's body.

"Yeah. People say that the power of the evil demon will make you degenerate into a demon, but what they don't know is that if you control it properly, you will not only not degenerate, but will also become the biggest boost for a person to advance. ..."

In the room, there was a terrifying and crazy laugh.

A month later, when Li Luo walked out of the laboratory, several strong men greeted him.

"Mr. Li Luo, Lord William asked us to give you these shame rats."

Several strong men handed Li Luo several large space bags and said.

Li Luo put away a few space bags and nodded: "I have passed all the trials in the hall, and I can already get some Melting Vessels for free. By the way, what about the Williamians?"

"Master William's strength has been improved and he has gone to the central area." Several brawny men said in unison. One of the brawny men stepped forward and continued: "Master Li Luo, Master William said he was waiting for you in the center area."


Li Luo nodded, didn't say anything, glanced at the map, and walked towards the center area.

After repelling several waves of siege by the evil rats along the way, Li Luo gradually came to a piece of metal city wall. There was a purple thunder pattern familiar to Li Luo on the wall of the city, and the thunder arc flashed on it, making a burst of crackling explosions, and the void burst into bursts.

"What an amazing thunder and lightning!"

Looking at the thunder arc in front of him, Li Luo frowned slightly: "What level of shaman is such a powerful lightning ban?"

Soon, Li Luo circled the city wall, and after confirming that the thunder and lightning bans were all over the city wall, his expression was finally a little moved.

"Now even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames inside, I have to go through it."

After thinking about it for a while, feeling the power of the great mountain ape surging in his body, Li Luo made a decision.

He started to walk towards the city gate in the central area, but when he got closer, he was stopped by two puppets.

"To enter the central area, you need three hundred points of merit."

Listening to the voice of the puppet machine, Li Luo asked, "How can I redeem the exploits?"

The tawny monkey puppet on the left flickered with red lights for a while, and said: "A shaman rat corpse has one point, a shaman cat has three points, and a shaman dog has five points."

Li Luo raised his eyebrows, and directly handed over a few Sha Devil Rats with space bags to the two puppets.

"No. 82736167, the evolutionary, the bloodline is exhausted, and the bloodline is level five. It is recommended that after entering the central area, you can quickly hunt down the evil spirits in exchange for evolving essence and blood to replenish the exhausted bloodline."

The two puppets uttered these words mechanically, and then gave way.

As soon as he entered the gate of the central area, Li Luo felt a shock in the space, and immediately afterwards, his perception of the outer area became blurred.

Compared to the outer area, the light here is darker, and it seems to be an isolated space. A faint red mist drifted around, and Li Luo only felt a sense of tyranny in his heart.

"It's so strong! Hey... the blood in my body is repelled. It seems to be a little smaller." Li Luo breathed the red mist, his face was a bit ugly at first, but then his complexion changed, revealing a touch of surprise. .

"No. This kind of evil energy can not only evolve a person's bloodline, but also consume the power of a person's bloodline. It's like a bloodline fusion source liquid. It's just that the effect is relatively more violent."

Feeling his own changes, Li Luo muttered to himself.

I was about to step forward to find the gathering point of the human race, but I didn't take a few steps. A familiar feeling was nearly ten times stronger than the previous street, and it swept over.

The hairs on the back of his neck and the back of his hands stood up frantically, a frightening omen made Li Luo retreat suddenly, and subconsciously looked to the street on the left.



With just a glance, Li Luo saw it.

The monster in front of him was actually a cat man he made himself in the dream world. Unlike the black cat sheriff he made, the cat man in front of him looked more like a beast.


Li Luo stood still, with unstoppable surprise on his face.

Had Xiaozhi been constantly analyzing the surrounding environment to him, Li Luo would have thought he had returned to the dream world.

Although I was surprised, I was relieved soon. If there are mice, there will be cats. If you eat a lot of mice, there will always be cats that will continue to evolve and become cat people.

Wanting to understand this, Li Luo took out the newt sword and prepared a fighting posture.

After the cat saw Li Luo, his slender body suddenly swelled, and his eyes turned blood red. The sharp fangs protruded and shed disgusting saliva. A pair of scarlet pupils stared at Li Luo closely.


A roar comparable to a lion sounded, and the cat man shot at Li Luo.

What Li Luo saw was a thunderous black shadow rushing towards him. The smelly breath was mixed with a strong and **** smell, and he almost vomited the food in his stomach.

At this moment, Li Luo instinctively stimulated the power of thunder in his body~www.readwn.com~ For the evil monster, the best way is to use the weapon blessed by the heart of thunder to fight.

Li Luo absorbed the blood of many gods and beasts, and the speed and power of his body had reached the extreme, but he still heard a "chill", his clothes were torn apart, and a coldness came.

But he reacted quickly, and his backhand was swiping a sword. At this moment, a half-arc-shaped blade of light bloomed in an instant.

This cat man seemed to be very experienced in combat. As Li Luo swung his sword, his entire body turned at an incredible angle, and it was able to dodge the blade, and after landing, he leaped forward.

Li Luo's eyes condensed, and even a little bit of meat foam could be seen from the cat man's face, it should be the unlucky ghost who came in to explore.

The cat man seemed to feel that he had succeeded, and the greed on his face was undoubtedly obvious.

At this moment, a dozen purple fireballs appeared out of thin air on Li Luo's chest. Although each of them was not big and powerful, the speed was reaching the extreme, hitting the cat's chest like a teleport.


Under the explosion, an astonishing scene happened. The cat man didn't even get burned on his skin, but the whole cat was lying on the ground, hissing in pain.


Similar to the sound of a baby's strange cry, Li Luo immediately did not hesitate, stepped on his feet suddenly, and instantly came to the cat man. Under a blur in his hand, the salamander sword turned into seven or eight sword shadows towards the cat man. Cut away.


The cat man was immediately torn apart.

And at this moment, an amazing scene happened!


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