Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 457: Bloodline Evolution Maze

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Looking at the evil demon in front of him, Li Luo's eyes flickered slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The Sha Demon who was a hundred meters away seemed to begin to calm down, and after a layer of dark evil aura appeared on his body, the whole person began to retreat violently.

Li Luo's eyes were slightly narrowed, his arms were blurred, the sword light of the newt's sword flashed, and an arc of lightning flashed from behind the evil demon, marking a white mark on the wall.


The Sha Demon, who was still crawling far away, suddenly flashed a black light on his body, and a dazzling purple crack appeared in his chest, and then turned into ashes under a horrible howl.

Li Luo took out the communicator, hurriedly typed in a few spells, and sent a message under the instillation of mana.

"We are all on guard against each other. Yesterday, some shamans got into our team. Before meeting me, we should be cautious in teaming.

After sending this news, Li Luo was about to step forward and leave, inadvertently sweeping his eyes to the ashes of the evil demon in the distance.

There, a gloomy black light kept flickering, like something left by the evil demon.

After approaching, Li Luozheng wanted to take a closer look, and suddenly a male-female voice suddenly rang in the void.

Li Luo was also taken aback, and his whole body was agitated. I looked around, but found no one. "The evil spirit bead, after the death of the evil spirit, it is formed by the combination of soul and evil energy, and can be exchanged for ordinary blood essence. Will the trialer start to exchange it?"

Listening to this voice in the sky, Li Luo thought of a possibility and quickly said: "Yes."

The entire laboratory is a brutal killing battlefield for sea-selected testers!

After taking the blood essence, the spine suddenly poured into the whole body with a stream of heat, and then the surrounding red evil spirits surged towards Li Luo. Under a painful convulsion, Li Luo felt an indescribable comfort in the spine. , The disharmony of the whole person disappeared.

"Good place."

Li Luo murmured secretly, but he didn't miss this feeling too much. He didn't want to become a murderous lunatic here. After all, the evolution formed by killing could be more profitable than hunting the Devil!

Looking at the map, walking slowly in one direction, Li Luo ran into more than a dozen shamans like just now, and finally ran into the giant snake at the entrance of the laboratory.

What is in front of me is a giant snake about the size of a half-a-man waist and more than ten meters in length. Its forehead has a single horn. The snake's scale is also covered with black patterns. Kind of vigor and a unique dark atmosphere.

"The Morasya snake, the offspring formed by the combination of the son of Purgatory and the local giant snake, did not expect to be ripened in the environment full of evil spirits and the supply of a large amount of blood."

Li Luo's eyes flashed a series of data, and said lightly.

"Then, let me see how much evolutionary origin you can provide me."

Holding the newt sword in his hand, Li Luo didn't dare to be careless. The giant snake on the opposite side had already evolved to Tier 5 and had some of the talents of the Son of Purgatory. From the beginning, he planned to use his full strength.

The rule of destruction comes from the depths of his soul, and it is also a manifestation of the bloodline genes, which also has a certain impact on the bloodline. However, the battle here is not known how many, and Li Luo dare not use it casually, so he can only stimulate the qi to bring the strength and strength. The defense is raised to the extreme.

The giant snake looked at Li Luo, a trace of contempt flashed in his gloomy eyes, and the entire snake body suddenly flashed with black light, and it turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Li Luo.

Li Luo walked around and appeared on the side of the giant snake, slashing the thunder sword on its body several times in succession, and the strong force also knocked the giant snake away, but looking at it, it was obvious that there was no What harm did it cause.

"What a tough Lin Jia!"

Seeing this scene, Li Luo frowned slightly: "Is it possible to burst out and destroy the rules?"


Molasia was knocked over and jumped up, spit out a snake letter in his mouth, the snake's body suddenly swayed, and slammed into Li Luo's chest fiercely.

"Boom boom..."

Feeling the oncoming fishy wind, Li Luo didn't dare to neglect, relying on Xiaozhi's assistance, he avoided the attack as much as possible.


Unable to dodge, after Li Luo cut out a spark with a sword, he immediately made a fist with his left hand and slammed his fist at the side of the giant snake. Under the muffled sound of a huge bell, two figures, one large and one small, all flew upside down. After Li Luo hit the wall, one flip fell on the ground, protected by the double protection of body protection gas and diamond armor. , The body did not suffer any harm.

After the giant snake flew out, the body also turned over and recovered, but the huge snake head was obviously shaking. Obviously, even if the punch did not hurt it, it made it dizzy for a while.

After Li Luo stood still, he glanced at the newt sword and found that it was enveloped by a layer of evil spirits, which was obviously diminished in power, and his doubts were clear.

Immediately, he put away the newt sword, took out a dagger, and while rushing forward, his sleeve robe flicked, and dozens of fireballs rolled towards the giant snake.


Under a series of explosions, the flames splashed around, and the entire corridor was filled with thick black smoke.

The black smoke dissipated, and a cyan dagger was stuck in the eyes of the giant snake. Under a dazzling thunder light, it turned into a black blood essence and appeared in front of Li Luo.

"Dark blood evolves blood essence." Li Luo hesitated, but put it away~www.readwn.com~ didn't plan to absorb it.

But at this moment, the voice that looked like a man and not a woman rang again.

"The tester didn't absorb blood essence, should he redeem his points for other rewards?"

Listening to this voice, Li Luo's eyes lit up and said, "Yes."

"The tester gets 500 points, which can be exchanged for a Rank 9 Blood Essence Grass, a Tier 5 Evolution Blood Essence, and a Heritage Map."

Li Luo almost didn't even think about it, and said loudly, "Inheritance map!"


As Li Luo's voice fell, the surroundings became quiet, and at the same time the black blood essence in his hand was swept away under a cyan air current, and gradually disappeared.

After waiting on the spot for a while, a puppet came over and handed him a map of animal skins.

Soon, the puppet left here, and the surroundings became quiet again.

Li Luo looked at the place on the map, and the corner of his mouth ticked: "Then, the game begins."

Immediately, he put on the Phantom Lost Clothes and disappeared in the corridor.

A few hours later, in a remote corridor, Li Luo's figure emerged out of thin air.

Looking at the dozens of colorful blood essences in his hand, Li Luo's face was filled with indescribable joy. With the concealment effect of the Phantom Lost Suit, Li Luo successfully attacked more than a dozen Tier 5 evolutionary monsters.

Just as he was about to sit down and absorb the spoils, his body suddenly stagnated, and the whole person suddenly slid to one side.

A figure appeared behind him, with a sense of endless greed, and withdrew his arm.

Li Luo glided tens of meters in the left corridor before turning around and looking, his complexion suddenly changed.


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