Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 444: The price of bloodline repair

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"Of course. Brother Li Luo. Although most of the medicine gardens are planted with the main medicinal material of Jingang Bone Quenching Liquid, a small part of the medicine gardens are still planting the main material of the essential Yanyang Liquid. So, if you can stick to it After living for a month, I will give you the main materials of mature Yanyang Liquid to refine the Yanyang Liquid. The finished Yanyang Liquid will get five to five points for you and the League, how about it?" Delin said with a smile.

Li Luo looked at Delin after hearing this, and after a moment of silence, he nodded: "That's it. But there is one condition."

"Brother Li Luo, please speak." Delin's face showed a touch of joy.

"I am not talented, and have my own set of techniques for cultivating herbal medicines. So, under my cultivation, the amount of magic weeds that can mature is a little more, and the more part must be given to me." Li Luo's eyes flashed. Said.

"This is natural. There are regulations in the league. The person in charge can catalyze more magic weeds, and they will all be distributed to his subordinates in the form of welfare." Delin smiled, showing what I should be doing. .

"That's good, I'll take a rest for a long time, and then go to appoint." Li Luo turned and left Delin's office.

After Li Luo left, Delin clasped his hands together and made a snapping sound, as if his expression was very happy.

"Great, great elder, this Li Luo's ability is not so great. This time I was also ambushed by a few people from the Magic Light Pavilion, and I was almost captured by them. If it weren't for the Li Luo brothers, I might have done it today. I can't see you anymore." Yafei looked outside, then turned to look at Delin.

"So, what about that batch of Yanyang Liquid?" Delin asked quickly.

When Yafei was asked this, her breathing was stagnant, and she said, "They were all accepted by Elder Li Luo."

As he spoke, Yafei drew circles on the table with his fingers.

After hearing this, Delin thought for a while, his expression no longer tense, and said: "It's good that this batch of potions were originally given to their wizards. Since Li Luo is their leader, I will let the news go out and let those The wizard took refuge in."

Yafei's eyes lit up and said: "In this way, our power will even become the first of the eight powers."

Hearing this, Delin groaned for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, "Send Li Luo the Nine Ranked Blood Essence Grass we cultivated before, saying that we really want their people to come over."

"Good." Yafei took the order and retreated.

After Li Luo found a room, he began to cultivate.

Because of the large amount of blood essence obtained in the past few days, Li Luo absorbed all the blood essence in a full afternoon.

Sitting there, Li Luo felt the continuous warm air flow in the spine rushing towards the limbs, and even the sense of rejection in the blood vessels was rapidly disappearing.

"This evil spirit should be able to trigger the passive evolution of creatures. By resisting the evil energy into the body, can the blood in the body be sublimated? But if so, there must be humans who can not resist the evil spirit..." Feel the body Change, Li Luo thought of...

One possibility.

Slowly moving his neck, Li Luo laid the quilt on the bed and was about to turn off the light to fall asleep, but there was a soft footstep outside the room.

Clang clang,

There was a knock on the door outside, and Li Luo slowly opened the door.

What catches the eye is a young girl of twenty-eight years old, dragging a tray, which exudes an alluring smell of blood,

Li Luo glanced intently, took the tray, and raised his eyebrows.

"Master Li Luo. Grand Elder Delin asked me to say hello to you. I hope to cooperate with the wizards you brought. The Grand Elder said, I hope that your wizards will come to us and do some guidance on the configuration of the medicine. "The girl said softly and carefully.

Li Luo looked at the girl and smiled: "The elder made a good idea. I accepted it. As for the wizards, they can really listen to me, but they must be paid for service to you! Most of them are proud. That’s awesome. Let the Great Elder be mentally prepared."

"Yes. Elder Li Luo." The girl looked happy and stepped back.

After the girl left, Li Luo couldn't wait to close the door, and after thinking for a moment, he first took out the blood crystals purified from the three-headed monster before.

Feeling the unique evolutionary energy inside, Li Luo's complexion changed slightly, and he sat cross-legged on the bed, placing the Nine Ranked Blood Essence Grass on the other side, and immediately swallowed the blood essence transformed by the three-headed monster.


Suddenly, the lower abdomen seemed to be ignited by a fire, and the whole person's spine began to spasm. Li Luo's complexion did not change, and he bit a piece of Nine Ranked Blood Essence Grass in one bite, and suddenly a stream of heat filled his whole body.

Li Luo's whole body began to become blood red, and warm air evaporated from his back, and blood red lines appeared on his body.

I don’t know how long it took, a trace of purple lines that were almost invisible, appeared on the flashing red lines on his body, and began to condense out vaguely, at first there was only a faint trace, then two and three threads, at first it was not insignificant. Cha, by the middle of the night, it was already condensed to the naked eye level.

But soon, these purple lines flashed wildly with the red lines, blending into the red lines~www.readwn.com~ The evolutionary lines on his body also appeared a slight purple color.

"Ding, the bloodline defect of the subject has been repaired, and the repair level is 3%." Listening to Xiaozhi's report, Li Luo felt energetic.

"I didn't expect this super-evolved monster to give me such benefits..." Li Luo muttered to himself, looking at the remaining section of blood essence, shook his head helplessly.

"If you want to repair your bloodline and give birth to your own blood, I am afraid that it will consume a lot of resources. No wonder people who come in don't want to go out. The benefits of the central area are simply incalculable... ..."

Thinking of this, Li Luo sighed for a while, no longer thought about it, and fell asleep.

When the sun rose high the next day, he slowly woke up.

After taking a rest for a whole day, Li Luo's condition improved to his best. After receiving a pile of combat supplies from the warehouse, he walked towards the medicine garden. #b......

The red mist was still rolling on the br# street, and even when it came to the street in the pharmacy, the red mist was almost substantial.

Li Luo's complexion changed as he felt the viscous evil spirit.

According to the experience of this period of time, the concentration of evil spirits in front of us is enough to gather a large number of Tier 5 evil spirits, and even the evil evil spirits encountered when entering the ruins may encounter higher order here!

Li Luo's expression began to become dignified, and a layer of silver armor appeared on his body when he walked. The talented spell of diamond armor sealed him up and down tightly.

As a result, before he walked out 200 meters, a few blood-red eyes began to appear not far away, faintly in the fog, Li Luo saw a few deformed monsters blocking the way of the street, and roared at him. Come here.

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