Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 463: The cost of picking up

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Similarly, I am afraid that the remaining knight masters and sages will not be enough to encircle Karen.

Li Luo stood there, his eyes deep. According to local intelligence, the remaining three evolutionary beasts have evolved into humanoid forms. Regardless of their IQ, combat instinct or strength, these three monsters are probably far above the behemoth.

Obviously, even if Li Luo fights with a few friends, his chances of winning will not be much.

Li Luo retracted his gaze, thought for a moment, and turned his head to look at the girls.

"Sorry, Yumeng and Aianna, I decided to act alone."

After speaking, Li Luo didn't wait for a few girls to disagree, put on the Phantom Lost suit, and disappeared into little bubbles.

"Huh! Really, every time!" Ivy said with an angry face and stomped her foot fiercely.

"So, he is always the strongest guy among the wizards, there is no one." Yu Meng sighed, the corner of his mouth hooked, and it was like a peach blossom in an instant.

"Let's do it too!" Ai Anna couldn't see anything on her face, she just clenched a pink fist and slammed into the void, causing a wave of anger.

Several girls quickly disappeared in this labyrinth passage with the team.


Li Luo encountered some evil spirits and evolved beasts along the way. Because his strength has recovered a lot, it is easy to kill these monsters on the spot and exchange all of them for ordinary blood essence.

He has been wandering in the maze for a week, and I figured out the details of the three monsters.

The second-to-last is the Shadow Leopard, a figure escape talent is extremely powerful, killing people invisible.

Ranked second is the tiger man. This tiger man basically does not possess any spells, but its super power and speed almost killed all the strong men of a mercenary group there.

The number one, none of the people who entered has ever come out alive, and Li Luo is also particularly afraid of him.

Because of the large amount of blood essence stored, Li Luo was not afraid of the bloodline being exhausted, and had been wandering in the area of ​​the tiger and the leopard, waiting for enough strong people to gather in these two places.

Finally, on this day, more than 100 Tier 4 powerhouses, under the leadership of ten Tier 5 powerhouses, teleported into the leopard man's lair.

Li Luo did not hesitate and stood by the leopard man's portal. After about an hour, there was no movement inside, and he believed in his own judgment even more firmly.


With the sound of snake letters in the distance, dense snake shadows emerged from the end of the passage, rushing towards the leopard man.

At the end of the passage, Li Luo couldn't see any change in his expression. He just retracted his head back to the fork in the road and waited silently.

After about three to five minutes, when all the Morasya snakes rushed into the teleportation witch formation, Li Luo slowly walked out of the fork in the road.

Looking at the teleportation array that exuded white light, Li Luo's body flashed with purple light, and then disappeared into a phantom.

Suddenly, the teleportation array shone with a dazzling white light, and everything gradually fell silent.

Li Luo only felt a flower in front of him, and after a while, he came to a cave.

He turned his head and looked around, his eyes fixed on the leftmost side of the cave, where a pile of snake corpses was more than ten meters high, and a **** air spread towards Li Luo.

On the right side of these snake corpses, giant snakes rushed continuously, and a vague shadow flashed between giant snakes like a teleport. Under the cyan claws, countless broken snake corpses splashed away.

Farther away was a three-person black giant snake. The black scales of the snake's body were dark and dark. Looking closely, the patterns spread on the scales of the snake, and a thick and dark aura spread to the surroundings.

Molas giant snake glanced at Li Luo, spit out a snake message, a dangerous breath seemed to lock Li Luo.

Li Luo just felt like he was in an ice cellar, so he couldn't move anymore.

This son of purgatory had even evolved to the sixth rank, and Li Luo immediately judged the strength of this Morath Serpent.

Li Luo couldn't help feeling anxious. If he was in his peak state, he still had a chance to escape from the mouth of the giant snake, but he clearly didn't have this kind of opportunity in his current state.

While anxious, Li Luo didn't dare to make any moves, and at the same time secretly prayed that the two monsters would die together.

The leopard man's speed and strength are extremely extraordinary, although there are many giant snakes, it is only enough to contain and consume some of the leopard man's physical strength.

At this time, the Serpent of Morath made a shot. But seeing layers of black flames ignited all over him, he slammed into the leopard man in diameter.


Li Luo only saw a phantom flashing by, and a cyan light and shadow underneath the light. When he saw the two sixth-order monsters again, it was the giant snake of Moras who firmly entangled the leopard man.

The Leopard man immediately shed a stream of blood, which was obviously squeezed out of some injuries by the strong force.

Seeing that the Leopard was killed like this, the Molas Serpent's next target might be himself!

When Li Luo was frightened, a cyan phantom was on the side of the Serpent Moras out of nowhere, his arm was slightly bent, and a cyan claw light flashed past.

Damn it!

The scales of the Molas giant snake burst at seven inches, and dark red blood spurted out.

Looking at the leopard figure coiled by the giant snake, it turned into a cyan smoke and disappeared.

The leopard man succeeded in a blow, quickly retreated, and instantly disappeared into the void, but then a dark black flame ignited in the void, and the leopard man appeared again, slamming his hands covered with black flame, but the black flame became more and more intense. Burning more intensely.

The Molas giant snake spurted blood at seven inches, rolling on the ground, twitching convulsively.

Li Luo's eyes brightened, and his heart was overjoyed. His chance has come!

Almost at the same time that the leopard man was burnt and convulsed, Li Luo's figure turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of the leopard man.

But seeing him holding a newt sword with a flash of lightning, the Leopard man suddenly turned to the side, and one of his arms was instantly broken with a purple electric glow.

Li Luo made another feint attack with a sword, but his hand flickered, grabbing the Leopard's arm in the palm of his hand, and blasting towards the distance.

The arms burning with black flames suddenly lit up under the purple light, and the black flames began to gradually extinguish, and Li Luo rushed towards the teleportation node without looking back.

At this moment, a dark phantom flashed ~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo felt a flower in front of him, as if he had been hit by a truck, and flew out.

Li Luo's vision began to blur, and he saw the Molas giant snake in the distance slowly retracting its tail, turning around and rushing towards the leopard leader.

Feeling the numbness coming from his arm, Li Luo glanced towards the palm of his hand, where a touch of cyan colloidal crystals were quietly suspended, exuding a seductive fragrance.

Li Luo watched the Moras giant snake swallow the leopard man's corpse in one mouthful, and immediately swallowed the leopard man's evolutionary blood essence into his mouth.


Li Luo only felt an explosion in his ears, and his entire body was blackened by a violent current of heat, and he fell to one side.

Before going into a coma, he found desperately that the Morass Serpent spit out a snake letter, made a trembling neigh, and quickly crawled towards him.

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